• Analysis of effects to scientific impact indicators based on the coevolution of coauthorship and citation networks

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 情报学 提交时间: 2024-04-19

    摘要: While computer modeling and simulation are crucial for understanding scientometrics, their practical use in literature remains somewhat limited. In this study, we establish a joint coauthorship and citation network using preferential attachment. As papers get published, we update the coauthorship network based on each paper’s author list, representing the collaborative team behind it. This team is formed considering the number of collaborations each author has, and we introduce new authors at a fixed probability, expanding the coauthorship network. Simultaneously, as each paper cites a specific number of references, we add an equivalent number of citations to the citation network upon publication. The likelihood of a paper being cited depends on its existing citations, fitness value, and age. Then we calculate the journal impact factor and h -index, using them as examples of scientific impact indicators. After thorough validation, we conduct case studies to analyze the impact of different parameters on the journal impact factor and h -index. The findings reveal that increasing the reference number N or reducing the paper’s lifetime θ significantly boosts the journal impact factor and average h -index. On the other hand, enlarging the team size m without introducing new authors or decreasing the probability of newcomers p notably increases the average h -index. In conclusion, it is evident that various parameters influence scientific impact indicators, and their interpretation can be manipulated by authors. Thus, exploring the impact of these parameters and continually refining scientific impact indicators are essential. The modeling and simulation method serves as a powerful tool in this ongoing process, and the model can be easily extended to include other scientific impact indicators and scenarios.

  • 科技期刊低被引论文的界定与评价方法探究----以《期刊引用报告》凝聚态物理学65种期刊为例

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 文献学 提交时间: 2018-09-27

    摘要: 【目的】分析基础学科期刊论文被引的分布特点,探究低被引论文区间的界定和评价方法。【方法】以SCI Expanded为数据源,65种凝聚态物理学期刊(CMJ)为研究对象,用统计学原理和文献计量学方法,比较分析论文被引频次在大于h-index、小于篇均被引Cipp、以及一个期刊的最低被引论文的累计被引频次为期刊总被引频次T的5%、10%和20%区域内论文的被引特性,以此确定CMJ最合理的低被引区。 【结果】第一,CMJ整体零被引率rN0仅为10%,可视为一个高质量的期刊集合。第二,一个期刊的最低被引论文的累计被引达到20%T的区域(Tci20%)和一个期刊中单篇被引在小于平均被引(Cicipp)的区域(Tcicipp)具有被界定为低被引区的统计学依据。第三,零被引率(rN0)、低被引率(RLC,rN x)和低被引密度(DLC,rTcix)与传统评价指标IF、h-index、Cipp以及Np、Tci不存在强相关性,满足作为独立评价指标的充分条件。【结论】第一,由rN0、RLC和DLC构成一个复合指标Evel {rN0,rN x%,rTcix%} 用来描述一个期刊的低被引特性;由h-index和特定区域内的篇均被引构成另一个复合指标Evel {h,Ci20%,Cicipp,Cih },用于期刊的被引结构特征的比较。第二,研究表明期刊被引结构可以被构形分类,而评价参数在不同被引区域有可能存在竞争优势;因此对期刊的低被引的评价要以分析被引结构为前提。期刊的综合评价应该使用多参数多维度指标。