您选择的条件: Daisuke Nagai
  • Morphological Parameters and Associated Uncertainties for 8 Million Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We use the Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network (GaMPEN) to estimate morphological parameters and associated uncertainties for $\sim 8$ million galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Wide survey with $z \leq 0.75$ and $m \leq 23$. GaMPEN is a machine learning framework that estimates Bayesian posteriors for a galaxy's bulge-to-total light ratio ($L_B/L_T$), effective radius ($R_e$), and flux ($F$). By first training on simulations of galaxies and then applying transfer learning using real data, we trained GaMPEN with $<1\%$ of our dataset. This two-step process will be critical for applying machine learning algorithms to future large imaging surveys, such as the Rubin-Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (NGRST), and Euclid. By comparing our results to those obtained using light-profile fitting, we demonstrate that GaMPEN's predicted posterior distributions are well-calibrated ($\lesssim 5\%$ deviation) and accurate. This represents a significant improvement over light profile fitting algorithms which underestimate uncertainties by as much as $\sim60\%$. For an overlapping sub-sample, we also compare the derived morphological parameters with values in two external catalogs and find that the results agree within the limits of uncertainties predicted by GaMPEN. This step also permits us to define an empirical relationship between the S\'ersic index and $L_B/L_T$ that can be used to convert between these two parameters. The catalog presented here represents a significant improvement in size ($\sim10 \times $), depth ($\sim4$ magnitudes), and uncertainty quantification over previous state-of-the-art bulge+disk decomposition catalogs. With this work, we also release GaMPEN's source code and trained models, which can be adapted to other datasets.

  • Accurate Model of the Projected Velocity Distribution of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a percent-level accurate model of the line-of-sight velocity distribution of galaxies around dark matter halos as a function of projected radius and halo mass. The model is developed and tested using synthetic galaxy catalogs generated with the UniverseMachine run on the Multi-Dark Planck 2 N-body simulations. The model decomposes the galaxies around a cluster into three kinematically distinct classes: orbiting, infalling, and interloping galaxies. We demonstrate that: 1) we can statistically distinguish between these three types of galaxies using only projected line-of-sight velocity information; 2) the halo edge radius inferred from the line-of-sight velocity dispersion is an excellent proxy for the three-dimensional halo edge radius; 3) we can accurately recover the full velocity dispersion profile for each of the three populations of galaxies. Importantly, the velocity dispersion profiles of the orbiting and infalling galaxies contain five independent parameters -- three distinct radial scales and two velocity dispersion amplitudes -- each of which is correlated with mass. Thus, the velocity dispersion profile of galaxy clusters has inherent redundancies that allow us to perform nontrivial systematics check from a single data set. We discuss several potential applications of our new model for detecting the edge radius and constraining cosmology and astrophysics using upcoming spectroscopic surveys.

  • A Machine Learning Approach to Enhancing eROSITA Observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The eROSITA X-ray telescope, launched in 2019, is predicted to observe roughly 100,000 galaxy clusters. Follow-up observations of these clusters from Chandra, for example, will be needed to resolve outstanding questions about galaxy cluster physics. Deep Chandra cluster observations are expensive and follow-up of every eROSITA cluster is infeasible, therefore, objects chosen for follow-up must be chosen with care. To address this, we have developed an algorithm for predicting longer duration, background-free observations based on mock eROSITA observations. We make use of the hydrodynamic cosmological simulation Magneticum, have simulated eROSITA instrument conditions using SIXTE, and have applied a novel convolutional neural network to output a deep Chandra-like "super observation" of each cluster in our simulation sample. Any follow-up merit assessment tool should be designed with a specific use case in mind; our model produces observations that accurately and precisely reproduce the cluster morphology, which is a critical ingredient for determining cluster dynamical state and core type. Our model will advance our understanding of galaxy clusters by improving follow-up selection and demonstrates that image-to-image deep learning algorithms are a viable method for simulating realistic follow-up observations.

