• 从“人、财、物”视角出发,提升网络空间的安全态势

    分类: 其他 >> 综合 提交时间: 2023-03-28 合作期刊: 《中国科学院院刊》

    摘要: 网络安全已经成为保障经济发展、支撑现代科技进步的一个重要环节。随着万物依赖信息技术的应用,提升网络空间的安全态势变得愈发重要。如何采取有力的手段,切实提升网络空间的安全态势,是文章的核心命题。文章提出要从“人、财、物”的角度出发:(1)解决在网络安全人才供应不足的前提下,重点关注从其他信息技术领域平移过来的人才的能力认证问题,旨在向社会供应有细分领域才能的网络安全人才。(2)通过网络安全保险来解决残余风险的转移问题,以便解决在确定的网络安全态势前提下的成本控制问题;同时,通过网络安全保险来提升企业的风险管控水平,降低社会应对网络安全的总成本,树立企业网络安全应对能力的标杆,为企业的社会责任提供有效的应对工具,为网络安全产品提供能力背书。(3)通过“外打内”模式的网络靶场来提升信息技术产品的抗攻击能力,即通过构建符合系统孪生特性的影子系统来承受持续不断的众测,以强化相应系统的安全抗打击能力。通过这3种方式,达到大幅度提升网络安全态势的目标。

  • Sparse Representation Based Efficient Radiation Symmetry Analysis Method for Cylindrical Model of Inertial Confinement Fusion

    分类: 数学 >> 建模与仿真 提交时间: 2019-10-23

    摘要: Radiation symmetry evaluation is critical to the laser driven Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), which is usually done by solving a view-factor equation model. The model is nonlinear, and the number of equations can be very large when the size of discrete mesh element is very small to achieve a prescribed accuracy, which may lead to an intensive equation solving process. In this paper, an efficient radiation symmetry analysis approach based on sparse representation is presented, in which, 1) the Spherical harmonics, annular Zernike polynomials and Legendre-Fourier polynomials are employed to sparsely represent the radiation flux on the capsule and cylindrical cavity, and the nonlinear energy equilibrium equations are transformed into the equations with sparse coefficients, which means there are many redundant equations, 2) only a few equations are selected to recover such sparse coefficients with Latin hypercube sampling, 3) a Conjugate Gradient Subspace Thresholding Pursuit (CGSTP) algorithm is then given to rapidly obtain such sparse coefficients equation with as few iterations as possible. Finally, the proposed method is validated with two experiment targets for Shenguang II and Shenguang III laser facility in China. The results show that only one tenth of computation time is required to solve one tenth of equations to achieve the radiation flux with comparable accuracy. Further more, the solution is much more efficient as the size of discrete mesh element decreases, in which, only 1.2% computation time is required to obtain the accurate result.