您选择的条件: Junwei Zhao
  • Long-Term Variation of Helioseismic Far-Side Images and What Causes It

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A new time--distance far-side imaging technique was recently developed by utilizing multiple multi-skip acoustic waves. The measurement procedure is applied to 11 years of Doppler observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory / Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager, and over 8000 far-side images of the Sun have been obtained with a 12-hour temporal cadence. The mean travel-time shifts in these images unsurprisingly vary with the solar cycle. However, the temporal variation does not show good correlations with the magnetic activity in their respective northern or southern hemisphere, but show very good anti-correlation with the global-scale magnetic activity. We investigate four possible causes of this travel-time variation. Our analysis demonstrates that the acoustic waves that are used for mapping the Sun's far side experience surface reflections around the globe, where they may interact with surface or near-surface magnetic field, and carry travel-time deficits with them. The mean far-side travel-time shifts from these acoustic waves therefore vary in phase with the Sun's magnetic activity.

  • A Possible Selection Rule for Flares Causing Sunquakes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Sunquakes are helioseismic power enhancements initiated by solar flares, but not all flares generate sunquakes. It is curious why some flares cause sunquakes while others do not. Here we propose a hypothesis to explain the disproportionate occurrence of sunquakes: during a flare's impulsive phase when the flare's impulse acts upon the photosphere, delivered by shock waves, energetic particles from higher atmosphere, or by downward Lorentz Force, a sunquake tends to occur if the background oscillation at the flare footpoint happens to oscillate downward in the same direction with the impulse from above. To verify this hypothesis, we select 60 strong flares in Solar Cycle 24, and examine the background oscillatory velocity at the sunquake sources during the flares' impulsive phases. Since the Doppler velocity observations at sunquake sources are usually corrupted during the flares, we reconstruct the oscillatory velocity in the flare sites using helioseismic holography method with an observation-based Green's function. A total of 24 flares are found to be sunquake active, giving a total of 41 sunquakes. It is also found that in 3-5 mHz frequency band, 25 out of 31 sunquakes show net downward oscillatory velocities during the flares' impulsive phases, and in 5-7 mHz frequency band, 33 out of 38 sunquakes show net downward velocities. These results support the hypothesis that a sunquake more likely occurs when a flare impacts a photospheric area with a downward background oscillation.

  • Solaris: A Focused Solar Polar Discovery-class Mission to achieve the Highest Priority Heliophysics Science Now

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solaris is a transformative Solar Polar Discovery-class mission concept to address crucial outstanding questions that can only be answered from a polar vantage. Solaris will image the Sun's poles from ~75 degree latitude, providing new insight into the workings of the solar dynamo and the solar cycle, which are at the foundation of our understanding of space weather and space climate. Solaris will also provide enabling observations for improved space weather research, modeling and prediction, revealing a unique, new view of the corona, coronal dynamics and CME eruptions from above.

  • Phase Shifts Measured in Evanescent Acoustic Waves above the Solar Photosphere and Their Possible Impacts to Local Helioseismology

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A set of 464-min high-resolution high-cadence observations were acquired for a region near the Sun's disk center using the Interferometric BI-dimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) installed at the Dunn Solar Telescope. Ten sets of Dopplergrams are derived from the bisector of the spectral line corresponding approximately to different atmospheric heights, and two sets of Dopplergrams are derived using MDI-like algorithm and center-of-gravity method. These data are then filtered to keep only acoustic modes, and phase shifts are calculated between Doppler velocities of different atmospheric heights as a function of acoustic frequency. The analysis of the frequency- and height-dependent phase shifts shows that for evanescent acoustic waves, oscillations in the higher atmosphere lead those in the lower atmosphere by an order of 1 s when their frequencies are below about 3.0 mHz, and lags behind by about 1 s when their frequencies are above 3.0 mHz. Non-negligible phase shifts are also found in areas with systematic upward or downward flows. All these frequency-dependent phase shifts cannot be explained by vertical flows or convective blueshifts, but are likely due to complicated hydrodynamics and radiative transfer in the non-adiabatic atmosphere in and above the photosphere. These phase shifts in the evanescent waves pose great challenges to the interpretation of some local helioseismic measurements that involve data acquired at different atmospheric heights or in regions with systematic vertical flows. More quantitative characterization of these phase shifts is needed so that they can either be removed during measuring processes or be accounted for in helioseismic inversions.

