您选择的条件: 管理工程
  • 大数据的热点问题:数据基础设施何去何从?

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2023-09-28

    摘要: 大数据分析和应用涵盖了五个挑战,包括:计算基础设施、数据管理实践、研究人员偏好、各种合作机会和技术掩盖的成本。本文针对这些问题提出了一些切实可行的建议:(1)建立开放的科学平台和数据仓库,促进数据共享和交流;(2) 加强跨学科协作机制,鼓励不同领域的专家参与数据分析和研究;(3) 制定明确的行为准则和规范,以确保数据质量和隐私保护;(4) 利用云计算技术和自动化工具来提高数据处理和分析的效率;(5) 投资大数据领域的教育,培养更多人才,提高整个行业的技术水平。

  • 基于DKE的农民工欠薪智慧治理顶层设计研究

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2023-08-10

    摘要: [目的] 为全面构建根治农民工欠薪工作的新格局,倍增欠薪智慧治理的能力与效果。[方法] 分析农民工欠薪治理现状与欠薪智慧治理监管困境,在社会共治框架下,以领域知识工程模式为顶层设计方法,[结论]提出农民工欠薪智慧治理顶层设计的21231整体布局,包括两大制度、一个目标、两大能力、三个基础与一个平台。

  • APP诱导广告设计对用户使用意愿的影响

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2022-07-03

    摘要: [目的/意义]互联网通讯的发展为手机APP产品推广营销带来了更加激烈的竞争,诱导广告式营销模式也逐渐被APP厂商所推崇,探究APP诱导广告要素设计对用户使用APP意愿的影响有助于APP厂商选择合适的产品营销模式并扩大下载量与使用量。[方法/过程]基于技术接受模型和感知风险理论,通过调查实验法开发模拟APP诱导广告网页原型,重现用户从点击到下载的全过程,并嵌入问卷调查收集数据,利用结构方程模型方法分析数据。[结果/结论]通过编码和聚类定义了四种APP诱导广告设计因素:必要提醒、提醒清晰程度、安装选项和广告与APP一致性,研究发现:用户对APP诱导广告的感知风险会降低APP使用意愿,对APP诱导广告的满意度会提高用户的APP使用意愿;四种APP诱导广告设计因素会在不同程度提高用户对于APP的使用意愿。

  • 粤港澳大湾区城市群建设的历史逻辑、理论逻辑和实践逻辑

    分类: 管理学 >> 区域经济管理 分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2021-10-11

    摘要: 建设粤港澳大湾区世界级城市群,既是粤港澳大湾区发展规划的首要战略,也是国家“十四五”规划提出的明确任务。粤港澳大湾区城市群应充分发挥集聚效应,构建全球价值链更高等级地位的价值创造共同体,成为我国参与全球经济竞争与合作的重要空间载体。从历史逻辑来看,粤港澳大湾区城市群建设以构建全面开放新格局作为根本指向,其发展历程诠释了产业转型升级与区域协调发展的历史变迁,成为“珠三角”向“大珠三角”演进的时代注脚。从理论逻辑来看,经济集聚与协调发展是粤港澳大湾区城市群的重要命题,应注重发挥借用规模效应、消除集聚阴影以及增强知识溢出等途径提升集聚经济绩效。从实践逻辑来看,围绕构建城市群价值共创这一主题,具体可通过差异化协同发展、创新驱动发展和市场一体化发展等三条主线促进城市群集聚效应,实现世界级城市群建设目标。

  • Structural evolution of energy embodied in final demand as economic growth empirical evidence from 25 countries

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2021-07-16

    摘要: Most countries of the world have put forward the goal of striving for carbon neutrality. The goal is hard to achieve by only relying on supply side solutions for the world. Most countries should pay more attention to the potential of energy conservation and emission reduction in the field of final demand. We construct an empirical analytic framework to investigate energy demand characteristics as economic growth from the perspective of final demand, and the results show a U-shaped curve relationship between the ratio of energy embodied in consumption to energy embodied in investment (REECEEI) and real gross domestic product per capita. The REECEEIs of major developing and developed countries are very different. Compare to the average baseline curve scenario, there is a notable conservation potential of energy embodied in final demand for major developing and developed countries. In climate negotiation, the demand for energy embodied in investment of developing countries should be guaranteed because it is the foundation of their economic development. To conserve energy and reduce emissions in the field of final demand, developing countries should focus on the field of energy embodied in investment, while developed countries should focus on the field of energy embodied in consumption.

