  • On the Statistical Evolution of the Large-scale Structure and the Effective Dynamics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we study the statistical evolution of the large-scale structure (LSS), focusing on the joint probability distribution function (PDF) of the coarse-grained cosmic field and its role in constructing effective dynamics. As the most comprehensive statistics, this PDF encodes all cosmological information of large-scale modes, therefore, could serve as the basis in the LSS modelling. Following the so-called PDF-based method from turbulence, we write down this PDF's evolution equation, which describes the probability conservation. We show that this conservation equation's characteristic curves follow the same PDF history and could be considered as an effective dynamics of the coarse-grained field. Unlike the EFT of LSS, which conceptually would work at both realization and statistics level, this effective dynamics is valid only statistically. However, this `statistical equivalence' also provides valuable insight into scale interactions at the statistical level. It also enables predicting a wide variety of statistics beyond the typical N-point polyspectra, including, e.g. topologies, density PDF and non-linear covariance matrices etc. Our formula expresses the small-scale effect as the ensemble average of their interactions conditional on the large-scale modes. This suggests an interesting way to measure effective terms directly from simulation. By applying the Gram-Charlier expansion, we demonstrate a different structure of these effective terms. This formalism is a natural framework for discussing the evolution of statistical properties of large-scale modes, and provides an alternative view for understanding the relationship between general effective dynamics and standard perturbation theory.

  • On the Kinematic Morphology around Halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report an interesting kinematic phenomenon around the halos' edge related to the splashback radius. After the shell-crossing, cosmic flow exhibits various rotational morphologies via stream-mixing. Vorticity is generated in a particular way that coincides with the large-scale structure. Notably, one specific flow morphology, which is spiraling inward and compressing in the third direction, concentrates around halos. A detailed examination that reveals a sharp change in the logarithmic derivative of its volume fraction, coincides with the location of the splashback radius defined as the outermost caustic structure. Such a feature encodes valuable phase space information and provides a new perspective on understanding the dynamical evolution of halos. As a volume-weighted quantity, the profile of flow morphology is purely kinematic. And unlike other related studies, the rotational flow morphologies capture the anisotropic phase structure in the multi-stream region.

  • On the Kinematic Morphology around Halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report an interesting kinematic phenomenon around the halos' edge related to the splashback radius. After the shell-crossing, cosmic flow exhibits various rotational morphologies via stream-mixing. Vorticity is generated in a particular way that coincides with the large-scale structure. Notably, one specific flow morphology, which is spiraling inward and compressing in the third direction, concentrates around halos. A detailed examination that reveals a sharp change in the logarithmic derivative of its volume fraction, coincides with the location of the splashback radius defined as the outermost caustic structure. Such a feature encodes valuable phase space information and provides a new perspective on understanding the dynamical evolution of halos. As a volume-weighted quantity, the profile of flow morphology is purely kinematic. And unlike other related studies, the rotational flow morphologies capture the anisotropic phase structure in the multi-stream region.

  • The Origin of Radio Emission in Black Hole X-ray Binaries

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We studied the relation of accretion-jet power and disk luminosity, especially the jet efficiencies and disk radiative efficiencies for different accretion disks as well as black hole (BH) spin, in order to explore the origin of radio emission in black hole X-ray binaries (BHXBs). We found that jet efficiency increases more rapidly (efficient) than the nearly constant disk radiative efficiency for thin disk component in high accretion regime, which could account for the steep track ($\mu>1$) in the observed radio and X-ray luminosity relations ($L_{\rm R}\propto L_{\rm X}^{\mu}$), but the thin disk component may not be able to explain the standard track ($\mu\approx 0.6$) in the BHXBs. For hot accretion flows (HAF), the resulting jet efficiency changes along with the large range of accretions from quiescent state to nearly Eddington state, which could account for the standard track in the BHXBs. The BH spin-jet is discussed for the magnetic arrested disk (MAD) state; in this state, the spin-jet power might contribute to a linear correlation between jet power and mass accretion rate for a given source. More accurate observations are required to test the results.

