  • Moving structures in ultraviolet bright points: observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Moving structures have been detected in coronal bright points and in a solar flare in active regions, which were bi-directional, symmetrical, simultaneous, and quasi-periodic (Ning & Guo 2014; Ning 2016; Li et al. 2016a). They could be regarded as observational evidence of plasma outflows via magnetic reconnection. In this article, we explored pairs of moving structures in fifteen ultraviolet bright points (UBPs), which were observed in the quiet Sun or inside a small active region on 19 November 2020, and measured by the High Resolution (HRI) Telescopes of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) on board the Solar Orbiter (SolO) in two passbands, HRIEUV 174 {\AA} and HRILy{\alpha} 1216 {\AA}. Moving structures observed in ten UBPs as starting from their bright cores and propagating toward two ends, are interpreted as diverging motions of bi-directional moving structures. These moving structures are also characterized by simultaneity and symmetry and in the case of seven UBPs they exhibit quasi-periodicity. They could be generated by outflows after magnetic reconnections. Moving structures seen in another five UBPs as originating from double ends and moving closer, and merging together, are manifested as converging motions, which might be caused by inflows through the magnetic reconnection, or might be interpreted as upflows driven by the chromospheric evaporation.

  • Quasi-periodic Accelerations of Energetic Particles during a Solar Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the observation of non-stationary Quasi-Periodic Pulsations (QPPs) in high-energy particles during the impulsive phase of an X4.8 flare on 2002 July 23 (SOL2002-07-23T00:35). The X4.8 flare was simultaneously measured by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters, and Nobeyama Radioheliograph. The quasi-period of about 50 s, determined by the wavelet transform, is detected in the Gamma-ray line emission. Using the same method, a quasi-period of about 90 s is found in Gamma-ray continuum, hard X-ray (HXR) and radio emissions during almost the same time. Our observations suggest that the flare QPPs should be associated with energetic ions and nonthermal electrons that quasi-periodically accelerated by the repetitive magnetic reconnection. The different quasi-periods between Gamma-ray line and continuum/HXR/radio emissions indicate an apparent difference in acceleration or propagation between energetic ions and nonthermal electrons of this solar flare.

  • Unified Phenomenological Decomposition of Radar Targets

    分类: 地球科学 >> 空间物理学 提交时间: 2017-01-04

    摘要: Huynen phenomenological decomposition as the first for-malized target decomposition has not been widely accepted. Huynen’s preference for scattering symmetry and regularity restricts not only the application of this decomposition but also its unification with other target dichotomies such as the Barnes-Holm decomposition and Yang decomposition. The non-uniqueness issue then arises because we may have dif-ferent dichotomies of radar targets, but we have no idea on how to select them. Recently, a unified Huynen dichotomy was developed by Li and Zhang to extend Huynen decom-position for a full preference for symmetry and regularity, non-symmetry, irregularity, as well as their couplings. The dichotomy covers all the existing dichotomies and provides an excellent discrimination of radar targets. This paper gives a concise review of the Huynen-type target dichotomies to investigate the existing concerns influencing the application of such decompositions and the corresponding coping me-thods. We hope this review will help to promote the wide acceptation of Huynen-type target dichotomies in the future.

  • Scattering preference pyramid classification of PolSAR data based on canonical huynen dichotomy

    分类: 地球科学 >> 空间物理学 提交时间: 2017-01-04

    摘要: Huynen decomposition prefers the world of basic symmetry and regularity (SR) in which we live. However, it is just this preference prevents Huynen decomposition from analyzing the non-symmetric (NS) and irregular (IR) targets. The canonical Huynen dichotomy is proposed to provide two competent supplements to Huynen decomposition by developing two other target dichotomies with the scattering preferences for IR and NS. In virtue of an adaptive combination and permutation of the scattering preferences of the canonical dichotomy, a scattering preference pyramid description of the mixed scattering is developed in this paper. The pyramid is composed of three layers to reflect three different degrees of scattering randomness. Each layer is further composed of several blocks to totally indicate ten different scattering mechanisms. The excellent performance of this scheme is demonstrated by comparing it with the widely-used entropy/alpha classification, and a better discrimination of radar targets is obtained. �VDE VERLAG GMBH �Berlin �Offenbach.

