  • 儿童新型冠状病毒感染并发纵隔气肿8例影像学及临床特点分析

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 临床医学 提交时间: 2024-04-18 合作期刊: 《中国全科医学》

    摘要: 背景 儿童新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)影像学与成人有一定差异,主要表现为胸膜下磨玻璃影、斑片状高密度影、实变影等,合并纵隔气肿者并不多见。大量气肿形成可严重影响呼吸及循环功能,导致明显喘憋、低氧血症,需积极处理。目的 分析并总结儿童 COVID-19 并发纵隔气肿的影像学及临床特征。方法 回顾分析2022-12-01—2023-01-30 在长江大学附属荆州医院儿科住院的 8 例 COVID-19 并发纵隔气肿的患儿年龄、性别、影像学、临床特点及诊疗情况。结果 8 例患儿年龄 3 岁 7 个月 ~12 岁,男女比 3 ∶ 5,高分辨率 CT(HRCT)均显示双肺感染合并纵隔气肿。气肿多同时累及颈部及胸壁。肺部表现多种多样:胸膜下磨玻璃影、实变、树芽征、支气管血管束增粗、支气管壁增厚及网格征等,未见大片实变及“白肺”。1 例患儿合并少量胸腔积液。临床表现除有发热、咳嗽外,均有明显气促,肺部听诊干湿啰音可不显著。4 例合并肺炎支原体感染、1 例合并卡他布兰汉菌感染。合并肺炎支原体感染者应用阿奇霉素,合并卡他布兰汉菌感染者给予头孢噻肟治疗。8 例患儿均给予氧疗。1 例患儿白细胞总数及超敏 -C 反应蛋白明显升高,明显气急,低氧血症,常规治疗无好转,给予有创呼吸机治疗 3 d 后好转撤机。5 例应用静脉丙种球蛋白(IVIG),3 例使用糖皮质激素。1 周后复查胸部 CT,纵隔气肿均完全吸收,肺部病灶明显好转。结论 COVID-19 并发纵隔气肿者多为学龄前期或学龄期儿童,婴幼儿少见。可同时合并颈部及胸壁积气。肺部病变可累及间质或实质、双肺均受累,表现形式多样。起病多有明显气急,积极氧疗。白细胞计数明显升高,同时超敏 -C反应蛋白明显升高者,要严密关注呼吸情况,积极使用 IVIG,适时适量应用糖皮质激素,必要时采用呼吸机人工辅助通气。

  • 对贺绿汀精神的错解与对歌剧《贺绿汀》的谬见——评居其宏《硬骨头音乐家与歌剧艺术的粗鄙遇合》

    分类: 其他 >> 综合 提交时间: 2024-04-18

    摘要: 贺绿汀精神包括三层内涵,即坚定理想、崇尚真理的忠诚精神,融合中西、革新音乐的求索精神,刚强不屈、敢于斗争的硬骨头精神。居其宏批评歌剧《贺绿汀》的文章《硬骨头音乐家与歌剧艺术的粗鄙遇合》错解了贺绿汀精神,体现为笼统地把敢言特征视为硬骨头精神,把贺绿汀精神建筑在“吕贺之争”基础之上,把贺绿汀精神庸俗化用作批评工具。此文论证过程中存在苛求作品选材、窄化歌剧思维、混淆两种真实、歪析人物唱词、论述自相矛盾、夸大批评主体、误置批评对象等七种偏差,整体上实为谬见。歌剧《贺绿汀》展现了贺绿汀精神的内涵魅力,允称佳作,大有功绩。

  • 舆情意图识别领域研究进展

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 情报学 提交时间: 2024-04-18

    摘要: 目的/意义 随着社会信息化的快速发展,网络舆情的传播范围和影响力不断扩大。舆情意图分析有助于政府部门监测管理公众舆论,营造健康的网络环境。本研究旨在梳理舆情意图识别领域的发展脉络和前沿动态,为未来舆情意图识别研究提供方向指引,促进学科的发展和应用。 方法/过程 本研究探讨了舆情意图识别领域的研究现状,对舆情意图识别的概念和来源进行了定义,并总结了舆情意图识别的技术方法、应用领域以及面临的挑战和发展方向。 结果/结论 研究发现当前舆情意图识别主要应用于意见领袖研究、突发公共事件预警、舆情治理与教育等方面。同时,网络舆情中的虚假信息、网络语言的歧义性、有限的大数据资源为舆情意图识别带来了挑战,未来在进行舆情意图识别的过程中应着重关注虚假信息识别、隐含信息挖掘、算法和资源改进等方面。

