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Abstract: This study aimed to reveal the effects of different precipitation amount and precipitation interval on the growth of Malus sieversii seedlings. A two- factor control experiment was set up based on the average annual precipitation amount and precipitation interval in the experimental site. The three variations of precipitation amount were as follows: W (precipitation amount), W- (15% decrease of precipitation amount), and W+ (15% increase of precipitation amount). The two precipitation intervals were as follows: T (precipitation interval of 4 days) and T + (precipitation interval of 8 days). Results showed that (1) under the same precipitation interval treatment, seedling basal diameter, leaf number, and above-and under-ground biomass increased with the increase in precipitation amount; (2) under the same precipitation amount treatment, T + treatment can promote the elongation of the main roots and increase the root/shoot ratio; and (3) compared with W treatment, the relative growth rates of above- ground, under- ground, and total biomass under W+ treatment increased by 55.42%, 20.75%, and 34.43%, respectively. Prolonging the interval of precipitation will promote root growth and underground biomass accumulation of M. sieversii seedlings. Within a certain range of precipitation, the increase in precipitation amount can promote the growth and biomass accumulation of M. sieversii.

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[V1] 2023-03-13 17:11:03 ChinaXiv:202303.00113V1 Download
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