  • A Statistical Study of Short-period Decayless Oscillations of Coronal Loops in an Active Region

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal loop oscillations are common phenomena in the solar corona, which are often classified as decaying and decayless oscillations. Using the high-resolution observation measured by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard the Solar Orbiter, we statistical investigate small-scale transverse oscillations with short periods (<200 s) of coronal loops in an active region, i.e., NOAA 12965. A total of 111 coronal loops are identified in EUI 174 A images, and they all reveal transverse oscillations without any significant decaying, regarding as decayless oscillations. Oscillatory periods are measured from about 11 s to 185 s, with a median period of 40 s. Thus, they are also termed as short-period oscillations. The corresponding loop lengths are measured from about 10.5 Mm to 30.2 Mm, and a strong dependence of oscillatory periods on loop lengths is established, indicating that the short-period oscillations are standing kink-mode waves in nature. Based on the coronal seismology, kink speeds are measured to about 330-1910 km/s, and magnetic field strengths in coronal loops are estimated to about 4.1-25.2 G, while the energy flux carried by decayless kink oscillations lies in the range from roughly 7 W m^(-2) to 9220 W m^(-2). Our estimations suggest that the wave energy carried by short-period decayless kink oscillations can not support the coronal heating in the active region.

  • Stable mass transfer can explain massive binary black hole mergers with a high spin component

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recent gravitational wave observations showed that binary black hole (BBH) mergers with massive components are more likely to have high effective spins. In the model of isolated binary evolution, BH spins mainly originate from the angular momenta of the collapsing cores before BH formation. Both observations and theories indicate that BHs tend to possess relatively low spins, the origin of fast-spinning BHs remains a puzzle. We investigate an alternative process that stable Case A mass transfer may significantly increase BH spins during the evolution of massive BH binaries. We present detailed binary evolution calculations and find that this process can explain observed high spins of some massive BBH mergers under the assumption of mildly super-Eddington accretion.

  • A Study of Magnetized White Dwarf + Helium Star Binary Evolution to Type Ia Supernovae

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The white dwarf (WD) + helium (He) star binary channel plays an important role in the single degenerate scenario for the progenitors of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Previous studies on the WD + main sequence star evolution have shown that the magnetic fields of WDs may significantly influence their accretion and nuclear burning processes. In this work we focus on the evolution of magnetized WD + He star binaries with detailed stellar evolution and binary population synthesis (BPS) calculations. In the case of magnetized WDs, the magnetic fields may disrupt the inner regions of the accretion disk, funnel the accretion flow onto the polar caps, and even confine helium burning within the caps.We find that, for WDs with sufficiently strong magnetic fields, the parameter space of the potential SN Ia progenitor systems shrinks toward shorter orbital periods and lower donor masses compared with that in the non-magnetized WD case. The reason is that the magnetic confinement usually works with relatively high mass transfer rates, which can trigger strong wind mass loss from the WD, thus limiting the He-rich mass accumulation efficiency. The surviving companion stars are likely of low-mass at the moment of the SN explosions, which can be regarded as a possible explanation for the non-detection of surviving companions after the SNe or inside the SN remnants. However, the corresponding birthrate of Galactic SNe Ia in our high-magnetic models is estimated to be ~(0.08-0.13) * 10^{-3} yr^{-1}( ~0.17-0.28 * 10^{-3}yr^{-1} for the non-magnetic models), significantly lower than the observed Galactic SN Ia birthrate.

  • On the effect of pulsar evaporation on the cooling of white dwarfs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Evolution of a large part of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) leads to the formation of rapidly rotating pulsars with a helium white dwarf (He WD) companion. Observations indicate that some He WDs in binary pulsar systems are ultracool (with the effective temperatures $T_{\rm eff}\lesssim$ 4000\, K). It is hard to cool down a He WD to such low temperatures within the Hubble time, because a thick hydrogen envelope was left behind around the He core after the mass transfer process. A possible mechanism that can accelerate the WD cooling is the evaporative wind mass loss from the He WD driven by the high-energy radiation from the recycled pulsar. In this paper, we evolve a large number of LMXBs and investigate the influence of the pulsar's high-energy radiation on the WD cooling with different input parameters, including the neutron star's spin-down luminosity, the evaporation efficiency and the metallicity of the companion star. By comparing our results with observations we note that, for relatively hot He WDs (with $T_{\rm eff}> 7000$ K), standard WD cooling without evaporation considered is able to reproduce their temperatures, while evaporation is probably required for the He WDs with relatively low temperatures ($T_{\rm eff}$ <5000 K).