  • Large Amplitude Switchback Turbulence: Possible Magnetic Velocity Alignment Structures

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Switchbacks are widely acknowledged phenomena observed by the Parker Solar Probe and appear to occur in patches. Previous studies focused on the fluctuations at the magnetic reversals. However, the nature of the fluctuations inside the switchbacks remains unknown. Here we utilize the magnetic field data and plasma data measured by the Parker Solar Probe in the first four encounters. We investigate the fluctuations in the switchback intervals of 100 s with BR>0 at every instant and compare them to the fluctuations in the nonswitchback intervals of 100 s with theta_RB>160o at every instant. We calculate normalized cross-helicity sigma_c, normalized residual energy sigma_r, correlation coefficient C_vb between dvA and dv, Alfven ratio rA, and the amplitude of magnetic and kinetic fluctuations. We find that the switchback intervals exhibit a distribution of sigma_c similar with the nonswitchback intervals. However, the rA of switchback intervals is around 0.35, while the nonswitchback intervals have rA around 0.65, indicating the fluctuations in the switchbacks are more magnetically dominated. We also find that the distribution pattern of pixel average amplitude of both dvA and dv of switchback intervals in the C_vb-sigma_r plane show a vertical stripe feature at C_vb>0.8, illustrating the possible magnetically dominant magnetic-velocity alignment structure. These results will help us to understand the nature and the formation of the switchback turbulence.

  • The Jet-Disk Coupling of Seyfert Galaxies from a Complete Hard X-ray Sample

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We analyze the jet-disk coupling for different subsamples from a complete hard X-ray Seyfert sample to study the coupling indices and their relation to accretion rate. The results are: (1) the power-law coupling index ranges from nearly unity (linear correlation) for radio-loud Seyferts to significantly less than unity for radio-quiet ones. This declining trend of coupling index also holds from larger sources to compact ones; (2) the Seyferts with intermediate to high accretion rate (Eddington ratio $\lambda\sim$ 0.001 to 0.3) show a linear jet-disk coupling, but it shallows from near to super Eddington ($\lambda\sim$ 0.3 to 10), and the former is more radio loud than the latter; (3) the Seyfert 1s are slightly steeper than the Seyfert 2s, in the jet-disk correlation. In the linear coupling regime, the ratio of jet efficiency to radiative efficiency ($\eta/\varepsilon$) is nearly invariant, but in low accretion or super accretion regime, $\eta/\varepsilon$ varies with $\lambda$ in our model. We note that a radio-active cycle of accretion-dominated active galactic nuclei would be: from a weaker jet-disk coupling in $\lambda<0.001$ for low luminosity Seyferts, to a linear coupling in $0.001<\lambda<0.3$ for radio-loud luminous Seyferts and powerful radio galaxies/quasars, and to a weaker coupling in $0.3<\lambda<10$ ones.

  • Nonreciprocal waveguide-QED for spinning cavities with multiple coupling points

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate chiral emission and the single-photon scattering of spinning cavities coupled to a meandering waveguide at multiple coupling points. It is shown that nonreciprocal photon transmissions occur in the cavities-waveguide system, which stems from interference effects among different coupling points, and frequency shifts induced by the Sagnac effect. The nonlocal interference is akin to the mechanism in giant atoms. In the single-cavity setup, by optimizing the spinning velocity and number of coupling points, the chiral factor can approach 1, and the chiral direction can be freely switched. Moreover, destructive interference gives rise to the complete photon transmission in one direction over the whole optical frequency band, with no analogy in other quantum setups. In the multiple-cavity system, we also investigate the photon transport properties. The results indicate a directional information flow between different nodes. Our proposal provides a novel way to achieve quantum nonreciprocal devices, which can be applied in large-scale quantum chiral networks with optical waveguides.

  • Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Method with Redshift Errors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The tomographic Alcock-Paczynski (AP) method is a promising method that uses the redshift evolution of the anisotropic clustering in redshift space to calibrate cosmology. It extends the applicable range of AP method to substantially nonlinear scales, yielding very tight cosmological constraints. For future stage-IV slitless spectroscopic surveys, the non-negligible redshift errors might reduce the advantage of the tomographic AP method by suppressing the resolution of the nonlinear structure along the line of sight. The present work studies how redshift errors propagate to cosmological parameters in the tomographic AP analysis. We use a formula $\sigma_z = \sigma(1+z)^{\alpha} $ to model the redshift errors, with $\sigma$ varying from 0.001 to 0.006 and $\alpha$ varying from 0.5 to 1.5. The redshift errors produce a signal of anisotropic clustering that is similar to a strong finger-of-god effect, which smears out both the AP signal and the contamination caused by the redshift space distortions (RSD). For the target precision of the Chinese Space Station Telescope optical survey ($\sigma\lesssim 0.002$), the decrement of constraining power on the dark energy equation of state is mild ($\lesssim 50\%$), and the suppression of RSD contamination leads to a smaller bias-to-signal ratio. Our results indicate that the tomographic AP method will remain a useful and complementary tool for analyses of future slitless spectroscopic surveys.

  • Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Method with Redshift Errors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The tomographic Alcock-Paczynski (AP) method is a promising method that uses the redshift evolution of the anisotropic clustering in redshift space to calibrate cosmology. It extends the applicable range of AP method to substantially nonlinear scales, yielding very tight cosmological constraints. For future stage-IV slitless spectroscopic surveys, the non-negligible redshift errors might reduce the advantage of the tomographic AP method by suppressing the resolution of the nonlinear structure along the line of sight. The present work studies how redshift errors propagate to cosmological parameters in the tomographic AP analysis. We use a formula $\sigma_z = \sigma(1+z)^{\alpha} $ to model the redshift errors, with $\sigma$ varying from 0.001 to 0.006 and $\alpha$ varying from 0.5 to 1.5. The redshift errors produce a signal of anisotropic clustering that is similar to a strong finger-of-god effect, which smears out both the AP signal and the contamination caused by the redshift space distortions (RSD). For the target precision of the Chinese Space Station Telescope optical survey ($\sigma\lesssim 0.002$), the decrement of constraining power on the dark energy equation of state is mild ($\lesssim 50\%$), and the suppression of RSD contamination leads to a smaller bias-to-signal ratio. Our results indicate that the tomographic AP method will remain a useful and complementary tool for analyses of future slitless spectroscopic surveys.

  • Suppression of laser beam's polarization and intensity fluctuation via a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with proper feedback

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-20

    摘要: Long ground-Rydberg coherence lifetime is interesting for implementing high-fidelity quantum logic gates, many-body physics, and other quantum information protocols. However, the potential well formed by a conventional far-off-resonance red-detuned optical-dipole trap that is attractive for ground-state cold atoms is usually repulsive for Rydberg atoms, which will result in the rapid loss of atoms and low repetition rate of the experimental sequence. Moreover, the coherence time will be sharply shortened due to the residual thermal motion of cold atoms. These issues can be addressed by a one-dimensional magic lattice trap, which can form a deeper potential trap than the traveling wave optical dipole trap when the output power is limited. In addition, these common techniques for atomic confinement generally have certain requirements for the polarization and intensity stability of the laser. Here, we demonstrated a method to suppress both the polarization drift and power fluctuation only based on the phase management of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer for a one-dimensional magic lattice trap. With the combination of three wave plates and the interferometer, we used the instrument to collect data in the time domain, analyzed the fluctuation of laser intensity, and calculated the noise power spectral density. We found that the total intensity fluctuation comprising laser power fluctuation and polarization drift was significantly suppressed, and the noise power spectral density after closed-loop locking with a typical bandwidth of 1-3000 Hz was significantly lower than that under the free running of the laser system. Typically, at 1000 Hz, the noise power spectral density after locking was about 10 dB lower than that under the free running of a master oscillator power amplifier system.The intensity-polarization control technique provides potential applications.

  • A preliminary study about gravitational wave radiation and cosmic heat death

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the role of gravitational waves (GW) in the heat death of the universe. Due to the GW emission, in a very long period, dynamical systems in the universe suffer from persistent mechanical energy dissipation, evolving to a state of universal rest and death. With N-body simulations, we adopt a simple yet representative scheme to calculate the energy loss due to the GW emission. For current dark matter systems with mass $\sim10^{12}-10^{15} M_\odot$, we estimate their GW emission timescale as $\sim10^{19}-10^{25}$ years. This timescale is significantly larger than any baryon processes in the universe, but still $\sim10^{80}$ times shorter than that of the Hawking radiation. We stress that our analysis could be invalid due to many unknowns such as the dynamical chaos, the quadrupole momentum of halos, the angular momentum loss, the dynamic friction, the central black hole accretion, the dark matter decays or annihilations, the property of dark energy and the future evolution of the universe.

  • On the scaling and anisotropy of two subranges in the inertial range of solar wind turbulence

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Intermittency and anisotropy are two important aspects of plasma turbulence, which the solar wind provides a natural laboratory to investigate. However, their forms and nature are still under debate, making it difficult to achieve a consensus in the theoretical interpretation. Here, we perform higher-order statistics for the observations in the fast solar wind at 1.48 au obtained by Ulysses and in the slow solar wind at 0.17 au obtained by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). We find that two subranges clearly exist in the inertial range and they present distinct features with regard to the intermittency and anisotropy. The subrange 1 with smaller scale has a multifractal scaling with the second index $\xi(2) \sim 2/3$ and the subrange 2 with larger scale is also multifractal but with $\xi(2) \sim 1/2$. The break between two subranges locates at the same spatial scale for both Ulysses and PSP observations. Subrange 1 is multifractal in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 2/3$ and seems to be monoscaling in the parallel direction with $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 1$. Subrange 2 is multifractal in both parallel and perpendicular directions with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 1/2$ and $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 2/3$. Both subrange 1 and subrange 2 present power and wavevector anisotropies. The distinct features of two subranges suggest that a transition from weak to strong turbulence may occur and the spatial scale of the break may not evolve with the solar wind expansion. These new results update our knowledge of the inertial range and provide strong observational constraints on the understanding of intermittency and anisotropy in solar wind turbulence.

