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  • 新疆叶尔羌河流域景观生态风险评价及预测

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2024-06-12 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: Landscape ecological risk evaluation is an essential tool for measuring the safety of ecosystems within a certain range. Taking the Yarkant River Basin as the study area, we synthesized the Markov-PLUS model and the landscape ecological risk assessment index to analyze and predict the evolution characteristics of land use and landscape ecological risk and the change trends under multiple future scenarios and to delineate the risk focus management regions. The results were as follows: (1) Cultivated land, water, and impervious surface in the Yar-kant River Basin increased, and woodland, grassland, and unused land decreased from 2005 to 2020. In 2035, land use under Scenario I followed the historical development pattern of change. In comparison with Scenario I, cultivated land increased and other land types decreased in Scenario II; woodland, grassland, and water increased and cultivated land, impervious surface, and unused land decreased in Scenario III. (2) From 2005 to 2035, the landscape ecological risk of the Yarkant River Basin as a whole showed an upward trend, and the spatial distribution was characterized by "low in the southwest and high in the northeast." The risk deterioration area was mainly concentrated in the alluvial plains at lower altitudes, and the risk maintenance area was mainly distributed in the mountains and glaciers at higher altitudes. (3) In comparison with Scenarios I and II, Scenario III had a smaller average value of the landscape ecological risk index, and it was the optimal future scenario to achieve a win-win situation for both ecological protection and economic development in the Yarkant River Basin. (4) The alluvial plain in the northeastern part of the Yarkant River Basin was a stable high-risk region, the edges of the alluvial plain and the mountains in the west were risk-prone regions, and the mountains and glaciers in the south were in-creasing-risk lagging regions. The results of this study can provide a reference for the optimization of local landscape ecological security patterns and ecological risk prevention or reduction.

  • Research in Desertification Mechanism and Reversion Techniques Promotes Sustainable Restoration of Degraded Ecosystem and Agro-pastoral Development

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Land degradation is one of the long-term challenging eco-environmental problems and it was even worse at the agropastoral transitional region in China in the 1980s. Taking the Horqin Sandy Land as a case study of the agro-pastoral transitional region, Naiman Desertification Research Station, Northwest Institute of Eco-environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a series of achievements in the research on the mechanism of desertification-prone ecosystems, desertification monitoring, restoration techniques trial and demonstrations, and dissemination of in-depth research findings. It has been one of the leading research and data collection platforms in the research and observation of fragile ecosystems, particularly in academic research and technical development for combating desertification in China. The innovative models, represented with the Integrative Model for Combating Desertification and Promoting Development, have been widely adopted for restoration of desertification-prone land sand sustainable land management (SLM). Naiman Station was awarded by UNEP and UNDP for its success in saving the drylands. With this model, Naiman Station has successfully introduced more than 100 species of crops, vegetables, fruit trees, and grasses and developed related techniques for ecological conservation, local economic development, and improvement of livelihood of local people. The station has made a profound contribution to combating desertification in Horqin Sandy Land and in Northern China as a whole. Naiman Station will challenge the mounting issues of water scarcity caused by growing land use pressure and climate change, through carrying out continuous research in the mechanism of synergic succession of soil-plant subsystem. Based on the achievement of this valuable research, this station will develop more adaptive techniques and models for sustainable land management, and provide immediate scientific and technological supports to the ecological shelters and sustainable development in Northern China.

