• Fast radio bursts generated by coherent curvature radiation from compressed bunches for FRB 20190520B

    分类: 天文学 >> 天体物理学 分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-08-31

    摘要: The radiation mechanism of fast radio bursts (FRBs) has been extensively studied but still remains elusive. Coherent radiation is identified as a crucial component in the FRB mechanism, with charged bunches also playing a significant role under specific circumstances. In the present research, we propose a phenomenological model that draws upon the coherent curvature radiation framework and the magnetized neutron star, taking into account the kinetic energy losses of outflow particles due to inverse Compton scattering (ICS) induced by soft photons within the magnetosphere. By integrating the ICS deceleration mechanism for particles, we hypothesize a potential compression effect on the particle number density within a magnetic tube/family, which could facilitate achieving the necessary size for coherent radiation in the radial direction. This mechanism might potentially enable the dynamic formation of bunches capable of emitting coherent curvature radiation along the curved magnetic field. Moreover, we examine the formation of bunches from an energy perspective. Our discussion suggests that within the given parameter space the formation of bunches is feasible. Finally, we apply this model to FRB 20190520B, one of the most active repeating FRBs discovered and monitored by FAST. Several observed phenomena are explained, including basic characteristics, frequency downward drifting, and bright spots within certain dynamic spectral ranges.

  • Evolution of Spin Period and Magnetic Field of the Crab Pulsar: Decay of the Braking Index by the Particle Wind Flow Torque

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The evolutions of a neutron star's rotation and magnetic field (B-field) have remained unsolved puzzles for over half a century. We ascribe the rotational braking torques of pulsar to both components, the standard magnetic dipole radiation (MDR) and particle wind flow ( MDR + Wind, hereafter named MDRW), which we apply to the Crab pulsar (B0531 + 21), the only source with a known age and long-term continuous monitoring by radio telescope. Based on the above presumed simple spin-down torques, we obtain the exact analytic solution on the rotation evolution of the Crab pulsar, together with the related outcomes as described below: (1) unlike the constant characteristic B-field suggested by the MDR model, this value for the Crab pulsar increases by a hundred times in 50~kyr while its real B-field has no change; (2) the rotational braking index evolves from $\sim$3 to 1 in the long-term, however, it drops from 2.51 to 2.50 in $\sim$45 years at the present stage, while the particle flow contributes approximately 25% of the total rotational energy loss rate; (3) strikingly, the characteristic age has the maximum limit of $\sim$10 kyr, meaning that it is not always a good indicator of real age. Furthermore, we discussed the evolutionary path of the Crab pulsar from the MDR to the wind domination by comparing it with the possible wind braking candidate pulsar PSR J1734-3333.