• 河西走廊—塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘阻击战:风沙形势与防治任务

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2023-08-23 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on strengthening the comprehensive control of desertification and promoting key ecological engineering projects such as the “Three-North Shelterbelt Program”, this study is designated to make concrete efforts to win the battle against desertification on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert. The study deeply explores the situation of wind-blown sand flux and prevention tasks in the area. Based on the characteristics of desertified land and wind-blown sand activities on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert, the goal is set to effectively prevent the spread of sand and control dust sources. The core focus is on wind prevention, sand resistance, and dust control. The strategic thinking has been formulated for the counterattack battle on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert. By systematically analyzing the source areas and paths of “wind, sand, and dust” and targeting the key zones of the desert edge and areas requiring prevention, the key areas and tasks are proposed for desertification control on the edge of the Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert, so as to provide scientific and technological support for winning the battle against desertification on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert.

  • 大国治理:中国荒漠化防治的战略选择与未来愿景

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2023-08-23 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: China has made remarkable achievements in combating desertification over the past 70 years. At present, China has entered a new stage of combating desertification while facing many problems such as large desertification land base and high difficulty in combating desertification, and it is more important to meet the national strategic needs of ecological construction, rural revitalization, and the development and utilization of renewable energy in desert, Gobi, and wasteland areas. The strategic choice of combating desertification in China in the new era is overall improvement and key breakthroughs. The core of the strategy is whole-area governance, innovation-driven, and technology integration. The institutional arrangement of preferential policies is to fully implement the “one desert, four mechanisms” (cultivation, prevention, combating, and utilization), make every effort to win the “three iconic battles” of the “Three-North” battle, give priority to the implementation of key demonstration projects, and accelerate the update of policy. A new engine of science and technology will be built to improve the quality and efficiency for combating desertification, draw a bright vision of Chinese-style modernization featuring integration of production, life, and ecology and harmonization between human being and desert, and promote the “Chinese solution” of combating desertification to benefit the whole world.

  • 河西走廊—塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘阻击战:风沙形势与防治任务

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-08-12 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on strengthening the comprehensive control of desertification and promoting key ecological engineering projects such as the “Three-North Shelterbelt Program”, this study is designated to make concrete efforts to win the battle against desertification on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert. The study deeply explores the situation of wind-blown sand flux and prevention tasks in the area. Based on the characteristics of desertified land and wind-blown sand activities on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert, the goal is set to effectively prevent the spread of sand and control dust sources. The core focus is on wind prevention, sand resistance, and dust control. The strategic thinking has been formulated for the counterattack battle on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert. By systematically analyzing the source areas and paths of “wind, sand, and dust” and targeting the key zones of the desert edge and areas requiring prevention, the key areas and tasks are proposed for desertification control on the edge of the Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert, so as to provide scientific and technological support for winning the battle against desertification on the edge of Hexi Corridor–Taklimakan Desert.

  • 大国治理:中国荒漠化防治的战略选择与未来愿景

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-08-12 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: China has made remarkable achievements in combating desertification over the past 70 years. At present, China has entered a new stage of combating desertification while facing many problems such as large desertification land base and high difficulty in combating desertification, and it is more important to meet the national strategic needs of ecological construction, rural revitalization, and the development and utilization of renewable energy in desert, Gobi, and wasteland areas. The strategic choice of combating desertification in China in the new era is overall improvement and key breakthroughs. The core of the strategy is whole-area governance, innovation-driven, and technology integration. The institutional arrangement of preferential policies is to fully implement the “one desert, four mechanisms” (cultivation, prevention, combating, and utilization), make every effort to win the “three iconic battles” of the “Three-North” battle, give priority to the implementation of key demonstration projects, and accelerate the update of policy. A new engine of science and technology will be built to improve the quality and efficiency for combating desertification, draw a bright vision of Chinese-style modernization featuring integration of production, life, and ecology and harmonization between human being and desert, and promote the “Chinese solution” of combating desertification to benefit the whole world.

  • 咸海生态治理:深化与中亚科技合作的重要路径

    Subjects: Management Science >> Science ology and Management submitted time 2023-07-09 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: In September 2022, the President of the People’s Republic of China visited Uzbekistan for the first time after the epidemic. In the subsequent joint statement between China and Uzbekistan, China welcomed the adoption of the Aral Sea initiative proposed by Uzbekistan at the General Assembly of the United Nations. The two sides expressed their willingness to actively promote synergy between the Global Development Initiative and projects related to improving the ecological, economic, and social environment of the Aral Sea region under the framework of the United Nations. In this context, this paper describes the current situation of the Aral Sea crisis with a quantitative method and summarizes the necessity and significance of China’s participation in the ecological governance of the Aral Sea using the literature analysis method. The author believes that China has favorable conditions in terms of policies and mechanisms, funds, talents and cooperation foundation in participating in the ecological governance of the Aral Sea, and suggests that under the principle of win-win cooperation, overall coordination, and doing something and leaving something undone, starting from exploring scientific issues and improving people’s livelihood, taking desertification combating, water and soil conservation, modern agricultural technology, and the promotion and utilization of new energy as the starting point, and using China’s wisdom, experience and strength in participating in the ecological governance of the Aral Sea, promoting the development of the green Aral Sea, effectively deepening China’s scientific and technological cooperation with Central Asia, and providing scientific and technological support for the construction of a community with a shared future for China-Central Asia and even high-quality development of the Belt and Road.

  • 古尔班通古特沙漠人工梭梭林群落生态特征研究

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Basic Disciplines of Agriculture submitted time 2017-11-10 Cooperative journals: 《中国生态农业学报》

    Abstract:为探究古尔班通古特沙漠南缘莫索湾地区33 年来人工梭梭林群落(依靠天然降水)的生态特征, 本文对两种造林技术(积雪-客沙造林和秋灌造林)人工梭梭林地梭梭的长势、草本植物、土壤水分进行了调查和监测。结果表明: ①积雪-客沙造林和秋灌造林梭梭至今生长良好, 目前植株高度和冠幅均大于2 m 和2 m2, 当年新生枝条长度均大于20 cm; 初始造林梭梭存活率较高, 分别为40%和63%; 经过自然更新, 现有密度均有所提高, 人工林形成异龄复层混交林, 林下生长有不同优势种的草本植物; 土壤含水量均>2.00%, 能够满足梭梭生长。②由于两种造林技术的土地处理方式和初期水分供给量不同, 导致两种林地梭梭生长、林下草本植物盖度和多样性以及天然更新梭梭植株数量均有很大差异, 整体秋灌造林地的状况优于积雪-客沙造林地。③两种造林技术对于当地生态条件均有很好的适应性, 虽然积雪客沙造林密度相对较低, 但优于自然植被状况, 且造林成本低;秋灌造林密度较大, 天然更新植株数量较多, 但造林成本高, 后期生长较缓慢, 需要采取一定的人工措施调整密度。综上可知, 积雪-客沙造林和秋灌造林梭梭目前生长均较稳定, 后者对该区生态条件适应性更强。