  • Population Synthesis of Black Hole Binaries with Compact Star Companions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We perform a systematic study of merging black hole (BH) binaries with compact star (CS) companions, including black hole--white dwarf (BH--WD), black hole--neutron star (BH--NS) and black hole--black hole (BH--BH) systems. Previous studies have shown that mass transfer stability and common envelope evolution can significantly affect the formation of merging BH--CS binaries through isolated binary evolution. With detailed binary evolution simulations, we obtain easy-to-use criteria for the occurrence of the common envelope phase in mass-transferring BH binaries with a nondegenerate donor, and incorporate into population synthesis calculations. To explore the impact of possible mass gap between NSs and BHs on the properties of merging BH--CS binary population, we adopt different supernova mechanisms involving the \textit{rapid}, \textit{delayed} and \textit{stochastic} prescriptions to deal with the compact remnant masses and the natal kicks. Our calculations show that there are $ \sim 10^{5} -10^{6}$ BH--CS binaries in the Milky Way, among which dozens are observable by future space-based gravitational wave detectors. We estimate that the local merger rate density of all BH--CS systems is $ \sim 60-200 \,\rm Gpc^{-3}yr^{-1}$. While there are no low-mass BHs formed via \textit{rapid} supernovae, both \textit{delayed} and \textit{stochastic} prescriptions predict that $ \sim 100\% $/$ \sim 70\% $/$ \sim 30\% $ of merging BH--WD/BH--NS/BH--BH binaries are likely to have BH components within the mass gap.

  • Simultaneous Observations of Chromospheric Evaporation and Condensation during a C-class Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We explored simultaneous observations of chromospheric evaporation and condensation during the impulsive phase of a C6.7 flare on 9 May 2019. The solar flare was simultaneously observed by multiple instruments, i.e., the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST), the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), the Fermi, the Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph, and the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters. Using the single Gaussian fitting and the moment analysis technique, redshifted velocities at slow speeds of 15-19 km/s are found in the cool lines of C II and Si IV at one flare footpoint location. Red shifts are also seen in the H-alpha line-of-sight (LOS) velocity image measured by the NVST at double footpoints. Those red shifts with slow speeds can be regarded as the low-velocity downflows driven by the chromospheric condensation. Meanwhile, the converging motions from double footpoints to the loop top are found in the high-temperature EUV images, such as AIA 131 A, 94 A, and 335 A. Their apparent speeds are estimated to be roughly 126-210 km/s, which could be regarded as the high-velocity upflows caused by the chromospheric evaporation. The nonthermal energy flux is estimated to be about 5.7x10^10 erg/s/cm^2. The characteristic timescale is roughly equal to 1 minute. All these observational results suggest an explosive chromospheric evaporation during the flare impulsive phase. While a HXR/microwave pulse and a type III radio burst are found simultaneously, indicating that the explosive chromospheric evaporation is driven by the nonthermal electron.

  • A Statistical Study of Short-period Decayless Oscillations of Coronal Loops in an Active Region

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal loop oscillations are common phenomena in the solar corona, which are often classified as decaying and decayless oscillations. Using the high-resolution observation measured by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard the Solar Orbiter, we statistical investigate small-scale transverse oscillations with short periods (<200 s) of coronal loops in an active region, i.e., NOAA 12965. A total of 111 coronal loops are identified in EUI 174 A images, and they all reveal transverse oscillations without any significant decaying, regarding as decayless oscillations. Oscillatory periods are measured from about 11 s to 185 s, with a median period of 40 s. Thus, they are also termed as short-period oscillations. The corresponding loop lengths are measured from about 10.5 Mm to 30.2 Mm, and a strong dependence of oscillatory periods on loop lengths is established, indicating that the short-period oscillations are standing kink-mode waves in nature. Based on the coronal seismology, kink speeds are measured to about 330-1910 km/s, and magnetic field strengths in coronal loops are estimated to about 4.1-25.2 G, while the energy flux carried by decayless kink oscillations lies in the range from roughly 7 W m^(-2) to 9220 W m^(-2). Our estimations suggest that the wave energy carried by short-period decayless kink oscillations can not support the coronal heating in the active region.

  • Characterization of Mixed Target Scattering Using Random Similarity

    分类: 地球科学 >> 空间物理学 提交时间: 2017-01-04

    摘要: A random similarity parameter is proposed which can measure not only the scattering similarity of any two scatterers but also the scattering randomness. The parameter covers both the similarity parameters developed by Yang et al. and Chen et al., and provides a fast and competent alternative to the scattering entropy H parameter. The excellence of the parameter on target discrimination is demonstrated by simply applying it to the terrain classification.