  • 基于LDA-HMM的国内创新医疗器械主题演化与技术知识创新管理研究

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 情报学 提交时间: 2024-04-17

    摘要: 目的/意义 医疗器械产品是临床科研成果转化和知识创新管理的产物。作为科技产业竞争的主要赛道之一,医疗科技实力是衡量国家总体科研能力和环境的重要方面。知识创新驱动产业发展,产品结构反映知识管理的层次水平,而涉及前沿科技的知识管理与国家战略规划息息相关。从产品主题挖掘与演化分享的角度,透视领域技术知识管理现状,对企业和国家来说具有重要战略意义。 方法/过程 本研究采用了一种综合的技术主题识别和分析方法。通过应用机器学习领域的 LDA 算法,从医疗器械产品数据中识别并聚类潜在的技术主题,进而分析各时期技术主题的分布特征和变化规律。结合隐马尔可夫模型定量预测未来的技术趋势。采用这种组合方法,对 2014-2023 年创新医疗器械的主题分布、演化规律及未来趋势进行了深入的研究。 结果/结论 采用国内获批的创新型医疗器械产品数据识别和整理出 38 个技术主题。结果显示,基因检测和植入电刺激器技术的深入开发。疾病诊断、手术导航和生物补片是未来技术创新和产品竞争的重点。但从数量特征上看,我国研发力量较为薄弱,创新能力处于弱势地位,需引起企业技术研发机构和政府重视。

  • 火龙罐综合灸治疗2例肩关节周围炎患者的护理病例报告

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-04-17

    摘要: 本文总结2例肩关节周围炎患者行火龙罐综合灸治疗的效果观察及护理经验。基于中医辨证施护理论,采取火龙罐综合灸治疗配合饮食指导、情志护理、生活起居护理、健康知识宣教等常规护理措施,患者疼痛、焦虑症状明显缓解,且该方法具有不良反应少、安全性高等优势,患者易于接受。

  • 数智时代的算法素养:构成要素、层次框架与发展模型

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 图书馆学 提交时间: 2024-04-17

    摘要: 目的/意义 数智时代技术环境的变化对用户个人素养能力提出新要求,提升算法素养有助于用户适应算法社会的发展。 方法/过程 系统梳理算法素养的发展脉络,剖析算法素养的概念内涵,归纳算法素养的主要特征,提炼算法素养的构成要素,以算法道德伦理为底线,以认知、态度、技能为划分标准构建算法素养层次框架,结合层次框架与时间维度搭建算法素养发展模型。 结果/结论 算法素养由算法意识、算法知识、算法态度、算法能力与算法伦理构成,整合五要素组建包括认知态度层、知识储备层、技术能力层与伦理道德层的算法素养层次框架,多主体协同搭建算法素养的发展模型。

  • Cryo-EM structures of adenosine receptor A3AR bound to selective agonists

    分类: 药物科学 >> 结构生物学 提交时间: 2024-04-17

    摘要: The adenosine A3 receptor (A3AR) belongs to a subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors and is an important therapeutic target for conditions including inflammation and cancer. The clinical compounds CF101 and CF102 are potent and selective A3AR agonists, but the structural basis of their recognition was unknown. Here we present the cryogenic electron microscopy structures of the full-length human A3AR bound to CF101 and CF102 at 3.3-3.2 Å resolution in complex with heterotrimeric Gi protein. These agonists bind within the orthosteric pocket, with their adenine components engaging in conserved interactions while their substituted 3-iodobenzyl groups exhibit different orientations. Swapping extracellular loop 3 (ECL3) of A3AR onto other adenosine receptor subtypes enabled CF101/CF102 binding and receptor activaton, and mutations in key residues, including His3.37, Ser5.42 and Ser6.52 that form a unique subpocket in A3AR, abolished receptor activation, highlighting these structural elements are critical for ligand selectivity. Compared to inactive A2AAR, the A3AR structures reveal conserved mechanism of receptor activation, including an outward shift of TM6. These structures provide key insights into molecular recognition and signaling mechanisms of A3AR, which should aid rational design of subtype-selective ligands targeting this important class of adenosine receptors. 

  • 认知建模中模型比较的方法

    分类: 心理学 >> 认知心理学 分类: 心理学 >> 心理统计 提交时间: 2024-04-16

    摘要: 认知建模近年来在科学心理学获得广泛应用,而模型比较是认知建模中关键的一环:研究者需要通过模型比较来选择出最优模型,才能进行后续的假设检验或潜变量推断。模型比较不仅要考虑模型对数据的拟合(平衡过拟合与欠拟合),也需要考虑参数数据和数学形式的复杂度。然而,模型比较指标众多,纷繁复杂。将认知建模常用的模型比较的指标分为三大类,并介绍了其计算方法及优劣,包括拟合优度指标(包括平均平方误差、决定系数、RUC曲线等)、基于交叉验证的指标(包括AIC、DIC等)和基于边际似然的指标。结合正交Go /No-Go范式下的数据,展示各指标在R语言中如何实现。在此基础上,探讨各指标的适用情境,介绍模型平均等模型比较的新思路。 

  • 社区膝骨关节炎患者非手术治疗现状:多中心横断面研究

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 基础医学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《中国全科医学》

