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  • 知识经济环境下高校图书馆深入知识服务的思考

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 情报资料的利用 提交时间: 2019-06-27

    摘要: 阐述在新的信息和知识环境中知识服务的价值定位、本质内涵,以及对高校图书馆转型的意义。分析了在高校图书馆的视野下知识服务与泛在的学科服务的本质区别,以及当前高校图书馆为了更深入地开展知识服务,在认知、理论以及实践上所应该突破的屏障。提出了知识产品是知识服务的一种重要形式,知识产品的水平是图书馆核心价值和能力的直接体现。此外,本文从理论的角度对知识产品的概念、属性、类型和生产原则给出了较明确、系统的解释和描述。

  • 汉语图画命名过程的年老化机制:非选择性抑制能力的影响

    分类: 心理学 >> 认知心理学 提交时间: 2019-06-25

    摘要: 采用图画-词汇干扰任务考察和比较了青年人和老年人在汉语口语词汇产生中的干扰词频效应,以及非选择性抑制能力对两组人群干扰词频效应和图画命名潜伏期的影响。结果发现:无关干扰词的词频影响了青年人的图画命名过程,出现了干扰词频效应,这一效应更可能发生在反应排除阶段,且不受非选择性抑制能力的影响;相比而言,老年人中未出现干扰词频效应,这可能是由于老年人的音韵表征衰退导致其不能利用干扰词的词频信息,支持了口语产生认知年老化的传输不足假设。非选择性抑制能力影响了老年人的图画-词汇干扰任务中图画命名的潜伏期,非选择性抑制能力减弱,图画命名时间延长,表明一般性认知能力的衰退影响了语言产生过程。

  • 厌恶情绪与消费者行为

    分类: 心理学 >> 管理心理学 提交时间: 2019-06-22

    摘要: 厌恶与其他消极情绪存在差异,不同类型的厌恶也不完全相同。可以采用不同的方法来诱发消费者的不同类型的厌恶。产品与服务、宣传、组织行为等均可能导致消费者产生不同类型的厌恶。不同类型的厌恶又会影响消费者行为,如产品评价、购买意向、支付意愿、延迟决策、口碑、产品消费等。未来可以对厌恶与其他消极情绪对消费者行为影响的差异、不同类型的厌恶对消费者行为影响的差异、厌恶的前因变量与结果变量进行更深入的探索。

  • 睡眠质量对冒险行为影响的证据及解析

    分类: 心理学 >> 发展心理学 提交时间: 2019-06-21

    摘要: 睡眠质量影响个体冒险行为已得到许多研究的验证和支持。睡眠缺失既影响大脑前额叶功能的完整性,也影响杏仁核、纹状体等脑区的激活,从而降低了个体对危险的知觉和对损失的敏感,导致冒险意愿和冒险行为增加。已往相关研究多以成人群体为研究对象,且忽略了个体特质与所处社会环境在睡眠质量与冒险行为关系中的交互影响。由于青少年期睡眠不足和高冒险行为普遍存在,未来研究应对青少年睡眠质量与冒险行为的关系及其中的影响作用机制,尤其是神经机制给予更多关注。

  • Desert vegetation distribution and species-environment relationships in an oasis-desert ecotone of northwestern China

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Environmental heterogeneity significantly affects the structure of ecological communities. Exploring vegetation distribution and its relationship with environmental factors is essential to understanding the abiotic mechanism(s) driving vegetation succession, especially in the ecologically fragile areas. In this study, based on the quantitative analysis of plant community and environmental factors in 68 plots at 10 different transects in the Minqin oasis-desert ecotone (ODE) of northwestern China, we investigated desert vegetation distribution and species-environment relationships using multivariate analysis. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) methods were used. A total of 28 species, belonging to 27 genera in 8 families, were identified. Chenopodiaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Gramineae, and Leguminosae were the largest families. Annual and perennial herbs accounted for 28.60% of the total number of plants, while shrubs (42.90%) were the most dominant. Nitraria tangutorum was the constructive species of the desert plant community. We divided the 68 plots surveyed in this study into 7 community types, according to the results of TWINSPAN. The distribution of these 7 communities in the DCA ordination graph showed that species with a similar ecotype were clustered together. Results of CCA indicated that groundwater was the dominant factor influencing vegetation distribution, while distance between plot and oasis (Dis) and soil electrical conductivity (EC) were the local second-order factors. Our study suggests that optimizing the utilization of groundwater in oases is key to controlling the degradation of desert vegetation. The favorable topographic conditions of sand dunes should be fully utilized for vegetal dune stabilization, and the influence of soil salinity on the selection of afforestation tree species should be considered.

