• Origin Pilot: A Quantum Operating System for Efficient Usage of Quantum Resources

    Subjects: Physics >> General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc. submitted time 2021-05-17

    Abstract: With the continuous progress of quantum processor technologies, to efficiently use of quantum processors and collaboration between quantum processor and classical computing have become an urgent requirement for further application of quantum computing. The Origin Pilot is a quantum operating system oriented to this requirement. It provides services, such as quantum task scheduling, quantum resource management, quantum program compilation, and automatic calibration of quantum bit, and manages quantum computing resources efficiently and unified. In this paper, we propose multiple quantum processor load balancing, multiple quantum program parallel computing based on quantum line mapping, quantum bit automatic calibration based on implicit Markov chain. By comparing before and after using the Origin Pilot on OriginQ Wuyuan quantum computing platforms, we found that the fidelity is increased by at least 10% ( in the experiment of four typical quantum circuits (QFT, GHZ,DJ,BV), compared with the mapping effect of BMT algorithm)and the operating efficiency is increased by at least 120% (In the experiment of running GHZ quantum circuit, the parallel computing ability of single quantum processor and load balancing computing ability of multiple quantum processor provided by Origin Pilot) with Origin Pilot. Origin Pilot cooperates quantum processor (QPU), classical computer and other computing resources, which provides an effective resource management for quantum computing. " "