  • 数学启发算法求解单源设施区位及其变种问题

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2021-06-09

    摘要: 考虑设施服务区空间连续和设施数量限制,对经典的单源设施区位问题(SSCFLP)进行扩展,形成变种问题:设施服务区空间连续SSCFLP(CFLSAP)、设施数量限制的SSCFLP (SSCKFLP)和设施服务区空间连续及数量限制的SSCFLP(CKFLSAP)。针对SSCFLP及其变种问题,提出了一个数学启发算法。该算法从一个初始解开始,迭代地对当前解进行超大邻域搜索改进,直到若干次尝试不能该改进当前解为止。超大邻域定义步骤如下:随机选择一个客户,从当前解中选择客户附近Q个最邻近设施及其客户,再挑选这些客户的最邻近候选设施。使用所选择候选设施子集和客户子集,构建子问题数学模型,求解模型,并使用模型解更新当前解。构造2组案例数据测试本文算法,结果表明:数学启发算法能够有效地求解SSCFLP及其变种问题,求解结果极其接近问题最优解或目标值下界,相对差异为0.01%(SSCFLP)、0.22%(CFLSAP)、0.00%(SSCKFLP)和0.08%(CKFLSAP)。另外,SSCFLP或SSCKFLP增加设施服务区空间连续约束后,目标值增加幅度不大,但最优设施区位可能发生变化。

  • Exploring and Examining the Public Sense of Gain on YB Conservation and Development based on CSS2019

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2021-03-03

    摘要: Ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin (abbreviated to YB Conservation and Development) has been determined as another major national strategies of China, and public sense of gain (PSG) has been generally accepted as a macro-criterion of good governance in China New Time. This paper explored to construct the transmission mechanism of the PSG and YB conservation and development, suggested to take the PSG as a better regulation and guidance for the sound development of the Yellow River Basin. Based on the data of Chinese Social Survey in 2019 (CSS2019), this paper tried to exam the PSG on YB Conservation and Development at the beginning of this Chinese major strategy. An evaluation index system including 5 factor dimensions and 25 indices was constructed, and the normal distribution was used to describe the survey data, after that, the dominance matrix method was applied to make decision based on PROMETHEEⅡ. The empirical analysis results indicated that the PSG of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River was lower than the overall level of China, while that of Henan and Shandong in the lower Yellow River were both higher than its national average; and the public generally had a higher sense of gain on government public service and social civilization, however, the PSG on individual self-fulfillments of Henan and Shandong and that on economic situations of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River were both at a lower level.

  • The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing Problem with Recharging

    分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 提交时间: 2021-01-21

    摘要: The application of Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in both civilian and military domains is drawing increasing attention recently. This paper investigates a new routing problem of small UAVs for information collection, where UAVs can be recharged at platforms (ground vehicles or stations) distributed in the area. Different from the previous works on UAV routing, the UAVs are allowed to partially recharge their batteries according to the requirement in the following route. A mixed integer nonlinear programming model is developed to formulate the problem, where both the overall time for completing all targets’ observation and the number of UAVs are minimized. An improved adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm with simulated annealing criterion is designed, and a recharging platform insertion heuristic is developed to determine the recharging strategy and construct feasible solutions. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed ALNS algorithm, a set of new benchmark instances are designed based on the well-known Solomon dataset and solved. The computational results are compared with those obtained by the ant colony optimization and variable neighborhood search, which shows that ALNS performs significantly better and stable. Furthermore, analysis of the experimental results indicates that many advantages can be obtained through introducing the recharging strategy for small UAVs.

  • 金融科技中支持区块链生态系统的一般共识博弈框架

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 分类: 信息科学与系统科学 >> 信息与系统科学其他学科 提交时间: 2020-03-31

    摘要: 本文的目的是建立区块链生态系统中采矿池博弈共识均衡的一般框架,特别是在区块链生态系统中,通过使用一个新的概念“共识博弈(Consensus Game)”,解释与挖掘差距(Gap Games)博弈行为相关的共识均衡存在的意义上的稳定性,这里,区块链生态系统主要是指应用2008年中本聪(Nakamoto)所提出的“工作证明”(Proof of Work) 这一关键共识,将区块链工作的费用、报酬机制和采矿权三类不同因素考虑在内的经济活动。 为了做到这一点,我们首先概述了采矿池游戏共识均衡的一般存在性是如何表述的,然后通过区块链共识框架下共识均衡的存在性来解释比特币缺口博弈 (Gap博弈) 稳定性,然后利用博弈论中矿工的利润函数作为收益,建立了一般矿业缺口博弈一致均衡的一般存在性结果。作为应用,建立了缺口博弈 (Gap博弈)一致均衡的一般存在性结果,这不仅有助于我们在区块链生态系统的一般框架下断言缺口博弈 (Gap博弈) 的一般稳定性的存在性,但也让我们能够说明在研究采矿池博弈时的一些不同现象,这些现象可能是由于采矿者的(Gap博弈)行为与嵌入比特币经济学的情景造成的。 我们对区块链生态系统挖掘缺口博弈稳定性的解释研究表明,共识均衡的概念可能对共识经济学基础理论的发展起到重要作用