• The spatial distribution of satellites in galaxy clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The planar distributions of satellite galaxies around the Milky Way and Andromeda have been extensively studied as potential challenges to the standard cosmological model. Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Millennium simulation we extend such studies to the satellite galaxies of massive galaxy clusters. We find that both observations and simulations of galaxy clusters show an excess of anisotropic satellite distributions. On average, satellites in clusters have a higher degree of anisotropy than their counterparts in Milky-Way-mass hosts once we account for the difference in their radial distributions. The normal vector of the plane of satellites is strongly aligned with the host halo's minor axis, while the alignment with the large-scale structure is weak. At fixed cluster mass, the degree of anisotropy is higher at higher redshift. This reflects the highly anisotropic nature of satellites accretion points, a feature that is partly erased by the subsequent orbital evolution of the satellites. We also find that satellite galaxies are mostly accreted singly so group accretion is not the explanation for the high flattening of the planes of satellites.

  • Dark against luminous matter around isolated central galaxies: a comparative study between modern surveys and Illustris-TNG

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Based on independent shear measurements using the DECaLS/DR8 imaging data, we measure the weak lensing signals around isolated central galaxies (ICGs) from SDSS/DR7 at $z\sim0.1$. The projected stellar mass density profiles of surrounding satellite galaxies are further deduced, using photometric sources from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey (pDR3). The signals of ICGs $+$ their extended stellar halos are taken from Wang et al.(2021). All measurements are compared with predictions by the Illustris-TNG300-1 simulation. We find, overall, a good agreement between observation and TNG300. In particular, a correction to the stellar mass of massive observed ICGs is applied based on the calibration of He et al.(2013), which brings a much better agreement with TNG300 predicted lensing signals at $\log_{10}M_\ast/M_\odot>11.1$. In real observation, red ICGs are hosted by more massive dark matter halos, have more satellites and more extended stellar halos than blue ICGs at fixed stellar mass. However, in TNG300 there are more satellites around blue ICGs at fixed stellar mass, and the outer stellar halos of red and blue ICGs are similar. The stellar halos of TNG galaxies are more extended compared with real observed galaxies, especially for blue ICGs with $\log_{10}M_\ast/M_\odot>10.8$. We find the same trend for TNG100 galaxies and for true halo central galaxies. The tensions between TNG and real galaxies might indicate that satellite disruptions are stronger in TNG. In both TNG300 and observation, satellites approximately trace the underlying dark matter distribution beyond $0.1R_{200}$, but the fraction of total stellar mass in TNG300 does not show the same radial distribution as real galaxies.