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  • Comprehensive atmospheric and environmental observations in the Himalayan region advances development of Earth system science on the Tibetan Plateau

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-12-03 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The Himalayan region, represented by Mount Qomolangma, is not only a typical area where special atmospheric processes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are concentrated, but also an important research area for climate, ecology, and environmental changes. The Qomolangma Station for Atmospheric and Environmental Observation and Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (abbreviated as QOMS) is located in the core area of Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve. It is dedicated to studying the complex terrain mountain atmospheric processes and environmental changes of the Third Pole of the Earth, focusing on the land-atmosphere interaction process on the TP under the background of climate change. Based on long-term positioning monitoring and field scientific observations of surface, atmosphere, environment, glaciers, ecology, and geophysical processes, a comprehensive land-atmosphere interaction observation system over the TP represented by QOMS has been developed and designed. Key parameters of surface features that influence the material and energy exchange between land and atmosphere in this region have been identified. The interaction processes between complex mountainous terrain of the plateau and the westerly large-scale atmospheric circulation and its impact on the development of the atmospheric boundary layer have been revealed. Remote sensing inversion algorithms and parameterization schemes for estimating surface energy fluxes in the region have been developed and verified, and a theory of pointface combination for satellite remote sensing inversion of complex land surface water and heat flux on the TP has been established. The establishment of the multi-time and space, multi-means, high-precision, and multi-element integrated observation platform has significantly improved the meteorological observation capabilities of the TP, especially in the Qomolangma region. It not only provides basic data for in-depth systematized research on the Earth system of the TP, but also makes up for long-term observation deficiencies on the plateau and has made QOMS an irreplaceable base for global Earth system science research in the Himalayan region, providing a support platform for understanding the role of the TP in global change and its response to global change.

  • 近30 a甘肃省河东地区极端气温指数时空变化特征及趋势预测

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2020-06-02 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract: 基于甘肃省河东地区61个气象站点1988-2017年逐日气温数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验,Sen's斜率估计方法分析甘肃省河东地区极端气温指数的时空变化趋势,并探讨极端气温指数与其影响因素之间的关系,最后利用NAR神经网络结合Hurst指数对甘肃省河东地区极端气温指数变化进行预测分析。数变化有密切关系,而太阳黑子等只与个别指数之间存在显著的相关性。(5)预测出的极端气温指数冷极值相对指数仍呈现下降趋势,冷极值的绝对指数、暖极值以及气温日较差、作物生长期仍然呈现增加趋势,但大多数指数与1988-2017年相比变化幅度有所降低。(6)与其他区域相比甘肃省河东地区大多数气温指数变化幅度处于中间水平,表现出其为多种不同气候区、自然区交界地带的特色。结果表明:(1)从时间上看,冷极值相对指数呈下降趋势,冷极值绝对指数、暖极值以及气温日较差、作物生长期呈上升趋势。(2)从空间上看,对冷极值变化反应最为敏感的是高寒湿润区,对暖极值变化反应最为敏感的是温带半湿润区和北亚热带湿润区,除北亚热带湿润区外各区域作物生长期的变化都达到了显著水平,而气温日较差仅在温带半湿润区达到了显著水平。(3)多数极端气温指数与经纬度、海拔之间有显著相关性,但受区域自然特点影响,经度与海拔对其影响实为一类。(4)亚洲区极涡强度、北半球极涡强度以及青藏高原指数B与极端气温指

  • 基于日尺度SPEI的黄淮海平原冬小麦生育阶段干旱特征分析

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-11 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区地理》

    Abstract:黄淮海平原地处燕山以南、淮河以北,包含黄河、淮河和海河冲积平原及部分丘陵山区,属于半干旱、半湿润地区,年降水量500~900 mm,是我国主要的冬小麦种植区。利用黄淮海平原49个农气站点1961—2017年日值气象数据,采用Penman-Monteith模型计算的日尺度SPEI指数,从气象干旱的角度分析了黄淮海平原近56 a冬小麦主要生育阶段干旱持续时间和干旱强度的变化,并采用R/S方法对干旱未来变化趋势进行预测。结果表明:(1) 从空间分布上来看,冬小麦的营养生长期和并进期,北部干旱持续时间较短,干旱强度较小,南部干旱持续时间较长,干旱强度较大,而冬小麦生殖生长期与前两个生育期干旱分布相反。(2) 从各站点变化趋势来看,在冬小麦整个生育期内干旱持续时间与干旱强度呈相反趋势。(3) 从时间变化趋势上来看,1961—2017年干旱有明显减缓趋势,除个别站点外,在冬小麦的营养生长期和并进期,干旱持续时间和干旱强度自2003年起干旱有逐渐减缓趋势,在生殖生长期则从2007年起干旱有逐渐减缓趋势。(4) 从未来变化趋势来看,营养生长期干旱持续时间将缩短,干旱强度将减小,并进期的干旱持续时间和干旱强度的变化将和过去56 a基本保持一致,生殖生长期干旱持续时间将有所增长,干旱强度将有所加重。本研究分析了黄淮海平原冬小麦生育阶段干旱特征,旨在认识分析和掌握冬小麦生育期干旱演变特征以及干旱发生规律,对保障粮食安全和防旱减灾提供了科学依据。

  • 近50多年河西地区干热风事件时空变化特征

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-11 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:为探究全球变化背景下河西地区干热风事件的变化趋势和影响范围,根据河西地区春小麦国家气象行业标准,基于河西地区13个气象站1960—2017年6、7月的逐日最高气温和14:00相对湿度,分析干热风事件时空变化特征。结果表明:① 除海拔较高地区没有干热风事件发生外,其余地区均呈现增加趋势,且增长幅度有明显差异。在2000年之后重度干热风增加更为显著,干热风发生强度迅速增强。各年代干热风发生高值区未发生明显变动,发生天数却有明显变化。② 河西地区干热风空间分布为西多东少,北多南少。较低海拔地区达到干热风年型标准的年份较多。③ 一次干热风过程所波及的站点和持续时间增多和延长,干热风发生范围进一步扩大到更高纬度和更高海拔地区。