• Quasi-periodic Variations of Coronal Mass Ejections with Different Angular Widths

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are energetic expulsions of organized magnetic features from the Sun. The study of CME quasi-periodicity helps establish a possible relationship between CMEs, solar flares, and geomagnetic disturbances. We used the angular width of CMEs as a criterion for classifying the CMEs in the study. Based on 25 years of observational data, we systematically analyzed the quasi-periodic variations corresponding to the CME occurrence rate of different angular widths in the northern and southern hemispheres, using frequency and time-frequency analysis methods. There are various periods for CMEs of different angular widths: 9 months, 1.7 years, and 3.3-4.3 years. Compared with previous studies based on the occurrence rate of CMEs, we obtained the same periods of 1.2(+-0.01) months, 3.1(+-0.04) months, ~6.1(+-0.4) months, 1.2(+-0.1) years, and 2.4(+-0.4) years. We also found additional periods of all CMEs that appear only in one hemisphere or during a specific solar cycle. For example, 7.1(+-0.2) months and 4.1(+-0.2) years in the northern hemisphere, 1(+-0.004) months, 5.9(+-0.2) months, 1(+-0.1) years, 1.4(+-0.1) years, and 2.4(+-0.4) years in the southern hemisphere, 6.1(+-0.4) months in solar cycle 23 (SC23) and 6.1(+-0.4) months, 1.2(+-0.1) years, and 3.7(+-0.2) years in solar cycle 24 (SC24). The analysis shows that quasi-periodic variations of the CMEs are a link among oscillations in coronal magnetic activity, solar flare eruptions, and interplanetary space.

  • Quasi-periodic Variations of Coronal Mass Ejections with Different Angular Widths

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are energetic expulsions of organized magnetic features from the Sun. The study of CME quasi-periodicity helps establish a possible relationship between CMEs, solar flares, and geomagnetic disturbances. We used the angular width of CMEs as a criterion for classifying the CMEs in the study. Based on 25 years of observational data, we systematically analyzed the quasi-periodic variations corresponding to the CME occurrence rate of different angular widths in the northern and southern hemispheres, using frequency and time-frequency analysis methods. There are various periods for CMEs of different angular widths: 9 months, 1.7 years, and 3.3-4.3 years. Compared with previous studies based on the occurrence rate of CMEs, we obtained the same periods of 1.2(+-0.01) months, 3.1(+-0.04) months, ~6.1(+-0.4) months, 1.2(+-0.1) years, and 2.4(+-0.4) years. We also found additional periods of all CMEs that appear only in one hemisphere or during a specific solar cycle. For example, 7.1(+-0.2) months and 4.1(+-0.2) years in the northern hemisphere, 1(+-0.004) months, 5.9(+-0.2) months, 1(+-0.1) years, 1.4(+-0.1) years, and 2.4(+-0.4) years in the southern hemisphere, 6.1(+-0.4) months in solar cycle 23 (SC23) and 6.1(+-0.4) months, 1.2(+-0.1) years, and 3.7(+-0.2) years in solar cycle 24 (SC24). The analysis shows that quasi-periodic variations of the CMEs are a link among oscillations in coronal magnetic activity, solar flare eruptions, and interplanetary space.

  • Overview of CCKS 2020 Task 3: Named Entity Recognition and Event Extraction in Chinese Electronic Medical Records

    分类: 计算机科学 >> 计算机科学的集成理论 提交时间: 2022-11-27 合作期刊: 《数据智能(英文)》

    摘要: The China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS) 2020 Evaluation Task 3 presented clinical named entity recognition and event extraction for the Chinese electronic medical records. Two annotated data sets and some other additional resources for these two subtasks were provided for participators. This evaluation competition attracted 354 teams and 46 of them successfully submitted the valid results. The pre-trained language models are widely applied in this evaluation task. Data argumentation and external resources are also helpful.

  • Optical quantum memory based on electro-optically silenced photon echo

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Integrated quantum memories are a scalable solution to synchronize a large number of quantum computers, which are essential to build a quantum network to boost their capabilities on information processing. Rather than expecting to find a specific kind of atoms to meet all the requirements of a good quantum memory, as other protocols usually do, we propose that assigning the memory requirements on coherence property and control property to rare earth ions and lithium niobate crystal, respectively. In particular, optical quantum states are stored into erbium doped lithium niobate (Er$^{3+}$:LiNbO$_3$) micro-cavity by utilizing the electro-optic effect of LiNbO$_3$. The Er$^{3+}$:LiNbO$_3$ cavity frequency can be shifted by an external electric field, which is used to control the photon-echo emission by changing the resonance condition between micro-cavity and collective atomic excitation. According to calculations, high efficiency and low noise storage can be achieved. Benefiting from the host lithium-niobate thin film, such a device can be controlled by on-chip electrodes and is easy to be integrated with modern photonic devices, paving way of integrated quantum chips.

  • Non-Gaussian Fluctuation and Non-Markovian Effect in the Nuclear Fusion Process: Langevin Dynamics Emerging from Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2017-07-30

    摘要: Macroscopic parameters as well as precise information on the random force characterizing the Langevin type description of the nuclear fusion process around the Coulomb barrier are extracted from the microscopic dynamics of individual nucleons by exploiting the numerical simulation of the improved quantum molecular dynamics. It turns out that the dissipation dynamics of the relative motion between two fusing nuclei is caused by a non-Gaussian distribution of the random force. We find that the friction coefficient as well as the time correlation function of the random force takes particularly large values in a region a little bit inside of the Coulomb barrier. A clear non-Markovian effect is observed in the time correlation function of the random force. It is further shown that an emergent dynamics of the fusion process can be described by the generalized Langevin equation with memory effects by appropriately incorporating the microscopic information of individual nucleons through the random force and its time correlation function.

  • Energy-Dependence of Nucleus-Nucleus Potential and Friction Parameter in Fusion Reactions

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2017-07-30

    摘要: Applying a macroscopic reduction procedure on the improved quantum molecular dynamics (ImQMD) model, the energy dependences of the nucleus-nucleus potential, the friction parameter, and the random force characterizing a one-dimensional Langevin-type description of the heavy-ion fusion process are investigated. Systematic calculations with the ImQMD model show that the fluctuation-dissipation relation found in the symmetric head-on fusion reactions at energies just above the Coulomb barrier fades out when the incident energy increases. It turns out that this dynamical change with increasing incident energy is caused by a specific behavior of the friction parameter which directly depends on the microscopic dynamical process, i.e., on how the collective energy of the relative motion is transferred into the intrinsic excitation energy. It is shown micro- scopically that the energy dissipation in the fusion process is governed by two mechanisms: One is caused by the nucleon exchanges between two fusing nuclei, and the other is due to a rearrangement of nucleons in the intrinsic system. The former mechanism monotonically increases the dissipative energy and shows a weak dependence on the incident energy, while the latter depends on both the relative distance between two fusing nuclei and the incident energy. It is shown that the latter mechanism is responsible for the energy dependence of the fusion potential and explains the fading out of the fluctuation-dissipation relation.