  • Persistent fast kink magnetohydrodynamic waves detected in a quiescent prominence

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Small-scale, cyclic, transverse motions of plasma threads are usually seen in solar prominences, which are often interpreted as magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. Here, we observed small-scale decayless transverse oscillations in a quiescent prominence, and they appear to be omnipresent. The oscillatory periods of the emission intensity and a proxy for the line-of-sight Doppler shift are about half period of the displacement oscillations. This feature agrees well with the fast kink-mode waves in a flux tube. All the moving threads oscillate transversally spatially in phase and exhibit no significant damping throughout the visible segments, indicating that the fast kink MHD waves are persistently powered and ongoing dissipating energy is transferred to the ambient plasma in the quiet corona. However, our calculations suggest that the energy taken by the fast kink MHD waves alone can not support the coronal heating on the quiet Sun.

  • Detections of Multi-Periodic Oscillations during a Circular Ribbon Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the analysis of three kinds of oscillating behavior using multi-wavelength observations of the 10 November 2013 (SOL2013-11-10T05:14) circular-ribbon flare. This event is a typical circular-ribbon flare with an outer spine structure and homologous jets. We found three kinds of oscillations (or perturbations): i) flux oscillation (or QPP) with a dominant period of about 20 seconds in X-ray, EUV, and microwave emissions, ii) periodic jets with an intermittent cadence of around 72 seconds, iii) an outer loop perturbing half a cycle with a duration of about 168 seconds. Similar to the periodic jets that could be produced by a nonthermal process, like repeated magnetic reconnection, the flare QPP detected in the thermal emissions could have the same origin as the oscillation seen in the nonthermal emissions. The outer-loop perturbation is possibly triggered by a blast wave driven by the circular-ribbon flare, or it might be modulated by the sausage wave or the slow magnetoacoustic wave. The results obtained provide data for further numerical studies on the physical origin of the flare oscillations.

  • Formation of Mass-gap Black Holes from Neutron Star X-ray Binaries with Super-Eddington Accretion

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations indicate that there is dearth of compact objects with mass $\sim 2.5-5~{\rm M_\odot}$. This so-called "mass gap" may be linked to the supernova explosion mechanisms that produce neutron stars (NSs) and black holes (BHs). However, the existence of a few mass-gap compact objects, some of which have been confirmed to be BHs, poses a challenge to the traditional theory of black hole formation. In this work we investigate the possible formation channel of BHs from accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of NSs in X-ray binaries. In particular, we consider the influence of super-Eddington accretion of NSs. Recent observations of ultraluminous X-ray pulsars suggest that their apparent luminosities may reflect the true accretion luminosities of the accreting NSs, even exceeding the Eddington limit by a factor of $\gtrsim 100$. Thus, NSs accreting at a super-Eddington accretion rate may rapidly grow into BHs in intermediate/low-mass X-ray binaries. Based on the super-Eddington accretion disk models, we have investigated the evolution of NSs in intermediate/low-mass X-ray binaries by combining binary population synthesis and detailed stellar evolutionary calculations. We show that super-Eddington accretion plays a critical role in mass growth of NSs, and the final masses of the descendant BHs are heavily dependent on the NS magnetic fields, the metallicity of the donor star, and the bifurcation period of the binaries. AIC of NSs may account for some of the observed mass-gap BHs like GRO J0422+32. We also present the parameter distributions of the potential mass-gap BHs in a Milky Way-like galaxy, and point out that future space-based gravitational wave observations may provide important test of or constraints on the formation of mass-gap BHs from the AIC channel.

  • Taxonomic revision of lizards from the Paleocene deposits of the Qianshan Basin, Anhui, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: Although the Late Cretaceous lizard fauna of China and Mongolia is relatively well-known, information on Paleocene lizards from the same region is currently limited. Several species of lizards have been reported from the Paleocene Wanghudun and Doumu formations of Qianshan Basin on the basis of fragmentary specimens, namely Agama sinensis Hou, 1974, Anhuisaurus huainanensis Hou, 1974, Anqingosaurus brevicephalus Hou, 1976, Changjiangosaurus huananensis Hou, 1976, Qianshanosaurus huangpuensis Hou, 1974, and Tinosaurus doumuensis Hou, 1974. In this paper, we review all the reported material of these taxa with the aid of new technology, including CT scanning, and according to current views of squamate relationships and classification. Revised descriptions and classifications are given for each taxon, leading to changes in our understanding of faunal composition. This, in turn, reveals greater morphological and ecological diversity among the Paleocene lizards of the Qianshan Basin, including the occurrence of a varaniform (IVPP V 22767), and the reinterpretation of Anqingosaurus as a possible burrower. Further work on the Paleocene Qianshan lizards is ongoing and the discovery of new specimens may help to solve the puzzles these strange lizards have posed.

