• Stellar Triples as a Source for Ba Stars

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Barium stars have been studied extensively over the past few decades, yet our current understanding of how these intriguing objects formed leaves much to be desired. Many trends observed in systems containing barium stars cannot be satisfactorily explained by classical binary evolution models, naturally raising the question of whether triples and other higher-order multiples can give rise to such exotic objects. In this paper, we study the possibility that a Roche Lobe overflow from a tertiary in a hierarchical triple system can potentially lead to surface barium enrichment within the inner binary, while at the same time causing the inner binary to merge, thereby producing a barium star. This possibility has the potential to form a large proportion of Barium stars, as Roche Lobe overflow from a tertiary is typically much more stable for close orbits than that from a binary companion. Various formation channels and mechanisms by which this can be achieved are considered, and constraints on relative formation rates are placed on each scenario. We conclude that a significant, if not dominant, proportion of barium stars are formed from hierarchical triple systems, and that further studies are required in this area before a complete understanding of Barium star populations can be achieved.

  • SpaceHub: A high-performance gravity integration toolkit for few-body problems in astrophysics

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We present the open source few-body gravity integration toolkit {\tt SpaceHub}. {\tt SpaceHub} offers a variety of algorithmic methods, including the unique algorithms AR-Radau, AR-Sym6, AR-ABITS and AR-chain$^+$ which we show out-perform other methods in the literature and allow for fast, precise and accurate computations to deal with few-body problems ranging from interacting black holes to planetary dynamics. We show that AR-Sym6 and AR-chain$^+$, with algorithmic regularization, chain algorithm, active round-off error compensation and a symplectic kernel implementation, are the fastest and most accurate algorithms to treat black hole dynamics with extreme mass ratios, extreme eccentricities and very close encounters. AR-Radau, the first regularized Radau integrator with round off error control down to 64 bits floating point machine precision, has the ability to handle extremely eccentric orbits and close approaches in long-term integrations. AR-ABITS, a bit efficient arbitrary precision method, achieves any precision with the least CPU cost compared to other open source arbitrary precision few-body codes. With the implementation of deep numerical and code optimization, these new algorithms in {\tt SpaceHub} prove superior to other popular high precision few-body codes in terms of performance, accuracy and speed.