  • On the scaling and anisotropy of two subranges in the inertial range of solar wind turbulence

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Intermittency and anisotropy are two important aspects of plasma turbulence, which the solar wind provides a natural laboratory to investigate. However, their forms and nature are still under debate, making it difficult to achieve a consensus in the theoretical interpretation. Here, we perform higher-order statistics for the observations in the fast solar wind at 1.48 au obtained by Ulysses and in the slow solar wind at 0.17 au obtained by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). We find that two subranges clearly exist in the inertial range and they present distinct features with regard to the intermittency and anisotropy. The subrange 1 with smaller scale has a multifractal scaling with the second index $\xi(2) \sim 2/3$ and the subrange 2 with larger scale is also multifractal but with $\xi(2) \sim 1/2$. The break between two subranges locates at the same spatial scale for both Ulysses and PSP observations. Subrange 1 is multifractal in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 2/3$ and seems to be monoscaling in the parallel direction with $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 1$. Subrange 2 is multifractal in both parallel and perpendicular directions with $\xi_{\perp}(2) \sim 1/2$ and $\xi_{\parallel}(2) \sim 2/3$. Both subrange 1 and subrange 2 present power and wavevector anisotropies. The distinct features of two subranges suggest that a transition from weak to strong turbulence may occur and the spatial scale of the break may not evolve with the solar wind expansion. These new results update our knowledge of the inertial range and provide strong observational constraints on the understanding of intermittency and anisotropy in solar wind turbulence.

  • Self-healing and transformation characteristics of obstructed Hermite-Gaussian modes composed structured beams

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The self-healing property of laser beams is of great interest. And a laser beam with spatial structures is also widely concerned due to its important applications in lots of areas. We theoretically and experimentally investigate the self-healing and transformation characteristics of obstructed structured beams composed by incoherent or coherent superposition of multiple Hermite-Gaussian (HG) modes. We reveal that partially obstructed single HG mode can recover itself or transfer to a lower order in the far-field. When the obstacle retains one pair of edged bright spots of HG mode in each direction of its two symmetry axes, the beam structure information (number of knot lines) along each axis can be restored. Otherwise, it will be transferred to the corresponding low-order HG mode or multi interference fringes in the far-field, according to the interval of the two most edged remaining spots on each axis. It's proved that the above effect is induced by the diffraction and interference results of the partially retained light field. This principle is also applicable to multi-eigenmodes composed beams with special customized optical structures. Then the self-healing and transformation characteristics of the partially obstructed HG modes composed structured beams are investigated. It's found that the HG modes incoherently composed structured beams have a strong ability to recover themselves in the far-field after occlusion. These investigations can expand the applications of optical lattice structures of laser communication, atom optical capture, and optical imaging.

  • Transverse mode selective laser with gain regulation by a digital micromirror device

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A transverse mode selective laser system with gain regulation by a digital micromirror device (DMD) is presented in this letter. The gain regulation in laser medium is adjusted by the switch of the patterns loaded on DMD. Structured pump beam patterns can be obtained after the reflection of the loaded patterns on DMD, and then it's defocused into a microchip laser medium by a short focal lens, so that the pump patterns can be transferred to the gain medium to regulate the gain distribution. Corresponding structured laser beams can be generated by this laser system. The laser beam pattern can be regulated easily and quickly, by switching the loaded patterns on DMD. Through this method, we show a simple and flexible laser system to generate on-demand laser beam patterns.

