• A magnetic accretion disk-outflow model for state transition in X-ray binaries

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The hard to soft state transition of the outbursts in X-ray binaries (XRBs) is triggered by the rising of the mass accretion rate due to the disk instability. In order to explain the observed correlation between the hard X-ray transition luminosity and the soft X-ray peak luminosity in the soft state, we construct a magnetic disk-outflow model for the state transition in XRBs. We assume that the large-scale magnetic field in the outer thin disk is formed through inverse cascade of small-scale dynamo generated field, and it is then advected by the inner advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF), which accelerates a fraction of the gas into the outflows. During the outbursts, the heating front moves inwards, and the field strength at the heating front of the outer disk is proportional to the accretion rate of the disk. Much angular momentum of the inner ADAF is carried away by the outflows for a stronger magnetic field, which leads to a high radial velocity of the ADAF. This makes the critical mass accretion rate of the ADAF increases with the field strength, and it therefore leads to a correlation between transition luminosity and the peak luminosity in the thermal state. We found that the values of the viscosity parameter $\alpha$ of the neutron star XRBs are systematically higher for those of the black hole (BH) XRBs ($\alpha\sim 0.05-0.15$ for BHs, and $\alpha\sim 0.15-0.4$ for neutron stars). Our model predicts the transition luminosity may be higher than the peak luminosity provided $\alpha$ is sufficiently high, which is able to explain a substantial fraction of outbursts in BHXRBs not reaching the thermally dominant accretion state.

  • A supercritical accretion disk with radiation-driven outflows

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Outflows are inevitably driven from the disk if the vertical component of the black hole (BH) gravity cannot resist the radiation force. We derive the mass loss rate in the outflows by solving a dynamical equation for the vertical gas motion in the disk. The structure of a supercritical accretion disk is calculated with the radial energy advection included. We find that most inflowing gas is driven into outflows if the disk is accreting at a moderate Eddington-scaled rate (up to $\sim 100$) at its outer edge, i.e., only a small fraction of gas is accreted by the BH, which is radiating at several Eddington luminosities, while it reaches around ten for extremely high accretion rate cases ($\dot{m}\equiv\dot{M}/\dot{M}_{\rm Edd}\sim 1000$). Compared with a normal slim disk, the disk luminosity is substantially suppressed due to the mass loss in the outflows. We apply the model to the light curves of the tidal disruption events (TDEs), and find that the disk luminosity declines very slowly with time even if a typical accretion rate $\dot{m}\propto t^{-5/3}$ is assumed at the outer edge of the disk, which is qualitatively consistent with the observed light curves in some TDEs, and helps understanding the energy deficient phenomenon observed in the TDEs. Strong outflows from supercritical accretion disks surrounding super massive BHs may play crucial roles on their host galaxies, which can be taken as an ingredient in the mechanical feedback models. The implications of the results on the growth of supper-massive BHs are also discussed.

  • A disk instability model for the quasi-periodic eruptions of GSN 069

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: GSN 069 is a recently discovered QPE (Quasi-periodic eruptions) source recurring about every 9 hours. The mechanism for the QPEs of GSN 069 is still unclear so far. In this work, a disk instability model is constructed to explain GSN 069 based on Pan et al. (2021) (PLC21), where the authors proposed a toy model for the repeating changing-look (CL) active galactic nuclei (AGN). We improve the work of PLC21 by including a non-zero viscous torque condition on the inner boundary of disk and adopting a general form for the viscous stress torque in Kerr metric. It is found that the 0.4-2 keV light curves, the light curves at different energy bands and the phase-resolved X-ray spectrum of GSN 069 can all be qualitatively reproduced by our model. Furthermore, the profiles of light curve in QPEs can be significantly changed by the parameter \mu in viscous torque equation, which implies that our model may also be applied to other QPEs.

  • X-ray spectral correlations in a sample of Low-mass black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The power-law emission and reflection component provide valuable insights into the accretion process around a black hole. In this work, thanks to the broadband spectra coverage of \emph{the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array}, we study the spectral properties for a sample of low-mass black hole X-ray binaries (BHXRBs). We find that there is a positive correlation between the photon index $\Gamma$ and the reflection fraction $R$ (the ratio of the coronal intensity that illuminates the disk to the coronal intensity that reaches the observer), consistent with previous studies, but except for MAXI J1820+070. It is quite interesting that this source also deviates from the well-known ``V"-shaped correlation between the photon index $\Gamma$ and the X-ray luminosity log$L_{\rm X}$, when it is in the bright hard state. More specifically, the $\Lambda$-shaped correlation between $\Gamma$ and log$L_{\rm X}$ is observed, as the luminosity decreases by a factor of 3 in a narrow range from $\sim 10^{38}$ to $10^{37.5}$ $\rm erg~s^{-1}$. Furthermore, we discover a strong positive correlation between $R$ and the X-ray luminosity for BHXRBs in the hard state, which puts a constraint on the disk-corona coupling and the evolution.

  • X-ray spectral correlations in a sample of Low-mass black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The power-law emission and reflection component provide valuable insights into the accretion process around a black hole. In this work, thanks to the broadband spectra coverage of \emph{the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array}, we study the spectral properties for a sample of low-mass black hole X-ray binaries (BHXRBs). We find that there is a positive correlation between the photon index $\Gamma$ and the reflection fraction $R$ (the ratio of the coronal intensity that illuminates the disk to the coronal intensity that reaches the observer), consistent with previous studies, but except for MAXI J1820+070. It is quite interesting that this source also deviates from the well-known ``V"-shaped correlation between the photon index $\Gamma$ and the X-ray luminosity log$L_{\rm X}$, when it is in the bright hard state. More specifically, the $\Lambda$-shaped correlation between $\Gamma$ and log$L_{\rm X}$ is observed, as the luminosity decreases by a factor of 3 in a narrow range from $\sim 10^{38}$ to $10^{37.5}$ $\rm erg~s^{-1}$. Furthermore, we discover a strong positive correlation between $R$ and the X-ray luminosity for BHXRBs in the hard state, which puts a constraint on the disk-corona coupling and the evolution.