  • Effect of pruning intensity on soil moisture and water use efficiency in jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) plantations in the hilly Loess Plateau Region, China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) is a traditional economic forest crop and is widely cultivated in hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, China. However, soil desiccation was discovered in jujube plantations. Pruning is recognized as a water-saving method that can reduces soil water consumption. In this study, we monitored the jujube plots with control (CK), light (C1), medium (C2) and high (C3) pruning intensities during the jujube growing period of 2012–2015 to explore the effect of pruning intensity on soil moisture and water use efficiency (WUE) of jujube plantations in the hilly Loess Plateau Region. The results showed that pruning is an effective method for soil water conservation in jujube plantations. Soil moisture increased with increasing pruning intensity during the jujube growing period of 2012–2015. C1, C2 and C3 pruning intensities increased soil water storage by 6.1–18.3, 14.4–40.0 and 24.3–63.3 mm, respectively, compared to CK pruning intensity. Pruning promoted soil moisture infiltration to deeper soil layer. Soil moisture infiltrated to soil depths of 240, 280 and >300 cm under C3 pruning intensity, 220, 260 and 260 cm under C2 pruning intensity, 200, 240 and 220 cm under C1 pruning intensity, and 180, 200 and 160 cm under CK pruning intensity in 2013, 2014 and 2015, respectively. Soil water deficit was alleviated by higher pruning intensity. In 2013–2015, soil water change was positive under C2 (6.4 mm) and C3 (26.8 mm) pruning intensities but negative under C1 (–20.5 mm) and CK (–40.6 mm) pruning intensities. Moreover, pruning significantly improved fresh fruit yield and WUE of jujube plants. Fresh fruit yields were highest under C1 pruning intensity with the values of 6897.1–13,059.3 kg/hm2, which were 2758.4–4712.8, 385.7–1432.1 and 802.8–2331.5 kg/hm2 higher than those under CK, C2, and C3 pruning intensities during the jujube growing period of 2012–2015, respectively. However, C3 pruning intensity had the highest WUE values of 2.92–3.13 kg/m3, which were 1.6–2.0, 1.1–1.2 and 1.0–1.1 times greater than those under CK, C1 and C2 pruning intensities, respectively. Therefore, C3 pruning intensity is recommended to jujube plantations for its economic and ecological benefits. These results provide an alternative strategy to mitigate soil desiccation in jujube plantations in the hilly Loess Plateau Region, which is critical for sustainable cultivation of economic forest trees in this region.

  • Leaf gas exchange and photosynthesis curves of Elymus nutans and Potentilla anserina under fencing and grazing conditions in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Potentilla anserina L. and Elymus nutans Griseb. are dominant species in the subalpine meadows of China. Grazing is one of the most important factors that influence community structure and productivity of subalpine meadows. Understanding how grazing changes photosynthetic capability is essential for preservation and restoration of grasslands. However, information about the effects of grazing on photosynthetic capability remains inadequate. Experiments were conducted in fencing and grazing areas in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. The leaf gas exchange and photosynthetic curves of P. anserina and E. nutans were measured at different growth stages. Results showed that grazing decreased the values of leaf gas exchange parameters, such as net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and intercellular CO2 concentration of P. anserina and E. nutans. In addition, grazing decreased the values of net photosynthetic rate-photosynthetically active radiation (PN-PAR) curve parameters, such as light-saturated net photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum efficiency, light compensation point, light saturation point, and dark respiration rate. Our results demonstrated that grazing was the primary limiting factor for photosynthesis of dominant grassland species in the study area.

