• Realistic flipped SU(5) from orbifold SO(10)

    Subjects: Physics >> The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields submitted time 2016-05-15

    Abstract: We propose a realistic flipped SU(5) model derived from a five-dimensional orbifold SO(10) model. The Standard Model (SM) fermion masses and mixings are explained by combining the traditional Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism with the five-dimensional wave function profiles of the SM fermions. Employing tree-level spontaneous R-symmetry breaking in the hidden sector and extra( ordinary) gauge mediation, we obtain realistic supersymmetry breaking soft mass terms with non-vanishing gaugino masses. Including the messenger fields at the intermediate scale and Kaluza-Klein states at the compactification scale, we study gauge coupling unification. We show that the SO(10) unified gauge coupling is very strong and the unification scale can be much higher than the compactification scale. We briefly discuss proton decay as well.

  • Low-scale SU(4)(W) unification

    Subjects: Physics >> The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields submitted time 2016-05-15

    Abstract: We embed the minimal left-right model SU(2) L x SU(2) R x U(1)B-L into an SU(4) W gauge group, and break the unified group via five-dimensional S-1/(Z(2) x Z2) orbifolding. Leptons are fitted into SU(4)(W) multiplets and located on a symmetry preserving O brane, while quarks are placed onto an O' brane where the symmetry is broken. This approach predicts sin(2) theta(W) = 0.25 for the weak mixing angle at tree level and leads to a rather low weakly ( strongly) coupled unification scale of order 3 x 10(2) TeV (several TeV) with supersymmetry, or as low as several TeV in the non-supersymmetric case. Another symmetry breaking chain with the low-energy gauge group SU(2)(L) x U(1)(3R) x U(1)(B-L) can also give rise to a weak mixing angle sin 2. W = 0.25 at tree level after gauge symmetry breaking by orbifolding. Such theories with low-scale unification have interesting phenomenological consequences.

  • The SU(3)(C) x SU(4)(W) x U(1)B-L models with left-right unification

    Subjects: Physics >> The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields submitted time 2016-05-15

    Abstract: To understand the origin of the left-right symmetry, we study a partial unification model based on SU(4)(W) x U(1)(B-L) which can be broken down to the mini mal left-right model either through the Higgs mechanism in four dimensions or through the five-dimensional orbifolding gauge symmetry breaking, especially we propose to use the rank reducing outer automorphism orbifolding breaking mechanism. We scrutinized all these breaking mechanisms and found that for the orbifold breaking in five dimensions, the rank-reducing outer automorphism is better than the inner automorphism and can make the low energy theory free of the U(1)Z anomaly. It is possible for the outer automorphism orbifolding breaking mechanism to be non-anomalous without Chern-Simons terms and new localized fermions. For the four-dimensional model with the Higgs mechanism, we study in detail both its structure and its typical phenomenology. It turns out that this four-dimensional scenario may predict some new phenomenology since the new mirror fermions (which are introduced in order to fill the SM fermions into SU(4)W without anomaly) are preserved at low energy scale and mix with the SM fermions. We also examine the gauge coupling unification in each case, and discuss the possibility for unifying this partial unification group with the Pati-Salam group SU(4)(PS) to realize a grand unification. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.