Your conditions: 广东技术师范大学
  • 影视解说类视频IP的人格化运营路径考察

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Digital Newspaper submitted time 2023-03-24

    Abstract: With the continuous expansion of the market scale of the short video industry, the short video for the purpose of film and television interpretation has received high attention as one of the segments. Short video is full of personified charm due to its personality characteristics as the creator. Conduct case study based on the case of IP account "Liu Bi Film" to explore the personalized connotation, value and operation mode of short video with the purpose of film and television interpretation, and to study its IP operation path. The study found that it conducts impression management through symbolic symbol coding, conducts cross communication with long and short explanations, and combines the establishment and maintenance of group circles, which significantly improves the communication effect of IP subjects, and provides story and shows the personality charm of the creators. However, at the same time, there are also problems such as the deviation of the plot and excessive commercialization operation. The IP operation of "Liu Bi Film" is discussed and put forward suggestions through the directions of the balance between copyright and public interest, the balance between commercialization and work quality, the exploration of new directions of secondary creation, and the integration of entertainment and the depth of thinking.

  • 非物质文化遗产的数字化传播

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Digital Newspaper submitted time 2023-03-24

    Abstract: Intangible cultural heritage is a very precious traditional cultural resource in China, so it is very important to constantly update and think about the digital communication means of intangible cultural heritage. In the wave of abundant digital media, the display mode of intangible cultural heritage and digital technology has the characteristics of diversity, connotation and technology. In order to better the digital dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, it is necessary to combine multiple resources, narrow the gap between the intergenerational digital divide, enhance the digital literacy of communicators and ideological digital communication consciousness; strengthen the platform construction, connect with high-quality resources; innovate the integration mechanism, and strengthen the content supervision and improve the preservation mechanism. While building digital products and services of intangible cultural heritage, the platform should actively adapt to the people's spiritual civilization demand for a better life, and make more high-quality, personalized and diversified digital communication works of intangible cultural heritage.

  • 维基百科用户的参与文化分析

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Digital Newspaper submitted time 2023-03-24

    Abstract: With the acceleration of the mobile client and social media, under the background of media depth fusion, wikipedia user needs and role change increasingly diverse. The participation in public culture, subjectivity and enthusiasm, integration of culture gradually large, knowledge production of node and regularity is more and more obvious. Wikipedia shows the characteristics of collective collaboration of content, community of users, and broken wall of culture. In this context, the article as a representative of the collective wisdom community wikipedia for research case, combing the content of wikipedia production and editing mechanism, the relationship between the user and participation characteristics, observe participation in the formation of the culture, and the collective wisdom, process will appear problems such as group polarization, will also guide community user relations again, through the participation of wikipedia culture analysis, to better improve the network user media communication paradigm, the participation of the collective community cultural construction way to provide reference.