  • Low soil temperature reducing the yield of drip irrigated rice in arid area by influencing anther development and pollination

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Drip irrigation can produce high rice yields with significant water savings; therefore, it is widely used in arid area water-scarce northern China. However, high-frequency irrigation of drip irrigation with low temperature well water leads to low root zone temperature and significantly reduce the rice yield compared to normal temperature water irrigated rice, for example, reservoir water. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of low soil temperature on the yield reduction of drip irrigated rice in the spike differentiation stage. The experiment set the soil temperatures at 18°C, 24°C and 30°C under two irrigation methods (flood and drip irrigation), respectively. The results showed that, at the 30°C soil temperature, drip irrigation increased total root length by 53% but reduced root water conductivity by 9% compared with flood irrigation. Drip irrigation also increased leaf abscisic acid and proline concentrations by 13% and 5%, respectively. These results indicated that drip irrigated rice was under mild water stress. In the 18°C soil temperature, drip irrigation reduced hydraulic conductivity by 58%, leaf water potential by 40% and leaf net photosynthesis by 25% compared with flood irrigation. The starch concentration in male gametes was also 30% less in the drip irrigation treatment than in the flood irrigation treatment at soil temperature 18°C. Therefore, the main reason for the yield reduction of drip irrigated rice was that the low temperature aggravates the physiological drought of rice and leads to the decrease of starch content in male gametes and low pollination fertilization rate. Low temperature aggravates physiological water deficit in drip irrigated rice and leads to lower starch content in male gametes and low pollination fertilization rate, which is the main reason for the reduced yield of drip irrigated rice. Overall, the results indicated that the low soil temperatures aggravated the water stress that rice was under in the drip irrigated environment, causing declines both in the starch content of male gametes and in pollination rate. Low temperature will ultimately affect the rice yield under drip irrigation.

  • A cultivated area forecasting approach in artificial oases under climate change and human activities

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The cultivated area in artificial oases is deeply influenced by global climate change and human activities. Thus, forecasting cultivated area in artificial oases under climate change and human activities is of great significance. In this study, an approach named GD-HM-PSWROAM, consisting of general circulation model downscaling (GD), hydrological model (HM), and planting structure and water resource optimal allocation model (PSWROAM), was developed and applied in the irrigation district of the Manas River Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China to forecast the cultivated area tendency. Furthermore, the catchment export of the MIKE11 HD/NAM model was set to the Kensiwate hydrological station. The results show that the downscaling effects of temperature can be fairly satisfying, while those of precipitation may be not satisfying but acceptable. Simulation capacity of the MIKE11 HD/NAM model on the discharge in the Kensiwate hydrological station can meet the requirements of running the PSWROAM. The accuracy of the PSWROAM indicated that this model can perform well in predicting the change of cultivated area at the decadal scale. The cultivated area in the Manas River Basin under current human activities may be generally decreasing due to the climate change. But the adverse effects of climate change can be weakened or even eliminated through positive human activities. The cultivated area in the Manas River Basin may even be increasing under assumed human activities and future climate scenarios. The effects of human activities in the future can be generally predicted and quantified according to the cultivated area trends under current human activities and the situations in the study area. Overall, it is rational and acceptable to forecast the cultivated area tendency in artificial oases under future climate change and human activities through the GD-HM-PSWROAM approach.

  • Multi-scale spatial relationships between soil total nitrogen and influencing factors in a basin landscape based on multivariate empirical mode decomposition

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 土壤学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The relationships between soil total nitrogen (STN) and influencing factors are scale-dependent. The objective of this study was to identify the multi-scale spatial relationships of STN with selected environmental factors (elevation, slope and topographic wetness index), intrinsic soil factors (soil bulk density, sand content, silt content, and clay content) and combined environmental factors (including the first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) of the Vis-NIR soil spectra) along three sampling transects located at the upstream, midstream and downstream of Taiyuan Basin on the Chinese Loess Plateau. We separated the multivariate data series of STN and influencing factors at each transect into six intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and one residue by multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD). Meanwhile, we obtained the predicted equations of STN based on MEMD by stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR). The results indicated that the dominant scales of explained variance in STN were at scale 995 m for transect 1, at scales 956 and 8852 m for transect 2, and at scales 972, 5716 and 12,317 m for transect 3. Multi-scale correlation coefficients between STN and influencing factors were less significant in transect 3 than in transects 1 and 2. The goodness of fit root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), and coefficient of determination (R2) indicated that the prediction of STN at the sampling scale by summing all of the predicted IMFs and residue was more accurate than that by SMLR directly. Therefore, the multi-scale method of MEMD has a good potential in characterizing the multi-scale spatial relationships between STN and influencing factors at the basin landscape scale.

