Your conditions: Matthias U. Kruckow
  • Unexpected correlations in outstanding subpopulations of the gravitational wave transient catalogue data

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: With the third observing run the number of gravitational wave emitting events has increased significantly. The data of the recorded events is inspected to search for overall properties on the population. The properties of subpopulations are determined and compared to predictions from simulations. It appears that the most outstanding systems follow linear relations in the parameter space of the total binary and the chirp mass. Those relations are too tight to have a stochastic origin and are supported by at least five independent events each. The origin of the correlations is still open to be confirmed, while possible sources, ranging from instrumental artefacts to unknown physics, are discussed and partly excluded. Depending on the relation's source the two events (GW190814 and GW200210_092254) having a smaller mass component between 2.5 and 2.9 Msun may reveal in a very different light.

  • SCATTER: A New Common Envelope Formalism

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: One of the most mysterious astrophysical states is the common envelope (CE) phase of binary evolution, in which two stars are enshrouded by the envelope shed by one of them. Interactions between the stars and the envelope shrinks the orbit. The CE can lead to mergers or to a subsequent phase of interactions. Mergers may involve any combination of two compact objects and/or stars. Some involving white dwarfs, may produce Type Ia supernovae, while merging neutron stars may yield gamma-ray bursts, and merging compact objects of all kinds produce gravitational radiation. Since CEs can arise from a variety of different initial conditions, and due to the complexity of the processes involved, it is difficult to predict their end states. When many systems are being considered, as in population synthesis calculations, conservation principles are generally employed. Here we use angular momentum in a new way to derive a simple expression for the final orbital separation. This method provides advantages for the study of binaries and is particularly well-suited to higher order multiples, now considered to be important in the genesis of potential mergers. Here we focus on CEs in binaries, and the follow-up paper extends our formalism to multiple star systems within which a CE occurs.