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Your conditions: Supriya Pan
  • Revealing the effects of curvature on the cosmological models

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Galaxy and Cosmology submitted time 2023-02-21

    Abstract: In this paper we consider the effects of adding curvature in extended cosmologies involving a free-to-vary neutrino sector and different parametrizations of Dark Energy (DE). We make use of the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Pantheon type Ia Supernovae data. Our main result is that a non-flat Universe cannot be discarded in light of the current astronomical data, because we find an indication for a closed Universe in most of the DE cosmologies explored in this work. On the other hand, forcing the Universe to be flat can significantly bias the constraints on the equation of state of the DE component and its dynamical nature.

  • Exploring bulk viscous unified scenarios with Gravitational Waves Standard Sirens

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We consider the unified bulk viscous scenarios and constrain them using the Cosmic Microwave Background observations from Planck 2018 and the Pantheon sample from Type Ia Supernovae. Then we generate the luminosity distance measurements from ${\cal O}(10^3)$ mock Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens (GWSS) events for the proposed Einstein Telescope. We then combine these mock luminosity distance measurements from the GWSS with the current cosmological probes in order to forecast how the mock GWSS data could be effective in constraining these bulk viscous scenarios. Our results show that a non-zero time dependent bulk viscosity in the universe sector is strongly preferred by the current cosmological probes and will possibly be confirmed at many standard deviations by the future GWSS measurements. We further mention that the addition of GWSS data can significantly reduce the uncertainties of the key cosmological parameters obtained from the usual cosmological probes employed in this work.

  • 2021-$H_0$ Odyssey: Closed, Phantom and Interacting Dark Energy Cosmologies

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Up-to-date cosmological data analyses have shown that \textit{(a)} a closed universe is preferred by the Planck data at more than $99\%$ CL, and \textit{(b)} interacting scenarios offer a very compelling solution to the Hubble constant tension. In light of these two recent appealing scenarios, we consider here an interacting dark matter-dark energy model with a non-zero spatial curvature component and a freely varying dark energy equation of state in both the quintessential and phantom regimes. When considering Cosmic Microwave Background data only, a phantom and closed universe can perfectly alleviate the Hubble tension, without the necessity of a coupling among the dark sectors. Accounting for other possible cosmological observations compromises the viability of this very attractive scenario as a global solution to current cosmological tensions, either by spoiling its effectiveness concerning the $H_0$ problem, as in the case of Supernovae Ia data, or by introducing a strong disagreement in the preferred value of the spatial curvature, as in the case of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations.

  • Theoretical and observational bounds on some interacting vacuum energy scenarios

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: The dynamics of interacting dark matter-dark energy models is characterized through an interaction rate function quantifying the energy flow between these dark sectors. In most of the interaction functions, the expansion rate Hubble function is considered and sometimes it is argued that, as the interaction function is a local property, the inclusion of the Hubble function may influence the overall dynamics. This is the starting point of the present article where we consider a very simple interacting cosmic scenario between vacuum energy and the cold dark matter characterized by various interaction functions originated from a general interaction function: $Q= \Gamma\rho_{c}^{\alpha }\rho_{x}^{1-\alpha -\beta}(\rho_{c}+\rho_{x})^{\beta}$, where $\rho_c$, $\rho_x$ are respectively the cold dark matter density and vacuum energy density; $\alpha$, $\beta$ are real numbers and $\Gamma$ is the coupling parameter with dimension equal to the dimension of the Hubble rate. We investigate four distinct interacting cosmic scenarios and constrain them both theoretically and observationally. Our analyses clearly reveal that the interaction models should be carefully handled.

  • Observational constraints on soft dark energy and soft dark matter: challenging $\Lambda$CDM

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Soft cosmology is an extension of standard cosmology allowing for a scale-dependent equation-of-state (EoS) parameter in the dark sectors, which is one of the properties of soft materials in condensed-matter physics, that may arise either intrinsically or effectively. We use data from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), Supernovae Type Ia (SNIa), and Redshift space distrotion (RSD) probes, in order to impose observational constraints on soft dark energy and soft dark matter. We examine three simple models, corresponding to the minimum extensions of $\Lambda$CDM scenario, namely we consider that at large scales the dark sectors have the EoS's of $\Lambda$CDM model (dust dark matter and cosmological constant respectively), while at intermediate scales either dark energy or dark matter or both, may have a different EoS according to constant "softness" parameters $s_{de}$ and $s_{dm}$. The observational confrontation shows that for almost all datasets the softness parameters deviate from their $\Lambda$CDM values, in a prominent way for soft dark energy and mildly for soft dark matter, and thus the data favor soft cosmology. Finally, performing a Bayesian evidence analysis we find that the examined models are certainly preferred over $\Lambda$CDM cosmology.