  • Actual evapotranspiration of subalpine meadows in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 大气科学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: As a main component in water balance, evapotranspiration (ET) is of great importance for water saving, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. In this study, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Penman-Monteith model was used to estimate the magnitude and temporal dynamics of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) in 2014 in subalpine meadows of the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. Meanwhile, actual ET (ETc) was also investigated by the eddy covariance (EC) system. Results indicated that ETc estimated by the EC System was 583 mm, lower than ET0 (923 mm) estimated by the FAO Penman-Monteith model in 2014. Moreover, ET0 began to increase in March and reached the peak value in August and then declined in September, however, ETc began to increase from April and reached the peak value in July, and then declined in August. Total ETc and ET0 values during the growing season (from May to September) were 441 and 666 mm, respectively, which accounted for 75.73% of annual cumulative ETc and 72.34% of annual cumulative ET0, respectively. A crop coefficient (kc) was also estimated for calculating the ETc, and average value of kc during the growing season was 0.81 (ranging from 0.45 to 1.16). Air temperature (Ta), wind speed (u), net radiation (Rn) and soil temperature (Ts) at the depth of 5 cm and aboveground biomass were critical factors for affecting kc, furthermore, a daily empirical kc equation including these main driving factors was developed. Our result demonstrated that the ETc value estimated by the data of kc and ET0 was validated and consistent with the growing season data in 2015 and 2016.

  • Morphological variation of star dune and implications for dune management: a case study at the Crescent Moon Spring scenic spot of Dunhuang, China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Aerial photographs and 3-D laser scans of a 90-m high star dune at the Crescent Moon Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang, China, are used to investigate the changes in dune morphology on timescales from months to decades. The result revealed that relative-equilibrium airflow strength in three wind directions of northeast, west and south was an important condition for the stability of star dunes with limited migration. Transverse and longitudinal airflows exerted a crucial impact on variation processes of star dune morphology. Controlled by transverse airflows, the easterly winds, the east side was dominated by wind erosion; and strong deposition occurred on the south-south-east arm with a maximum deposition rate of 0.44 m/a in the 46-a monitoring period, causing the east side becoming steep and high. Controlled by longitudinal airflows, the westerly winds, the west-north-west side was mainly eroded and the north arm migrated from west to east with a rate of 0.30 m/a, causing the dune slope becoming gentle and elongate. The local air circulation (southerly winds) exerted a significant impact on the development process of the star dune. Due to the influence of human activities, the south side present surface processes from a concave profile to a convex profile in 46 a, which is a potential threat to the Crescent Moon Spring. The results indicate that rehabilitating the airflow field at most is a crucial strategy to the protection of Crescent Moon Spring from burial. Opening up the passage of easterly, westerly and southerly winds through intermediately cutting the protection forest, demolishing the enclosed wall and changing the pavilion into a porous pattern have been suggested to protect the Crescent Moon Spring from burial.

  • Effects of land use and cover change on surface wind speed in China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The surface wind speed (SWS) is affected by both large-scale circulation and land use and cover change (LUCC). In China, most studies have considered the effect of large-scale circulation rather than LUCC on SWS. In this study, we evaluated the effects of LUCC on the SWS decrease during 1979–2015 over China using the observation minus reanalysis (OMR) method. There were two key findings: (1) Observed wind speed declined significantly at a rate of 0.0112 m/(s•a), whereas ERA-Interim, which can only capture the inter-annual variation of observed data, indicated a gentle downward trend. The effects of LUCC on SWS were distinct and caused a decrease of 0.0124 m/(s•a) in SWS; (2) Due to variations in the characteristics of land use types across different regions, the influence of LUCC on SWS also varied. The observed wind speed showed a rapid decline over cultivated land in Northwest China, as well as a decrease in China's northeastern and eastern plain regions due to the urbanization. However, in the Tibetan Plateau, the impact of LUCC on wind speed was only slight and can thus be ignored.