  • Cosmic Ray Intensity Variation Lags Sunspot number: Implications of Late Opening of Solar Magnetic Field

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), the highly energetic particles that may raise critical health issues for astronauts in space, are modulated by solar activity with their intensity lagging behind the sunspot number (SSN) variation by about one year. Previously, this lag has been attributed to a combined effect of outward convecting solar wind and inward propagating GCRs. However, the lag's amplitude and its solar-cycle dependence are still not fully understood (Ross & Chaplin, 2019). By investigating the solar surface magnetic field, we find that the source of heliospheric magnetic field -- the open magnetic flux on the Sun, already lags behind SSN before it convects into heliosphere along with the solar wind. The delay during odd cycles is longer than that during sequential even cycles. Thus, we propose that the GCR lag is primarily due to the greatly late opening of the solar magnetic field with respect to SSN, though solar wind convection and particle transport in the heliosphere also matter. We further investigate the origin of the open flux from different latitudes of the Sun and found that the total open flux is significantly contributed by that from low latitudes where coronal mass ejections frequently occur and also show an odd-even cyclic pattern. Our findings challenge existing theories, and may serve as the physical basis of long-term forecasts radiation dose estimates for manned deep-space exploration missions.

  • White-light Continuum Observation of the Off-limb Loops of the SOL2017-09-10 X8.2 Flare: Temporal and Spatial Variations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Observations of the Sun's off-limb white-light (WL) flares offer rare opportunities to study the energy release and transport mechanisms in flare loops. One of the best such events was SOL2017-09-10, an X8.2 flare that occurred near the Sun's west limb on 2017 September 10 and produced a WL loop system lasting more than 60 minutes and reaching an altitude higher than 30 Mm. The event was well observed by a suite of ground- and space-based instruments, including the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (SDO/HMI) that captured its off-limb loops in WL continuum near Fe I 6173 A, and the Atmospheric Imager Assembly (SDO/AIA) that observed its ultraviolet (UV) and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) counterparts. We found quasi-periodic pulsations in the WL and UV emissions at the flare loop-top with a period around 8.0 min. Each pulsation appears to have an EUV counterpart that occurs earlier in time and higher in altitude. Despite many similarities in the WL and UV images and light curves, the WL flux at the loop-top continues to grow for about 16 minutes while the UV fluxes gradually decay. We discuss the implication of these unprecedented observations on the understanding of the enigmatic off-limb WL flare emission mechanisms.

  • Inferring Maps of the Sun's Far-side Unsigned Magnetic Flux from Far-side Helioseismic Images using Machine Learning Techniques

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Accurate modeling of the Sun's coronal magnetic field and solar wind structures require inputs of the solar global magnetic field, including both the near and far sides, but the Sun's far-side magnetic field cannot be directly observed. However, the Sun's far-side active regions are routinely monitored by helioseismic imaging methods, which only require continuous near-side observations. It is therefore both feasible and useful to estimate the far-side magnetic-flux maps using the far-side helioseismic images despite their relatively low spatial resolution and large uncertainties. In this work, we train two machine-learning models to achieve this goal. The first machine-learning training pairs simultaneous SDO/HMI-observed magnetic-flux maps and SDO/AIA-observed EUV 304$\r{A}$ images, and the resulting model can convert 304$\r{A}$ images into magnetic-flux maps. This model is then applied on the STEREO/EUVI-observed far-side 304$\r{A}$ images, available for about 4.3 years, for the far-side magnetic-flux maps. These EUV-converted magnetic-flux maps are then paired with simultaneous far-side helioseismic images for a second machine-learning training, and the resulting model can convert far-side helioseismic images into magnetic-flux maps. These helioseismically derived far-side magnetic-flux maps, despite their limitations in spatial resolution and accuracy, can be routinely available on a daily basis, providing useful magnetic information on the Sun's far side using only the near-side observations.