  • 新疆阿克苏河流域生态承载力监测及安全格局构建

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2021-10-10 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 阿克苏河流域作为西北干旱区内陆河,生态环境极为脆弱,研究其生态安全格局对优化区 域国土空间开发保护格局,推动生产生活方式向绿色转型,促进人与自然和谐共生具有重要战略 意义。基于研究区本底特征,运用空间主成分分析法(SPCA)对阿克苏河流域 1980—2018 年生态 承载力时空演变进行评估监测,利用最小累积阻力(MCR)模型提取生态廊道及生态节点,构建生 态安全格局。研究表明:(1)阿克苏河流域生态承载力空间差异明显,以中等承载为主,生态承载 优势区呈现由中东部向西部转移趋势。(2)阿克苏河流域生态承载力呈增长趋势。近 40 a 阿克苏 河流域整体生态承载力呈上升趋势,强承载区面积不断增加,弱承载区面积呈现波动下降趋势,表 明流域环境有所改善。(3)生态源地占整体面积较少,分布较为集中。根据生态承载力评估结果, 提取生态源地 23465.21 km2,约占研究区面积的 35.61%。生态源地集中分布于流域中部地区,北部 高山地区与西南部盆地、沙漠地区分布较少。(4)利用 MCR 模型及遥感影像,将阿克苏河流域划分 为 16 个生态安全格局分区,提取生态廊道 67 条,识别生态节点 71 处,并结合生态承载力评估结果, 对流域生态空间结构提出优化建议。

  • 半干旱沙地樟子松林降雨再分配特征

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Hydrology submitted time 2021-03-03 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 森林植被的降雨再分配过程是影响区域水资源利用效率以及生态系统生产力的重要因 素。于 2018 年 5—8 月观测 27 a 生樟子松人工林降雨再分配特征,探究降雨再分配的比例变化对 林地水分平衡的影响机制,分析、量化林内穿透雨、林冠截留、树干径流、枯落物层入渗部分产生的 阈值。结果表明:樟子松林内穿透雨量占同期降雨量的 86.45%,穿透雨量随着降雨量的增加呈线 性增加趋势,降雨量>0.63 mm 时产生穿透雨;林冠截留量和树干径流量分别占降雨量的 10.44%和 2.54%,树干径流量与降雨量之间呈正线性关系,降雨量>1.19 mm 时,产生树干径流;枯落物层截留 量占降雨量的 12.37%,枯落物层截留量随着降雨量的增加而增加;枯落物在 0~24 h 内平均吸水速 率为 1.83 mm·h-1,其最大持水量为 3.23 mm,并且枯落物层截留量占其最大持水量的 42.37%。从 林冠到枯落物各层截留总量为 25.35%,其中有 74.65%的雨水最后从枯落物层入渗进入地表,用于 补充土壤水分、下渗或补充地下水。半干旱沙地樟子松林可以有效地发挥截留降雨、贮存雨水的 功能,继而改善沙地土壤含水量和地下水的有效补给量,提高森林生态系统生产力。

  • 叶尔羌河流域土地生态脆弱性差异评价

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2020-06-12 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 综合评估叶尔羌河流域土地生态脆弱性,为流域重点治理、恢复绿洲生机提供决策依据和理论支持。本文以叶尔羌河流域作为研究区,获取2008—2018年各时期不同指标层数据,利用ArcGIS 10.5的栅格计算功能与自然间断分类法,综合计算研究区生态脆弱性指数,并将其划分为五种脆弱等级并表征其时空分布。研究结果表明:在空间分布上,研究区以微度、轻度脆弱区为主,面积占比分别为35.67%、33.63%,主要分布在叶尔羌河中下游冲积扇平原;中、重度脆弱区比重次之,分别占比为14.89%、12.93%,主要分布在叶尔羌河上游山地丘陵区;极度脆弱区面积占比最小,仅为2.89%,但面积亦有3 000平方公里,主要分布在叶尔羌河中下游人口密集区,对流域整体生态环境起着“木桶效应”。局部地区生态环境持续恶化,致使流域整体生态压力与生态“阈值”的平衡受到影响。在时间分布上,2008-2011年整体评价指数下降0.043 24,2010—2014年整体评价指数下降0.005 41,2014—2018年整体评价指数下降0.05686。虽然各时期土地生态脆弱指数不同程度降低,流域整体生态环境呈改善趋势,但中、重、极度脆弱区依旧分布广泛,亟需研究其分布规律,针对不同脆弱区提出具体调控对策。