  • Hyper-spectral characteristics of rolled-leaf desert vegetation in the Hexi Corridor, China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Desert plants survive harsh environment using a variety of drought-resistant structural modifications and physio-ecological systems. Rolled-leaf plants roll up their leaves during periods of drought, making it difficult to distinguish between the external structures of various types of plants, it is therefore necessary to carry out spectral characteristics analysis for species identification of these rolled-leaf plants. Based on hyper-spectral data measured in the field, we analyzed the spectral characteristics of seven types of typical temperate zone rolled-leaf desert plants in the Hexi Corridor, China using a variety of mathematical transformation methods. The results show that: (1) during the vigorous growth period in July and August, the locations of the red valleys, green peaks, and three-edge parameters, namely, the red edge, the blue edge, and the yellow edge of well-developed rolled-leaf desert plants are essentially consistent with those of the majority of terrestrial vegetation types; (2) the absorption regions of liquid water, i.e., 1400–1500 and 1600–1700 nm, are the optimal bands for distinguishing various types of rolled-leaf desert plants; (3) in the leaf reflectance regions of 700–1250 nm, which is controlled by cellular structure, it is difficult to select the characteristic bands for differentiation rolled-leaf desert vegetation; and (4) after processing the spectral reflectance curves using a first-order differential, the envelope removal method, and the normalized differential ratio, we identify the other characteristic bands and parameters that can be used for identifying various types of temperate zone rolled-leaf desert plants, i.e., the 510–560, 650–700 and 1330–1380 nm regions, and the red edge amplitude. In general, the mathematical transformation methods in the study are effective tools to capture useful spectral information for species identification of rolled-leaf plants in the Hexi Corridor.

  • Assessment of desertification in Eritrea: land degradation based on Landsat images

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Remote sensing is an effective way in monitoring desertification dynamics in arid and semi-arid regions. In this study, we used a decision tree method based on NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index), SAVI (soil adjusted vegetation index), and vegetation cover proportion to quantify and analyze the desertification in Eritrea using Landsat data of the 1970s, 1980s and 2014. The results demonstrate that the NDVI value and the annual mean precipitation declined while the temperature increased over the past 40 a. Strongly desertified land increased from 4.82×104 km2 (38.5%) in the 1970s to 8.38×104 km2 (66.9%) in 2014: approximately 85% of the land of the country was under serious desertification, which significantly occurred in arid and semi-arid lowlands of the country (eastern, northern, and western lowlands) with relatively scarce precipitation and high temperature. The non-desertified area, mostly located in the sub-humid eastern escarpment, also declined from approximately 2.1% to 0.5%. The study concludes that the desertification is a cause of serious land degradation in Eritrea and may link to climate changes, such as low and unpredictable precipitation, and prolonged drought.

  • 基于SCM不同热情-能力社会群体刻板印象激活效应的行为模式

    分类: 心理学 >> 社会心理学 提交时间: 2019-06-20

    摘要: 刻板印象激活是社会知觉中的至关重要的认知过程, 以往关于刻板印象激活的研究主要聚焦于某一类或两类社会群体, 导致对于刻板印象激活缺乏整体性的认识。本研究立足于经典的用于分类社会群体的刻板印象内容模型(SCM), 采用启动-靶子一致性判断任务和词汇判断任务, 分别从外显和内隐两个层面对该模型下不同热情-能力的四类社会群体刻板印象激活效应的行为模式进行系统的探讨。结果发现, 无论是外显层面还是内隐层面, 高热情-高能力、高热情-低能力、低热情-高能力三类社会群体均遵循经典的刻板印象激活模式——一致条件下的反应更快更准确;而低热情-低能力群体则在外显和內隐加工上均表现出刻板印象激活效应的反转模式——冲突条件下比一致条件下的反应更快更准确。本研究拓宽了刻板印象激活的研究视角, 首次发现低热情-低能力群体具有与传统相反的刻板印象激活效应模式, 这一结果为该群体加工的特异性提供了新的证据。未来研究可以从注意和厌恶情绪的角度对刻板印象激活效应反转模式的加工机制进行深入探讨。

