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Digital Storytelling and the Application in Library Science and Information Science

Abstract: Purpose/Significance The purpose of this paper is to study the theoretical overview of digital narrative and its application as a tool or method in the academic research and practice of Library Science and Information Science. Method/Process This paper summarizes the theoretical overview of digital narrative, such as the connotation, characteristics, elements and types of digital narrative, by studying the development history of narrative and digital narrative and combining it with corresponding academic research results. The analysis was carried out with the help of ITGinsight software. The theoretical studies and case studies related to Library Science and Information Science were also identified, and the status of digital narrative applications in Library Science and Information Science was summarised accordingly. Results/Conclusion The findings suggest that digital narrative is a new manifestation of an ancient narrative tool in the digital and information age, with its flexibility, universality,dynamism and interactivity, as well as its multiple genres and forms of creation and expression, and that it can be applied in a wide range of fields of research and practice. A bibliometric and thematic analysis shows that digital storytelling have been used in education, computer science, communications, literature, library and intelligence studies and in many areas of the humanities and social sciences, as well as in the natural sciences such as medicine and engineering and research on digital storytelling has focused on more than 20 topics such as education, social and public services, physical health, medicine and entertainment. In librarianship and intelligence research, digital storytelling provide an effective and direct contribution to academic research, information and knowledge resource management, cultural heritage preservation, library education, reading promotion and digital library construction, allowing libraries to better fulfil their functions. In short, digital narrative can be integrated into the study of librarianship and intelligence, and the integration of the two will be a good opportunity to promote joint development.

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[V2] 2022-08-28 10:57:51 ChinaXiv:202208.00104V2 Download
[V1] 2022-08-21 00:02:56 ChinaXiv:202208.00104v1 View This Version Download
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