  • Intra-Day Variability Observations of Two Dozens of Blazars at 4.8 GHz

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Two dozens of radio loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have been observed with Urumqi 25 m radio telescope in order to search for intra-day variability (IDV). The target sources are blazars (namely flat spectrum radio quasars and BL Lac objects) which are mostly selected from the observing list of RadioAstron AGN monitoring campaigns. The observations were carried out at 4.8 GHz in two sessions of 8-12 February 2014 and 7-9 March respectively. We report the data reduction and the first results of observations. The results show that the majority of the blazars exhibit IDV in 99.9% confidence level, some of them show quite strong IDV. We find the strong IDV of blazar 1357 + 769 for the first time. The IDV at centimeter-wavelength is believed to be predominately caused by the scintillation of blazar emission through the local interstellar medium in a few hundreds parsecs away from Sun. No significant correlation between the IDV strength and either redshift or Galactic latitude is found in our sample. The IDV timescale along with source structure and brightness temperature analysis will be presented in a forthcoming paper.

  • Hermite-Gaussian-mode coherently composed states and deep learning based free-space optical communication link

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In laser-based free-space optical communication, besides OAM beams, Hermite-Gaussian (HG) modes or HG-mode coherently composed states (HG-MCCS) can also be adopted as the information carrier to extend the channel capacity with the spatial pattern based encoding and decoding link. The light field of HG-MCCS is mainly determined by three independent parameters, including indexes of HG modes, relative initial phases between two eigenmodes, and scale coefficients of the eigenmodes, which can obtain a large number of effective coding modes at a low mode order. The beam intensity distributions of the HG-MCCSs have obvious distinguishable spatial characteristics and can keep propagation invariance, which are convenient to be decoded by the convolutional neural network (CNN) based image recognition method. We experimentally utilize HG-MCCS to realize a communication link including encoding, transmission under atmospheric turbulence (AT), and decoding based on CNN. With the index order of eigenmodes within six, 125 HG-MCCS are generated and used for information encoding, and the average recognition accuracy reached 99.5% for non-AT conditions. For the 125-level color images transmission, the error rate of the system is less than 1.8% even under the weak AT condition. Our work provides a useful basis for the future combination of dense data communication and artificial intelligence technology.

  • AI-assisted reconstruction of cosmic velocity field from redshift-space spatial distribution of halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The peculiar velocities of dark matter halos are crucial to study many issues in cosmology and galaxy evolution. In this study, by using the state-of-the-art deep learning technique, a UNet-based neural network, we propose to reconstruct the peculiar velocity field from the redshift-space distribution of dark matter halos. Through a point-to-point comparison and examination of various statistical properties, we demonstrate that, the reconstructed velocity field is in good agreement with the ground truth. The power spectra of various velocity field components, including velocity magnitude, divergence and vorticity, can be successfully recovered when $k\lesssim 1.1$ $h/\rm Mpc$ (the Nyquist frequency of the simulations) at about 80% accuracy. This approach is very promising and presents an alternative method to correct the redshift-space distortions using the measured 3D spatial information of halos. Additionally, for the reconstruction of the momentum field of halos, UNet achieves similar good results. Hence the applications in various aspects of cosmology are very broad, such as correcting redshift errors and improving measurements in the structure of the cosmic web, the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, BAO reconstruction, etc.

  • AI-assisted reconstruction of cosmic velocity field from redshift-space spatial distribution of halos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The peculiar velocities of dark matter halos are crucial to study many issues in cosmology and galaxy evolution. In this study, by using the state-of-the-art deep learning technique, a UNet-based neural network, we propose to reconstruct the peculiar velocity field from the redshift-space distribution of dark matter halos. Through a point-to-point comparison and examination of various statistical properties, we demonstrate that, the reconstructed velocity field is in good agreement with the ground truth. The power spectra of various velocity field components, including velocity magnitude, divergence and vorticity, can be successfully recovered when $k\lesssim 1.1$ $h/\rm Mpc$ (the Nyquist frequency of the simulations) at about 80% accuracy. This approach is very promising and presents an alternative method to correct the redshift-space distortions using the measured 3D spatial information of halos. Additionally, for the reconstruction of the momentum field of halos, UNet achieves similar good results. Hence the applications in various aspects of cosmology are very broad, such as correcting redshift errors and improving measurements in the structure of the cosmic web, the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, BAO reconstruction, etc.

  • An exon skipping in a SEPALLATA-Like gene is associated with perturbedfloral and fruits development in cucumber

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 植物生理学 提交时间: 2016-05-03

    摘要: We isolated a mutant showing perturbations in the development of male and female floral organs and fruits. Analysis of the single nucleotide polymorphisms from bulked F2 pools identified the causative variant occurring in Csa4G126690. Csa4G126690 shows high homology to Arabidopsis SEPALLATA2 (SEP2) thus being designated CsSEP2. The causative variant was located on the splicing site of CsSEP2, resulting in the skipping of exon 6 and abolishment of the tran CsSEP2 is involved in the floral organ and fruits development by conferring tran