  • Super Strong Magnetic Fields of Neutron Stars in Be X-Ray Binaries Estimated with New Torque and Magnetosphere Models

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: We re-estimate the surface magnetic fields of neutron stars (NSs) in Be X-ray binaries (BeXBs) with different models of torque, improved beyond Klus et al. (2014). In particular, a new torque model (Dai \& Li 2006) is applied to three models of magnetosphere radius. Unlike the previous models, the new torque model does not lead to divergent results for any fastness parameter. The inferred surface magnetic fields of these NSs for the two compressed magnetosphere models are much higher than that for the uncompressed magnetosphere model. The new torque model using the compressed-magnetosphere radius (Shi, Zhang \& Li 2014) leads to unique solutions near spin equilibrium in all cases, unlike other models that usually give two branches of solutions. Although our conclusions are still affected by the simplistic assumptions about the magnetosphere radius calculations, we show several groups of possible surface magnetic field values with our new models when the interaction between the magnetosphere and the infalling accretion plasma is considered. The estimated surface magnetic fields for NSs BeXBs in the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Milk Way are between the quantum critical field and the maximum "virial" value by the spin equilibrium condition.

  • Multiwavelength observations of a partial filament eruption on 13 June 2011

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report the multiwavelength observations of the partial filament eruption associated with a C1.2 class flare in NOAA active region 11236 on 13 June 2011. The event occurred at the eastern limb in the field of view (FOV) of Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft and was close to the disk center in the FOV of Extreme-UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) on board the behind Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. During eruption, the filament splits into two parts: the major part and runaway part. The major part flows along closed loops and experiences bifurcation at the loop top. Some of the materials move forward and reach the remote footpoint, while others return back to the original footpoint. The runaway part flows along open field lines, which is evidenced by a flare-related type III radio burst. The runaway part also undergoes bifurcation. The upper branch of escapes the corona and evolves into a jet-like narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) at a speed of 324 km s-1, while the lower branch falls back to the solar surface. A schematic cartoon is proposed to explain the event and provides a new mechanism of partial filament eruptions

  • Multiwavelength observations of a partial filament eruption on 13 June 2011

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we report the multiwavelength observations of the partial filament eruption associated with a C1.2 class flare in NOAA active region 11236 on 13 June 2011. The event occurred at the eastern limb in the field of view (FOV) of Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft and was close to the disk center in the FOV of Extreme-UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) on board the behind Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. During eruption, the filament splits into two parts: the major part and runaway part. The major part flows along closed loops and experiences bifurcation at the loop top. Some of the materials move forward and reach the remote footpoint, while others return back to the original footpoint. The runaway part flows along open field lines, which is evidenced by a flare-related type III radio burst. The runaway part also undergoes bifurcation. The upper branch of escapes the corona and evolves into a jet-like narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) at a speed of 324 km s-1, while the lower branch falls back to the solar surface. A schematic cartoon is proposed to explain the event and provides a new mechanism of partial filament eruptions

  • Quasi-Periodic Pulsations Detected in Ly$\alpha$ and Nonthermal Emissions During Solar Flares

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) with double periods during three solar flares (viz. SOL2011-Feb-15T01:44, SOL2011-Sep-25T04:31, SOL2012-May-17T01:25). The flare QPPs were observed from light curves in Ly$\alpha$, hard X-ray (HXR) and microwave emissions, with the Ly$\alpha$ emission recorded by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, the HXR emission recorded by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager and the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, and the microwave emission recorded by the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters and Radioheliograph. By using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, QPPs with double periods of about two minutes and one minute were first found in the Ly$\alpha$ emission. Then using the same method, a QPP with nearly the same period of about two minutes was also found in HXR and microwave emissions. Considering the possible common origin (nonthermal electrons) between Ly$\alpha$ and HXR/microwave emission, we suggest that the two-minute QPP results from the periodic acceleration of nonthermal electrons during magnetic reconnections. The ratio between the double periods in the Ly$\alpha$ emission was found to be close to two, which is consistent with the theoretical expectation between the fundamental and harmonic modes. However, we cannot rule out other possible driving mechanisms for the one-minute QPPs in HXR/microwave emissions due to their relatively large deviations.