  • On the dynamics of a dark sector coupling

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Interacting dark energy models may play a crucial role in explaining several important observational issues in modern cosmology and also may provide a solution to current cosmological tensions. Since the phenomenology of the dark sector could be extremely rich, one should not restrict the interacting models to have a coupling parameter which is constant in cosmic time, rather allow for its dynamical behavior, as it is common practice in the literature when dealing with other dark energy properties, as the dark energy equation of state. We present here a compendium of the current cosmological constraints on a large variety of interacting models, investigating scenarios where the coupling parameter of the interaction function and the dark energy equation of state can be either constant or dynamical. For the most general schemes, in which both the coupling parameter of the interaction function and the dark energy equation of state are dynamical, we find $95\%$~CL evidence for a dark energy component at early times and slightly milder evidence for a dynamical dark coupling for the most complete observational data set exploited here, which includes CMB, BAO and Supernova Ia measurements. Interestingly, there are some cases where a dark energy component different from the cosmological constant case at early times together with a coupling different from zero today, can alleviate both the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tension for the full dataset combination considered here. Due to the energy exchange among the dark sectors, the current values of the matter energy density and of the clustering parameter $\sigma_8$ are shifted from their $\Lambda$CDM-like values. This fact makes future surveys, especially those focused on weak lensing measurements, unique tools to test the nature and the couplings of the dark energy sector.

  • New late-time constraints on $f(R)$ gravity

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Modification of general relativity (GR) inspired by theories like $f(R)$ gravity is among the most popular ones to explain the late-time acceleration of the Universe as an alternative to the $\Lambda$CDM model. In this work, we use the state-of-the-art BAO+BBN data and the most recent Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) sample namely PantheonPlus, including the Cepheid host distances and covariance from SH0ES samples, to robustly constrain the $f(R)$ gravity framework via two of the most popular $f(R)$ models in literature, namely, the Hu-Sawicki and Starobinsky models. Additionally, we consider how the time variation of the Newton's gravitational constant affects the supernovae distance modulus relation. We find a minor evidence for $f(R)$ gravity under the Hu-Sawicki dynamics from BAO+BBN and BAO+BBN+uncalibrated supernovae joint analysis, but the inclusion of Cepheid host distances, makes the model compatible with GR. Further, we notice tendency of this model to relax the $H_0$ tension. In general, in all the analyses carried out in this study with the late time probes, we find both the $f(R)$ models to be consistent with GR at 95\% CL.

  • Revealing the effects of curvature on the cosmological models

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: In this paper we consider the effects of adding curvature in extended cosmologies involving a free-to-vary neutrino sector and different parametrizations of Dark Energy (DE). We make use of the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Pantheon type Ia Supernovae data. Our main result is that a non-flat Universe cannot be discarded in light of the current astronomical data, because we find an indication for a closed Universe in most of the DE cosmologies explored in this work. On the other hand, forcing the Universe to be flat can significantly bias the constraints on the equation of state of the DE component and its dynamical nature.

  • Constraints from High-Precision Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background: The Case of Disintegrating Dark Matter with ${\Lambda}$ or Dynamical Dark Energy

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: In recent years discrepancies have emerged in measurements of the present-day rate of expansion of the universe $H_0$ and in estimates of the clustering of matter $S_8$. Using the most recent cosmological observations we reexamine a novel model proposed to address these tensions, in which cold dark matter disintegrates into dark radiation. The disintegration process is controlled by its rate $Q = \alpha \mathcal{H} \rho_{\rm ddm}$, where $\alpha$ is a (constant) dimensionless parameter quantifying the strength of the disintegration mechanism and $\mathcal{H}$ is the conformal Hubble rate in the spatially flat Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker universe and $\rho_{\rm ddm}$ is the energy density of the disintegrating cold dark matter. We constrain this model with the latest 2018 Planck temperature and polarization data, showing that there is no evidence for $\alpha \neq 0$ and that it cannot solve the $H_0$ tension below $3\sigma$, clashing with the result obtained by analyzing the Planck 2015 temperature data. We also investigate two possible extensions of the model in which the dark energy equation-of-state parameter $w \neq -1$. In this case it is possible to combine Planck data with the SH0ES measurement, and we demonstrate that in both these models the $H_0$ tension is resolved at the $1\sigma$ level, but the condition $w \neq -1$ exacerbates the $S_8$ tension. We also demonstrate that the addition of intermediate-redshift data (from the Pantheon supernova type Ia dataset and baryon acoustic oscillations) weakens the effectiveness of all these models to address the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tensions.

