• Role of Transnational Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in Ensuring National Energy Security

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: United States is the founder of modern oil industry, which promoted the development of oil and gas in the world. By means of global layout of American oil companies, United States supercharges the backyard of North America while covets the forecourt of South America. United States realizes energy independence and opens energy hegemony during 70 years after World War II. On basis of reviewing the development history of American oil industry, this study analyzes the role of transnational oil and gas exploration, and development of Chinese national oil companies in ensuring national energy security. On the one hand, the entitlement oil and gas of overseas projects are operated back to China to secure national energy supply by international market, Chinese national oil companies shoulder the responsibility of making use of two markets and two resources. On the other hand, the foundation of upstream resources along China’s strategic oil and gas corridors is consolidated by international oil and gas cooperation, Chinese national oil companies become the main force of propping up “Belt and Road” national initiative. China’s oil and gas external dependence degrees are effectively reduced. In the context of profound changes unseen in centuries and the 21st century pandemic, aimed at the various challenges such as complexity and changes of global geopolitics, energy transition under China’s “dual carbon goals” and all-round game between China and the United States, the related enlightenments and suggestions are put forward, which provide the references for “going out” of Chinese oil companies, sharing global oil and gas resources, and ensuring national energy security.

  • Mission of New Energy under Carbon Neutrality Goal in China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, curbing the global temperature rise, and striving to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality are the initiatives and common pursuit of human beings confronting the climate change crisis. Carbon neutrality is a huge systemic project involving multiple disciplines and fields, and it requires a solid theoretical foundation and scientific methods to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, hence the emergence of carbon neutrality science. The theoretical connotation of carbon neutrality includes two “dynamic balances”, namely, the dynamic balance between global carbon emission and carbon absorption, and the dynamic balance between human development and the natural environment, the technical connotation includes the whole process of CO2 emission, capture, utilization, storage, and removal caused by human production and life, and the related technical system. Under the guidance of carbon neutralization theory, the core of the energy consumption structure needs to transform from fossil energy to new energy, and the world energy production and consumption structure will be transformed from fossil energy to new energy, and the world’s energy production and consumption structure will also fundamentally transform from the current “four pillars” including coal, oil, natural gas, and new energy to the new pattern of “three minors and one major” dominated by new energy. In this process, it is indispensable to build a synergistic development of coal, oil, natural gas and new energy. Meanwhile, China’s energy production and consumption structure will also undergo a revolutionary change from the current “one major and three minors” dominated by coal energy to the future “three minors and one major” pattern dominated by new energy, and eventually strive to achieve “energy independence”. However, in energy development, energy transition and energy security are considered to be on the same level of importance all along. Developing new energy is the key to achieve a sustainable carbon neutral society and building a long-term green and habitable earth.

  • High-quality Energy Development and Energy Security under the New Situation for China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Energy security is the cornerstone of national security and stable development, and high-quality energy development is the fundamental guarantee for long-term national economic growth. This study analyzes the complicated domestic and international environmental impacts of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the United States energy rule, and the rigid demand for domestic energy consumption growth. It also analyzes the uncertainty of domestic energy transformation and development. Then, the study summarizes the enlightenment of China’s energy development. Furthermore, based on China’s energy structure and resource endowment, this study establishes an independent, controllable, safe and reliable integrated energy security system based on fossil energy, and develops multi-channel energy development and energy reserves. Strategic ideas and technical routes to support low-carbon development of energy transformation are formulated simultaneously. This study also proposes the establishment of modern energy and mining governance system platform, topology and composition: 5G energy private network, energy and mining big data and artificial intelligence processing platform, blockchain energy and mining industry cooperation supervision platform, provincial and national supervision center. Logically, this study promotes the establishment of an all-round security concept for the energy industry and a modern energy mining governance system, so as to ensure China’s high-quality energy development and energy security.

  • Hydrocarbon Security Strategy and Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral Strategy: Relationship and Path

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: A century of changes combined with the COVID-19 pandemic has sounded the alarm on energy security around the world. How to deeply understand the relationship between energy transition and energy security, and how to explore the path of China’s energy security and the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality (abbreviated as “dual carbon”) strategy have become a major problem. Based on detailed analyses of China’s energy consumption predictions and dual carbon strategy requirements, this study proposes: (1)Energy security is the foundation of energy transition. The oil and gas shortage situation in China may persist for a long time. The “dual carbon” goal does not conflict with hydrocarbon security strategy. (2) China’s hydrocarbon security needs to be considered at two levels. The deployment needs to be made in the near-, medium- and long-term. First, it is necessary to continue exploring traditional oil and gas resources , including land and sea, conventional and unconventional resources. The second is to actively explore at new areas of oil and gas resources, and focus on organizing the “three revolutions” of in-situ conversion of medium-low mature shale oil, thermal conversion and utilization of oil-rich coal and underground coal gasification to prepare for large-scale increase of oil and gas production. (3) The “dual carbon” strategy is an extensive and profound system revolution. The withdrawal of fossil energy must be based on energy security. The clean use of fossil energy, the increased use of renewable energy, the construction of flexible smart grids, the construction of energy storage infrastructure and the improvement of efficiency in energy utilization, must be paid close attention to simultaneously. On the basis of ensuring energy security, the goal of “carbon neutrality” can be achieved through multiple ways relying on technological progress.

  • Research on China’s Energy Development Strategy under Carbon Neutrality

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: China has pledged to reach peak carbon dioxide emission by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2060 at the Seventy-Fifth Ses#2;sion of the United Nations General Assembly in 2020. As the largest energy consumer and emitter of greenhouse gases, carbon peak and carbon neutrality targets have posed a high requirement for China’s sustainable development of energy and economy. In recent years, even though the growth rate of China’s energy consumption has decreased, and carbon dioxide emissions gradually enter the plateau, fossil fuels still supply more than 80% of the energy consumption in China. Besides learning from the adjustment of energy consumption structure in developed countries, it is worth discussing in-depth about the change of the strategic path of energy transition and how to advance energy transition under carbon peak and carbon neutrality targets, the strategic goals in China’s economic and social developments. It is also an important action in China’s energy revolution. Furthermore, it is an important step to achieve the develop#2;ment of civilization. China needs to keep working on how to reduce carbon emission, to find the optimal strategic path, and to reach the equilibrium between carbon dioxide emission reduction and economic development in the fields of electrical engineering, industry, civil engineering, and agriculture along the path towards carbon neutrality.