• Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227 IV. Origin of the obscuring cloud variability

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Obscuration events in type I active galactic nuclei (AGN) have been detected more frequently in recent years. The strong flux decrease in the soft X-ray band between observations has been caused by clouds with large column densities transiting our line-of-sight (LOS) and covering the central AGN. Another event has been captured in NGC 3227 at the end of 2019. We aim to determine the nature of the observed spectral variability in 2019 obscuration event. We split the two XMM-Newton observations from 2019 into timing bins of length $\sim$ 10 ks. We used the SPEX code to analyse the 0.35-10 keV EPIC-PN spectra of each timing bin. In the first observation (Obs 1), there is a strong anti-correlation between the column density ($N_H$) of the obscurer and the continuum normalisations of the X-ray power-law and soft Comptonisation components ($N_{pow}$ and $N_{comt}$, respectively). The powerlaw continuum models the hard X-rays produced by the corona, and the Comptonisation component models the soft X-ray excess and emission from the accretion disk. Through further testing we conclude that the continuum is likely to drive the observed variability, but we cannot rule out a possible contribution from NH of the obscurer if it fully transverses across the ionising source within our LOS during the observation. The ionisation parameter ($\xi$) of the obscurer is not easily constrained, and therefore it is not clear whether it varies in response to changes in ionising continuum. The second observation (Obs 2) displays a significantly lower count rate due to the combination of a high NH and covering fraction of the obscurer, and a lower continuum flux. The observed variability seen during the obscuration event of NGC 3227 in 2019 is likely driven by the continuum, but the obscurer varies at the same time, making it difficult to distinguish between the two possibilities with full certainty.