  • 沙地植物幼苗生长对降水和风速变化的响应

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-10 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:为研究沙地植物幼苗生长对降水和风速变化的响应过程,于2016年4月中旬利用40个2 m×2 m×2 m的混凝土样方池,通过人工增雨及遮风网降低风速的方法开展模拟控制实验。结果表明:① 风速、降水以及两者的协同作用对萌发物种数无显著影响 (P>0.05)。风速降低20%和降水增加60%使种子萌发物种数与对照相比分别增加4.9%和1.3%;风速降低20%条件下,自然降水和降水增加60%均可使种子萌发物种数增加7.2%。② 不同降水处理会使植物幼苗密度大幅度降低、高度波动变化;风速降低可以较显著地促进沙地植物幼苗生长高度,特别是优势植物猪毛菜(Salsola collina)、大果虫实(Corispermum macrocarpum)的生长高度(P0.05)。以上研究结果表明:降水增加30%对种子萌发阶段物种丰富度的抑制作用较大;与降水相比,风速是沙地植物幼苗生长高度的主要影响因素,并且自然降水条件下,风速降低40%可以使沙地植物幼苗生长高度最大限度地增加;沙地植被物种多样性指数对降水及风速的变化不敏感,这说明科尔沁沙地生态系统群落结构相对较为稳定。

  • 新疆和田地区耕地面源污染生态风险评价

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2019-03-07 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:随着化肥、农膜等在农业生产中的过量投入,耕地面源污染的程度随之加重。文章选取塔里木河流域上游和田地区为研究区域,依据P-S-R框架理论,构建和田地区耕地面源污染生态风险评价指标体系,加入土壤理化数据,使用生态风险评价模型对和田地区1980 年及2016 年耕地面源污染状况进行生态风险评价,运用耕地生态风险模型、生态风险转移矩阵、Arcgis分析和田地区耕地面源污染时空分异状况。研究结论如下:和田地区1980 年耕地生态风险等级均为II级或III级,呈“中间高,两侧低”分布;2016 年耕地生态风险等级上升至IV级或V级,呈“倒W型”分布,各县耕地面源污染程度较1980 年均有较大幅度的上升,其中墨玉县和于田县在2016 年耕地生态风险等级达到最高的V级,而民丰县因自身生态环境的强脆弱性,同样需要提高关注。根据面源污染“从源头治理”的原则,应切实推进和田地区耕地生态环境保护与治理,提高政府重视程度,增强技术指导,开展试点工作,改善和田地区耕地面源污染现状。

  • 塔里木河流域土地开发的生态响应研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2018-11-14 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 60a来塔里木河流域耕地面积净增100×104hm2,在流域内部形成众多生态环境安全问题。本文选取水资源生态环境指数、社会生态环境指数和生态环境压力指数,运用ESDA空间分析方法和GWR模型对塔里木河流域35a间土地开发与生态时空演变特征和空间响应关系进行研究,构建“土地开发-生态风险预警”模型,得出以下结论:1980—2015年克州和喀什地区生态等级正向转移比例较大,有84.86%的比例由较低等级(I)正向转移为低等级(II);和田地区的克里雅河流域,阿克苏北部区域以及塔里木河末端且末县等级退化严重,负向转移比例23.46%。和田、阿克苏、喀什地区每增加1.0×104 hm2未利用地开垦规模,综合生态环境分值下降0.6到0.35分,而克州地区则上升1.3~2.1分;上游喀什与中游阿克苏两地区每1.0×104ha生态退耕,每a将分别化解32.06×104t和15.60×104t化肥污染压力。阿克苏与巴州地区土地开发生态风险达到环境资源承载力指数的75%以上,预警程度超过II级,而克州地区土地开发处于生态安全范围。每1.0×104 hm2未利用土地开发,全流域风险指数增长均值为0.003 4,下游巴州地区在增加15×104~20×104 hm2耕地后,生态风险将逼近并超过环境预警界限,上游克州地区将在15a之后进入中度警告阶段。

