• Properties of color-flavor locked strange quark matter in an external strong magnetic field

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2023-06-18 Cooperative journals: 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》

    Abstract: The properties of color-flavor locked strange quark matter in an external strong magnetic field are investigated in a quark model with density-dependent quark masses. Parameters are determined by stability arguments. It is found that the minimum energy per baryon of the color-flavor locked (MCFL) matter decreases with increasing magnetic-field strength in a certain range, which makes MCFL matter more stable than other phases within a proper magnitude of the external magnetic field. However, if the energy of the field itself is added, the total energy per baryon will increase.

  • The effect of the chiral chemical potential on the chiral phase transition in the NJL model with different regularization schemes

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2016-09-14

    Abstract: We study the chiral phase transition in the presence of the chiral chemical potential μ5 using the two-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. In particular, we analyze the reason why one can obtain two opposite behaviors of the chiral critical temperature as a function of μ5 in the framework of different regularization schemes. We compare the modifications of the chiral condensate and the critical temperature due to μ5 in different regularization schemes, analytically and numerically. Finally, we find that, for the conventional hard-cutoff regularization scheme, the increasing dependence of the critical temperature on the chiral chemical potential is an artifact, which is caused by the fact that it does not include complete contribution from the thermal fluctuations. When the thermal contribution is fully taken into account, the chiral critical temperature should decrease with μ5.

  • Fluid/gravity correspondence: A nonconformal realization in compactified D4 branes

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2016-09-14

    Abstract: We develop the framework of boundary derivative expansion (BDE) formalism of fluid/gravity correspondence in compactified D4-brane system, which is a nonconformal background used in top-down holographic QCD models. Such models contain the D4-D6 model and the Sakai-Sugimoto (SS) model, with the background of the compactified black D4 branes under the near horizon limit. By using the dimensional reduction technique, we derive a 5D Einstein gravity minimally coupled with 3 scalar fields from the 10D D4-brane background. Following the BDE formalism of fluid/gravity correspondence in the conformal background, we directly derive all the first order transport coefficients for nonconformal gluonic matter. The results of the ratio of the bulk to shear viscosity and the sound speed agree with those obtained from the Green-Kubo method. This agreement guarantees the validity of the BDE formalism of fluid/gravity duality in the nonconformal D-brane background, which can be used to calculate the second order transport coefficients in nonconformal background.

  • Survival of charged rho condensation at high temperature and density

    Subjects: Physics >> Nuclear Physics submitted time 2016-09-14

    Abstract: The charged vector ρ mesons in the presence of external magnetic fields at finite temperature T and chemical potential μ have been investigated in the framework of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. We compute the masses of charged ρ mesons numerically as a function of the magnetic field for different values of temperature and chemical potential. The self-energy of the ρ meson contains the quark-loop contribution, i.e. the leading order contribution in 1/Nc expansion. The charged ρ meson mass decreases with the magnetic field and drops to zero at a critical magnetic field eBc, which means that the charged vector meson condensation, i.e. the electromagnetic superconductor can be induced above the critical magnetic field. Surprisingly, it is found that the charged ρcondensation can even survive at high temperature and density. At zero temperature, the critical magnetic field just increases slightly with the chemical potential, which indicates that the charged ρ condensation might occur inside compact stars. At zero density, in the temperature range 0.2−0.5 GeV, the critical magnetic field for charged ρcondensation is in the range of 0.2−0.6 GeV2, which indicates that the high temperature electromagnetic superconductor could be created at LHC.