• Vibration Attenuation on HEPS Bare Ground with Different Frequencies

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2024-06-11

    Abstract: High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) has rigorous restrictions on the vibration levels of the storage ring slab. If the vibration level exceeds the specification limit, it can impact the normal operation of the equipment and influence the sampling efficiency of the experimental terminal. With grandually increasing constructions of the surrounding urban infrastructure, to control the outer vibration sources, it is necessary to study the vibration propagation characteristics on HEPS site. For evaluating the impact of external vibrations on the critical components of HEPS, a series of measurements have been conducted. A shaker was used to artificially generate vertical sinusoidal excitations with frequencies 7Hz up to 100 Hz. The vibration responses were measured along the bare ground, the vibration attenuation of different frequencies are analyzed. A decay formula together with the range of key parameters are obtained according to the fitting results of the measurement data. In the meanwhile, the attenuation formula is validated by the vibration data of a 50t crane traveling on HEPS site. The measurement data fitted nicely with the above mentioned fitting formula. The discrepancy between the measured data and the fitted curve are within 35%. This study will be a basis for the establishment of related regulation for external travel loads around HEPS campus and in the meanwhilie it will provides as a reference for the research methodology of the vibration propagation on the ground.

  • Development of an enhanced online tritium monitoring system using plastic scintillation fiber array

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2024-05-20

    Abstract: 氚是核电站排放的一种放射性核素,对去除氚提出了挑战。水中氚的连续在线监测对于实时辐射数据至关重要,因为它主要存在于环境中,就像水一样。本文介绍了利用塑料闪烁光纤 (PSF) 阵列的氚监测设备的设计、仿真和开发。实验验证证实了该器件的检测效率和最小可检测活性。该器件记录的检测效率为1.6×10−3,比理论模拟值4×10−4高出4倍。在没有屏蔽的情况下,该器件可以在 1600 秒的测量持续时间内实现 3165 Bq L−1 的最小可检测活性。根据仿真和实验结果,通过增加PSF的数量和长度以及实施严格的屏蔽措施,可以提高检测效率。此外,减小PSF的直径也可以提高检测效率。使用上述方法可以进一步降低设备的最小可检测活性。

  • Ultrahigh spatiotemporal Resolution Beam Signal Reconstruction with bunch phase compensation

    Subjects: Nuclear Science and Technology >> Nuclear Science and Technology submitted time 2024-03-08

    Abstract: Various electromagnetic signals are excited by the beam in the acceleration and beam-diagnostic elements of a particle accelerator. It is important to obtain time-domain waveforms of these signals with high temporal resolution for research, such as the study of beam-cavity interactions and bunch-by-bunch parameter measure#2;ments. Therefore, a signal reconstruction algorithm with ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolution and bunch phase compensation based on equivalent sampling is proposed in this paper. Compared with traditional equivalent sampling, the use of phase compensation and setting the bunch signal zero-crossing point as the time reference can construct a more accurate reconstructed signal. The basic principles of the method, simulation, and experi#2;mental comparison are also introduced. Based on the beam test platform of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) and the method of experimental verification, the factors that affect the reconstructed signal qual#2;ity are analyzed and discussed, including the depth of the sampled data, quantization noise of analog-to-digital converter (ADC), beam transverse oscillation, and longitudinal oscillation. The results of the beam experiments show that under the user operation conditions of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), a beam excitation signal with an amplitude uncertainty of 2% can be reconstructed.