  • Vocal Attack Time of different pitch levels and vowels in Mandarin

    分类: 语言学及应用语言学 >> 语言学及应用语言学 提交时间: 2019-06-20

    摘要: The purpose of this study was to investigate how vocal attack time (VAT) varies when young adults articulate the three vertex vowels in Mandarin Chinese at five linguistically unconstrained pitch levels. Sound pressure (SP) and electroglottographic (EGG) signals were recorded simultaneously from fifty-three male and fifty-three female subjects saying sustained /A/, /i/ and /u/ at five equally spaced pitch heights, each being higher than the preceding one. Then analyses of means, variance and correlation were performed to explore the relationships of VAT/pitch levels and VAT/vowels. Findings were: As mean STs (semitone) increase linearly from levels one to five, mean VATs decrease nonlinearly in a big group of subjects but increase nonlinearly in a small group of them. Based on the body-cover model of F0 control, data here lead to the guess that different people incline to use different strategies in increasing pitch height. When males, females and males plus females are considered as a whole, average STs and VATs tend to be positively correlated among the three vertex vowels.

  • An Electropalatographic and Acoustic Study on Anticipatory Coarticulation in V1#C2V2 Sequences in Standard Chinese

    分类: 语言学及应用语言学 >> 语言学及应用语言学 提交时间: 2019-06-20

    摘要: This paper presents the data on the anticipatory coarticulation of C2 and V2 on V1 in V1#C2V2 sequences in Standard Chinese. Electropalatographic measures and F2 trajectory were obtained to define the articulatory and F2 targets for V1 as well as the displacement for articulatory and F2 transition of V1. Results show that the articulatory target is affected only by C2 place, while C2 place, C2 manner, and V2 show combined effect on the articulatory and F2 displacement of V1. Lip rounding associated with V2 is found to affect the F2 target and F2 transition of V1.


    分类: 语言学及应用语言学 >> 语言学及应用语言学 提交时间: 2019-06-20

    摘要: This paper presents an electropalatographic (EPG) and acoustic study of prosodic boundaries effect on the domain-initial segments in Standard Chinese.1 Two speech sounds, namely, the voiceless unaspirated alveolar stop /t/ and the high front vowel /i/, were studied to examine the domain-initial strengthening in both spatial and temporal dimensions. The articulatory and acoustic parameters of the speech sounds were compared in initial positions of five prosodic constituents in Standard Chinese, namely, a Syllable, a Foot, an Immediate Phrase, an Intonational Phrase, and an Utterance. The results show that: (1) the production of the domain-initial consonantal gesture was prosodically encoded. The linguopalatal contact and the seal duration varied as a function of the prosodic boundary strength. The linguopalatal contact was dependent on the seal duration in a nonlinear fashion. Of the acoustic properties of the domain-initial stop, the total voiceless interval and voicing during closure were found to be reliable acoustic correlates that mark the hierarchical structure of the prosody. (2) At the release moment of the domain-initial stop, no consistent pattern was found to support the domain-initial strengthening. The linguopalatal contact of the vowel immediately following the domain-initial consonant did not show a clear trend of domain-initial strengthening; however, the phonatory features of vowels were indicative of pitch reset at major prosodic boundaries. These indicate that the domain-initial strengthening is restricted on the segment immediately following the boundary. In conclusion Standard Chinese strengthens the phonetic features of the domain-initial segments as a function of boundary strength, which serves as an important way to mark prosodic structure in Standard Chinese.


    分类: 语言学及应用语言学 >> 语言学及应用语言学 提交时间: 2019-06-20

    摘要: This research studies the features of chest and abdominal breathing between reciting and chanting Chinese poems of different styles. Eight participants were recruited to recite and chant 85 modern style poems (近體詩) and 39 Song poems(宋詞). The chest and abdominal breathing signals as well as speech signal were recorded simultaneously. Programs for breathing analysis have been written to extract parameters such as breathing reset amplitude, time of inhale phase, and slope of exhale phase. The results show that the poem chanting has a larger depth of breathing and amount of breath, and more frequent exhalations compared with the poem reciting. In both poem reciting and chanting, the pause and declination of chest breathing is closely correlated with the prosodic boundaries. The major function of chest breathing in speaking is to keep the extended state of the chest and provide enough breath for articulation and chest resonance. And the function of abdominal breathing is to provide stable sub-glottal pressure through contraction of abdominal muscle and diaphragm, controlling continuous airflow to produce continuous sound.