• The Pan-STARRS1 $\mathbf{z>5.6}$ Quasar Survey: III. The $\mathbf{z\approx6}$ Quasar Luminosity Function

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the $z\!\approx\!6$ type-1 quasar luminosity function (QLF) based on the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) quasar survey. The PS1 sample includes 125 quasars at $z\approx5.7-6.2$ with $-28\lesssim M_{1450}\lesssim-25$. Complemented by 48 fainter quasars from the SHELLQs survey, we evaluate the $z\approx6$ QLF over $-28\lesssim M_{1450}\lesssim-22$. Adopting a double power law with an exponential evolution of the quasar density ($\Phi(z)\propto10^{k(z-6)}$; $k=-0.7$), we use a maximum likelihood method to model our data. We find a break magnitude of $M^*=-26.38_{-0.60}^{+0.79}\,\text{mag}$, a faint end slope of $\alpha=-1.70_{-0.19}^{+0.29}$, and a steep bright end slope with $\beta=-3.84_{-1.21}^{+0.63}$. Based on our new QLF model we determine the quasar comoving spatial density at $z\!\approx\!6$ to be $n( M_{1450}<-26)=1.16_{-0.12}^{+0.13}\,\text{cGpc}^{-3}$. In comparison with the literature, we find the quasar density to evolve with a constant value of $k\approx-0.7$ from $z\approx7$ to $z\approx4$. Additionally, we derive an ionizing emissivity of $\epsilon_{912}(z=6) =7.23_{-1.02}^{+1.65}\times 10^{22}\,\text{erg}\,\text{s}^{-1}\text{Hz}^{-1}\text{cMpc}^{-3}$ based on the QLF measurement. Given standard assumptions and the recent measurement of the mean free path of Becker et al. (2021) at $z\approx6$ we calculate an HI photoionizing rate of $\Gamma_{\text{HI}}(z{=}6) \approx 6 \times10^{-16}\,\text{s}^{-1}$, strongly disfavoring a dominant role of quasars in hydrogen reionization.

  • A comprehensive view of the interstellar medium in a quasar host galaxy at z~6.4

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Characterizing the physical conditions (density, temperature, ionization state, metallicity, etc) of the interstellar medium is critical to our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies. Here we present a multi-line study of the interstellar medium in the host galaxy of a quasar at z~6.4, i.e., when the universe was 840 Myr old. This galaxy is one of the most active and massive objects emerging from the dark ages, and therefore represents a benchmark for models of the early formation of massive galaxies. We used the Atacama Large Millimeter Array to target an ensemble of tracers of ionized, neutral, and molecular gas, namely the fine-structure lines: [OIII] 88$\mu$m, [NII] 122$\mu$m, [CII] 158$\mu$m, and [CI] 370$\mu$m and the rotational transitions of CO(7-6), CO(15-14), CO(16-15), and CO(19-18); OH 163.1$\mu$m and 163.4$\mu$m; and H$_2$O 3(0,3)-2(1,2), 3(3,1)-4(0,4), 3(3,1)-3(2,2), 4(0,4)-3(1,3), 4(3,2)-4(2,3). All the targeted fine-structure lines are detected, as are half of the targeted molecular transitions. By combining the associated line luminosities, the constraints on the dust temperature from the underlying continuum emission, and predictions from photoionization models of the interstellar medium, we find that the ionized phase accounts for about one third of the total gaseous mass budget, and is responsible for half of the total [CII] emission. It is characterized by high density (n~180 cm$^{-3}$), typical of HII regions. The spectral energy distribution of the photoionizing radiation is comparable to that emitted by B-type stars. Star formation also appears to drive the excitation of the molecular medium. We find marginal evidence for outflow-related shocks in the dense molecular phase, but not in other gas phases. This study showcases the power of multi-line investigations in unveiling the properties of the star-forming medium in galaxies at cosmic dawn.

  • Deep XMM-Newton Observations of an X-ray Weak, Broad Absorption Line Quasar at $z=6.5$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report X-ray observations of the most distant known gravitationally lensed quasar, J0439+1634 at $z=6.52$, which is also a broad absorption line (BAL) quasar, using the XMM-Newton Observatory. With a 130 ks exposure, the quasar is significantly detected as a point source at the optical position with a total of 358$^{+19}_{-19}$ net counts using the EPIC instrument. By fitting a power-law plus Galactic absorption model to the observed spectra, we obtain a spectral slope of $\Gamma=1.45^{+0.10}_{-0.09}$. The derived optical-to-X-ray spectral slope $\alpha_{\rm{ox}}$ is $-2.07^{+0.01}_{-0.01}$, suggesting that the X-ray emission of J0439+1634 is weaker by a factor of 18 than the expectation based on its 2500 Angstrom luminosity and the average $\alpha_{\rm{ox}}$ vs. luminosity relationship. This is the first time that an X-ray weak BAL quasar at $z>6$ has been observed spectroscopically. Its X-ray weakness is consistent with the properties of BAL quasars at lower redshift. By fitting a model including an intrinsic absorption component, we obtain intrinsic column densities of $N_{\rm{H}}=2.8^{+0.7}_{-0.6}\times10^{23}\,\rm{cm}^{-2}$ and $N_{\rm{H}}= 4.3^{+1.8}_{-1.5}\times10^{23}\,\rm{cm}^{-2}$, assuming a fixed $\Gamma$ of 1.9 and a free $\Gamma$, respectively. The intrinsic rest-frame 2--10 keV luminosity is derived as $(9.4-15.1)\times10^{43}\,\rm{erg\,s}^{-1}$, after correcting for lensing magnification ($\mu=51.3$). The absorbed power-law model fitting indicates that J0439+1634 is the highest redshift obscured quasar with a direct measurement of the absorbing column density. The intrinsic high column density absorption can reduce the X-ray luminosity by a factor of $3-7$, which also indicates that this quasar could be a candidate of intrinsically X-ray weak quasar.