  • Line Emission Mapper (LEM): Probing the physics of cosmic ecosystems

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Line Emission Mapper (LEM) is an X-ray Probe for the 2030s that will answer the outstanding questions of the Universe's structure formation. It will also provide transformative new observing capabilities for every area of astrophysics, and to heliophysics and planetary physics as well. LEM's main goal is a comprehensive look at the physics of galaxy formation, including stellar and black-hole feedback and flows of baryonic matter into and out of galaxies. These processes are best studied in X-rays, and emission-line mapping is the pressing need in this area. LEM will use a large microcalorimeter array/IFU, covering a 30x30' field with 10" angular resolution, to map the soft X-ray line emission from objects that constitute galactic ecosystems. These include supernova remnants, star-forming regions, superbubbles, galactic outflows (such as the Fermi/eROSITA bubbles in the Milky Way and their analogs in other galaxies), the Circumgalactic Medium in the Milky Way and other galaxies, and the Intergalactic Medium at the outskirts and beyond the confines of galaxies and clusters. LEM's 1-2 eV spectral resolution in the 0.2-2 keV band will make it possible to disentangle the faintest emission lines in those objects from the bright Milky Way foreground, providing groundbreaking measurements of the physics of these plasmas, from temperatures, densities, chemical composition to gas dynamics. While LEM's main focus is on galaxy formation, it will provide transformative capability for all classes of astrophysical objects, from the Earth's magnetosphere, planets and comets to the interstellar medium and X-ray binaries in nearby galaxies, AGN, and cooling gas in galaxy clusters. In addition to pointed observations, LEM will perform a shallow all-sky survey that will dramatically expand the discovery space.

  • Weak-lensing mass bias in merging galaxy clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Although weak lensing (WL) is a powerful method to estimate a galaxy cluster mass without any dynamical assumptions, a model bias can arise when the cluster density profile departs from the assumed model profile. In a merging system, the bias is expected to become most severe because the constituent halos undergo significant structural changes. In this study, we investigate WL mass bias in binary cluster mergers using a suite of idealized hydrodynamical simulations. Realistic WL shear catalogs are generated by matching the source galaxy properties, such as intrinsic shape dispersion, measurement noise, source densities, etc., to those from Subaru and {\it Hubble Space Telescope} observations. We find that, with the typical mass-concentration ($M$-$c$) relation and the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile, the halo mass bias depends on the time since the first pericenter passage and increases with the mass of the companion cluster. The time evolution of the mass bias is similar to that of the concentration, indicating that, to first order, the mass bias is modulated by the concentration change. For a collision between two $\sim10^{15}~M_{\odot}$ clusters, the maximum bias amounts to $\sim60\%$. This suggests that previous WL studies may have significantly overestimated the mass of the clusters in some of the most massive mergers. Finally, we apply our results to three merger cases: Abell 2034, MACS J1752.0+4440, and ZwCl 1856.8+6616, and report their mass biases at the observed epoch, as well as their pre-merger masses, utilizing their merger shock locations as tracers of the merger phases.

  • The Uchuu-UniverseMachine dataset: Galaxies in and around Clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the public data release of the Uchuu-UM galaxy catalogues by applying the UniverseMachine algorithm to assign galaxies to the dark matter halos in the Uchuu $N$-body cosmological simulation. It includes a variety of baryonic properties for all galaxies down to $\sim 5\times10^8 M_{\odot}$ with halos in a mass range of $10^{10}展开 -->

  • A multi-simulation study of relativistic SZ temperature scalings in galaxy clusters and groups

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect is a powerful tool in modern cosmology. With future observations promising ever improving SZ measurements, the relativistic corrections to the SZ signals from galaxy groups and clusters are increasingly relevant. As such, it is important to understand the differences between three temperature measures: (a) the average relativistic SZ (rSZ) temperature, (b) the mass-weighted temperature relevant for the thermal SZ (tSZ) effect, and (c) the X-ray spectroscopic temperature. In this work, we compare these cluster temperatures, as predicted by the {\sc Bahamas} \& {\sc Macsis}, {\sc Illustris-TNG}, {\sc Magneticum}, and {\sc The Three Hundred Project} simulations. Despite the wide range of simulation parameters, we find the SZ temperatures are consistent across the simulations. We estimate a $\simeq 10\%$ level correction from rSZ to clusters with $Y\simeq10^{-4}$~Mpc$^{-2}$. Our analysis confirms a systematic offset between the three temperature measures; with the rSZ temperature $\simeq 20\%$ larger than the other measures, and diverging further at higher redshifts. We demonstrate that these measures depart from simple self-similar evolution and explore how they vary with the defined radius of haloes. We investigate how different feedback prescriptions and resolution affect the observed temperatures, and discover the SZ temperatures are rather insensitive to these details. The agreement between simulations indicates an exciting avenue for observational and theoretical exploration, determining the extent of relativistic SZ corrections. We provide multiple simulation-based fits to the scaling relations for use in future SZ modelling.

