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  • How to bypass middle-technology trap: Lessons from successful experience of East Asian economies

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-12-04 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: In the second half of the 20th century, a few East Asian economies successfully bypassed the middle-technology trap through technological progress and industrial upgrading. How could these economies utilize foreign technology, thereby catching up with and surpassing the medium level of technological development, stepping into the edge of technological frontier? Their successful experience can be used by China to stride over the trap. This study analyzes the common elements of the success of these economies from both external and internal aspects. Externally, these economies happened to be benefited from an international business environment that is open and free. Consequently, the cross-border flow of talents, goods and capital became an important source of accelerator for technology diffusion and innovation. From the perspective of internal development, these economies were benefited from (1) a gradually market-oriented policy environment, (2) a high-quality education system and open system of human capital, as well as (3) an enterprise-oriented innovation system for applied science that can transform basic science into applied technologies, (4) a financial system with local characteristics.

  • Empirical analysis for China’s middle-technology status

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-12-04 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: After years of development, it is evident that China’s manufacturing industry has been seen a significant improvement in its scale and coverage. However, it has still not broken free from the dilemma of being big but not strong, comprehensive but not excellent. This phenomenon has garnered extensive attention from both the academic and policy communities. This study contends that technological progress is the core of high-quality development in the manufacturing industry. Through empirical research, it is discovered that for latecomer countries in the early stages of economic development, achieving economic growth and income improvement through technology imitation is relatively feasible. However, it becomes a challenging task to achieve technological catch-up and original technological progress after the phase of imitation. Based on this fact, it is argued that China is currently in a state of medium-level technology. It faces the potential threat of ambush from the front (technological blockades from advanced countries) and the pressure of pursuit from behind (low-cost competition from other latecomer countries). To avoid falling into the middle-technology trap, it is imperative to vigorously promote original technological progress.