  • 天山北坡经济带宜耕未利用地开发潜力分区及评价——以新疆阜康市为例

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Basic Disciplines of Agriculture submitted time 2017-11-07 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract:新疆地区拥有比较丰富的未利用地资源, 合理开发利用该区域未利用地在一定程度上有助于缓解日益严峻的人地矛盾和保障区域粮食安全。本研究以阜康市为研究区域, 采用生态位适宜度模型, 选择土壤含盐量、土层厚度、土壤质地、有机质含量、地貌类型、林地覆盖率、灌溉保证率、土壤侵蚀模数、≥10 ℃积温、距离河流距离、流域地均径流量以及年均降水量共12 个指标构建评价指标体系, 进行未利用地开发利用适宜性评价。研究结果表明, 阜康市较适宜开发耕地的未利用地(主要包括高度适宜和基本适宜)占未利用地总面积的22.21%, 分布于山前冲积扇中下部和地形较为平坦的地区。勉强适宜的未利用地仅占未利用地总面积的16.36%, 主要分布在北部沙漠边缘和南部山前冲积扇上部。不适宜开发利用的未利用地占未利用地总面积的61.43%, 主要分布于南部的坡地、山前冲积扇边缘以及靠近北部沙漠边缘。在评价结果的基础上选择潜力指数、新增耕地潜力、乡镇未利用地面积、宜耕未利用地开发面积、宜耕未利用地比重、平均地块面积、地块破碎度等指标构成未利用地开发潜力矩阵, 并利用系统聚类分析对未利用地资源进行潜力分区。结果表明, 研究区可以划分为5 个潜力区, Ⅰ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为21 000.97 hm2, 可以新增耕地潜力为15 222.92 hm2;Ⅱ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为12 875.69 hm2, 新增耕地潜力为10 155.41 hm2; Ⅲ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为5 008.84 hm2, 可以新增耕地潜力为4 165.35 hm2; Ⅳ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为878.67 hm2, 可以新增耕地潜力为753.78 hm2; Ⅴ级潜力区的未利用地均不适宜开发利用。潜力分区可以从时序和空间上为阜康市未利用地的开发利用提供理论参考, 对未来未利用地差别化开发利用模式的探索具有一定指导意义。

  • 内蒙古森林生态系统碳储量及其空间分布

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Plant ecology, plant geography submitted time 2016-05-03

    Abstract: Aims Forest carbon storage in Inner Mongolia plays a significant role in national terrestrial carbon budget due to its largest forest area in China. Our objectives were to estimate the carbon storage in the forest ecosystems in Inner Mongolia, and to reveal its spatial pattern. Methods In the study, field survey and sampling were conducted at 137 sites, which were nearly evenly distributed in most forest types in the study region. At each site, the ecosystem carbon density at each site was estimated thorough sampling and measuring pools of soil (0–100 cm) and vegetation, including biomass of tree, grass, shrub, and litter. Regional carbon storage was further calculated with the estimated carbon density for each forest type. Important findings Carbon storage of vegetation layer in forests in Inner Mongolia was 787.8 Tg C, with the biomass of tree, litter, herbaceous and shrub account for 93.5%, 3.0%, 2.7% and 0.8%, respectively. Carbon density of vegetation layer was 40.4 t?hm–2, with 35.6 t?hm–2 in trees, 2.9 t?hm–2 in litter, 1.2 t?hm–2 in herbaceous and 0.6 t?hm–2 in shrubs. In comparison, carbon storage of soil layer in forests in Inner Mongolia was 2449.6 Tg C, with 79.8% distributed in the first 30 cm. Carbon density of soil layer was 144.4 t?hm–2. Carbon storage of forest ecosystem in Inner Mongolia was 3237.4 Tg C, with vegetation and soil accounting for 24.3% and 75.7%, respectively. Carbon density of forest ecosystem in Inner Mongolia was 184.5 t?hm–2. Carbon density of soil layer was positively correlated with that of vegetation layer. Spatially, both carbon storage and carbon density were higher in the eastern area, where the climate is more humid. Forest reserve construction and artificial afforestation can significantly improve the capacity of regional carbon sink.