  • A candidate runaway supermassive black hole identified by shocks and star formation in its wake

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The interaction of a runaway supermassive black hole (SMBH) with the circumgalactic medium (CGM) can lead to the formation of a wake of shocked gas and young stars behind it. Here we report the serendipitous discovery of an extremely narrow linear feature in HST/ACS images that may be an example of such a wake. The feature extends 62 kpc from the nucleus of a compact star-forming galaxy at z=0.964. Keck LRIS spectra show that the [OIII]/H$\beta$ ratio varies from ~1 to ~10 along the feature, indicating a mixture of star formation and fast shocks. The feature terminates in a bright [OIII] knot with a luminosity of 1.9x10$^{41}$ ergs/s. The stellar continuum colors vary along the feature, and are well-fit by a simple model that has a monotonically increasing age with distance from the tip. The line ratios, colors, and the overall morphology are consistent with an ejected SMBH moving through the CGM at high speed while triggering star formation. The best-fit time since ejection is ~39 Myr and the implied velocity is v~1600 km/s. The feature is not perfectly straight in the HST images, and we show that the amplitude of the observed spatial variations is consistent with the runaway SMBH interpretation. Opposite the primary wake is a fainter and shorter feature, marginally detected in [OIII] and the rest-frame far-ultraviolet. This feature may be shocked gas behind a binary SMBH that was ejected at the same time as the SMBH that produced the primary wake.

  • Indirect Measurements of Gas Velocities in Galaxy Clusters: Effects of Ellipticity and Cluster Dynamic State

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: While awaiting direct velocity measurement of gas motions in the hot intracluster medium, we rely on indirect probes, including gas perturbations in galaxy clusters. Using a sample of $\sim 80$ clusters in different dynamic states from Omega500 cosmological simulations, we examine scaling relations between the fluctuation amplitudes of gas density, $\delta\rho/\rho$, pressure, $\delta P/P$, X-ray surface brightness, Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) y-parameter, and the characteristic Mach number of gas motions, $M_{\rm 1d}$. In relaxed clusters, accounting for halo ellipticities reduces $\delta\rho/\rho$ or $\delta P/P$ by a factor of up to 2 within $r_{500c}$. We confirm a strong linear correlation between $\delta\rho/\rho$ (or $\delta P/P$) and $M_{\rm 1d}$ in relaxed clusters, with the proportionality coefficient $\eta \approx 1$. For unrelaxed clusters, the correlation is less strong and has a larger $\eta\approx 1.3\pm 0.5$ ($1.5\pm0.5$) for $\delta\rho/\rho$ ($\delta P/P$). Examination of the power-law scaling of $M_{\rm 1d}$ with $\delta\rho/\rho$ shows that it is almost linear for relaxed clusters, while for the unrelaxed ones, it is closer to $\delta\rho/\rho\propto M_{\rm 1d}^2$, supporting an increasing role of non-linear terms and compressive modes. In agreement with previous studies, we observe a strong correlation of $M_{\rm 1d}$ with radius. Correcting for these correlations leaves a residual scatter in $M_{\rm 1d}$ of $\sim 4 (7)$ per cent for relaxed (perturbed) clusters. Hydrostatic mass bias correlates with $M_{\rm 1d}$ as strongly as with $\delta\rho/\rho$ in relaxed clusters. The residual scatters after correcting for derived trends is $\sim 6-7$ per cent. These predictions can be verified with existing X-ray and SZ observations of galaxy clusters combined with forthcoming velocity measurements with X-ray microcalorimeters.