  • Generalized Emergent Dark Energy Model and the Hubble Constant Tension

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We investigate a generalized form of the phenomenologically emergent dark energy model, known as generalized emergent dark energy (GEDE), introduced by Li and Shafieloo [Astrophys. J. {\bf 902}, 58 (2020)] in light of a series of cosmological probes and considering the evolution of the model at the level of linear perturbations. This model introduces a free parameter $\Delta$ that can discriminate between the $\Lambda$CDM (corresponds to $\Delta=0$) or the phenomenologically emergent dark energy (PEDE) (corresponds to $\Delta=1$) models, allowing us to determine which model is preferred most by the fit of the observational datasets. We find evidence in favor of the GEDE model for Planck alone and in combination with R19, while the Bayesian model comparison is inconclusive when Supernovae Type Ia or BAO data are included. In particular, we find that $\Lambda$CDM model is disfavored at more than $2\sigma$ CL for most of the observational datasets considered in this work and PEDE is in agreement with Planck 2018+BAO+R19 combination within $1\sigma$ CL.

  • On the dynamics of a dark sector coupling

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Interacting dark energy models may play a crucial role in explaining several important observational issues in modern cosmology and also may provide a solution to current cosmological tensions. Since the phenomenology of the dark sector could be extremely rich, one should not restrict the interacting models to have a coupling parameter which is constant in cosmic time, rather allow for its dynamical behavior, as it is common practice in the literature when dealing with other dark energy properties, as the dark energy equation of state. We present here a compendium of the current cosmological constraints on a large variety of interacting models, investigating scenarios where the coupling parameter of the interaction function and the dark energy equation of state can be either constant or dynamical. For the most general schemes, in which both the coupling parameter of the interaction function and the dark energy equation of state are dynamical, we find $95\%$~CL evidence for a dark energy component at early times and slightly milder evidence for a dynamical dark coupling for the most complete observational data set exploited here, which includes CMB, BAO and Supernova Ia measurements. Interestingly, there are some cases where a dark energy component different from the cosmological constant case at early times together with a coupling different from zero today, can alleviate both the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tension for the full dataset combination considered here. Due to the energy exchange among the dark sectors, the current values of the matter energy density and of the clustering parameter $\sigma_8$ are shifted from their $\Lambda$CDM-like values. This fact makes future surveys, especially those focused on weak lensing measurements, unique tools to test the nature and the couplings of the dark energy sector.

  • Exploring bulk viscous unified scenarios with Gravitational Waves Standard Sirens

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We consider the unified bulk viscous scenarios and constrain them using the Cosmic Microwave Background observations from Planck 2018 and the Pantheon sample from Type Ia Supernovae. Then we generate the luminosity distance measurements from ${\cal O}(10^3)$ mock Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens (GWSS) events for the proposed Einstein Telescope. We then combine these mock luminosity distance measurements from the GWSS with the current cosmological probes in order to forecast how the mock GWSS data could be effective in constraining these bulk viscous scenarios. Our results show that a non-zero time dependent bulk viscosity in the universe sector is strongly preferred by the current cosmological probes and will possibly be confirmed at many standard deviations by the future GWSS measurements. We further mention that the addition of GWSS data can significantly reduce the uncertainties of the key cosmological parameters obtained from the usual cosmological probes employed in this work.

  • Revealing the effects of curvature on the cosmological models

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: In this paper we consider the effects of adding curvature in extended cosmologies involving a free-to-vary neutrino sector and different parametrizations of Dark Energy (DE). We make use of the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Pantheon type Ia Supernovae data. Our main result is that a non-flat Universe cannot be discarded in light of the current astronomical data, because we find an indication for a closed Universe in most of the DE cosmologies explored in this work. On the other hand, forcing the Universe to be flat can significantly bias the constraints on the equation of state of the DE component and its dynamical nature.

  • IWDM: The fate of an interacting non-cold dark matter $-$ vacuum scenario

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: In almost every cosmological models, the equation of state of the dark matter is assumed to be zero (i.e. a pressure-less/cold dark matter). Although such hypothesis is motivated by the abundance of cold dark matter in the universe, there is however no compelling reason to set the dark matter equation of state to zero, rather, the more generic picture is to consider a free-to-vary dark matter equation of state and let the observational data decide its fate. With the growing sensitivity of the experimental data, we choose the second possibility and consider an interacting non-cold dark matter $-$ vacuum scenario in which the dark matter equation of state is constant but free-to-vary in an interval. Considering a very well known and most used interaction function in the literature, we constrain this scenario using the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies and the CMB lensing reconstruction from the legacy Planck release, baryon acoustic oscillations distance measurements and the Pantheon catalogue from Supernovae Type Ia. We find that for all the observational data sets, a non-zero value of the dark matter equation of state is preferred at 68\% CL which indicates that a non-cold dark matter sector in the universe should be investigated further in order to understand the intrinsic nature of the dark matter sector.