    摘要: 背景膝骨关节炎(KOA)是临床常见急性病,病程长达数十年,在社区医院开展长期和个性化健康管理是KOA防治的最佳途径,非手术治疗是延缓关节退变和推迟关节置换手术的有效方式。目的 了解社区医院KOA就诊人群的人群特征、临床分期和治疗方式特点,为优化基层KOA治疗方案提供依据。方法 对北京市市区所有街道采用整群抽样方法,随机抽取北京市东城区和平里街道KOA患者为研究对象,普查该街道所属的所有社区医院(7家)2022年1—6月就诊的所有患者,采集一般资料、既往史、个人史、临床分期、KL分级、治疗方式等资料。结果 本研究共纳入3615例KOA患者,男1327例(36.71%)、女2288例(63.29%),年龄(71.8±13.3)岁,发作期867例(23.98%)、缓解期2009例(55.57%)、康复期739例(20.45%)。不同临床分期患者的性别、年龄与临床分期无相关性(P>0.05),BMI(K=0.235)、KL分级(K=0.406)与临床分期相关(P<0.001)。发作期,多选用4~5种治疗方式联合治疗(48.67%),治疗方式主要为外用中成药(68.97%)、中成药口服475例(54.79%)、健康教育396例(45.67%);缓解期多选用2~3种治疗方式联合治疗(48.58%),治疗方式主要为中成药外用1084例(53.96%)、健康教育1047例(52.12%)、拔罐790例(39.32%);康复期多选用2~3种治疗方式联合治疗(47.23%),治疗方式主要为健康教育488例(66.04%)、传统功法286例(38.70%)、中成药外用279例(37.75%)。临床分期与联合治疗方式的种类相关(K=0.356,P<0.05)。结论 社区医院就诊患者以缓解期为主,治疗多采用多种方式结合,中成药和传统功法也有广泛的应用。

  • 绝经激素治疗联合盆底肌训练对尿失禁患者盆底结构的影响:一项随机对照试验

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 预防医学与公共卫生学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《中国全科医学》

    摘要: 背景绝经后发生盆底功能障碍的患者逐渐增加,压力性尿失禁严重影响女性身心健康。目的 探索绝经期激素治疗(MHT)联合Kegel运动对轻中度压力性尿失禁(SUI)患者盆底结构以及临床症状的影响。方法 选取2022年就诊于北京世纪坛医院更年期门诊的绝经综合征伴轻中度SUI患者75例,按照随机数字表法2∶1分为MHT组和对照组,MHT组再按1∶1随机分为替勃龙亚组和雌孕激素联合治疗(EPT)亚组。对照组和MHT组均给予盆底肌训练(PFMT)治疗,又称Kegel运动,15~30min/次,2~3次/d,2~3次/周,连续12个月。对照组在PFMT基础上口服坤泰胶囊,4粒/次,3次/d,持续治疗12个月。MHT组在PFMT基础上,同时给予绝经激素治疗。EPT亚组包括雌孕激素连续联合(戊酸雌二醇片1mg+地屈孕酮片10mg,1次/d)、雌孕激素连续序贯疗法(芬吗通12个疗程),替勃龙亚组口服替勃龙,连续用药12个月。检查治疗前后各组及亚组间血清雌二醇(E2)和卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平、尿道旋转角(URA)、逼尿肌厚度(BDT)、膀胱尿道后角(PVUA)、肛提肌裂孔面积(LHA)以及尿失禁量、尿失禁评分、临床疗效、改良Kupperman绝经指数(KMI)评分、改良牛津肌力分级的变化。结果 研究结束时,MHT组失访7例(其中替勃龙亚组失访5例,EPT亚组失访2例),对照组失访3例;最终共纳入65例。治疗1年后,MHT组和对照组FSH、E2、MOS分级比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗1年后,MHT组和对照组PUVA、BDT、URA比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);MHT组LHA低于对照组(P=0.028)。治疗1年后,EPT亚组和替勃龙亚组PUVA、BDT、URA、LHA比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对照组和MHT组临床疗效比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.010);EPT亚组和替勃龙亚组临床疗效比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.724)。治疗1年后,MHT组尿失禁量、尿失禁评分、KMI评分低于对照组(P0.05)。结论 MHT联合盆底肌锻炼对盆底结构有一定改善作用,并且可以显著缓解尿失禁症状;然而,EPT和替勃龙在改善患者盆底结构和缓解临床症状方面并无明显差别。

  • 组织情境下明星员工的近端及远端涟漪效应探究:以社会影响理论为框架

    分类: 心理学 >> 管理心理学 提交时间: 2024-04-15

    摘要: 作为组织中重要的战略人才资本,明星员工虽然占组织总人数的比重很低,但却能做出极为突出的贡献。他们不仅凭借自身持续且不均衡的高绩效、高社会资本和高知名度为组织绩效的提升做出直接贡献,还可通过影响其他同事间接助力组织的价值创造活动,即明星员工的涟漪效应。在系统回顾文献的基础上,本文以社会影响理论为框架,分别阐述了组织情境下,明星员工如何对团队内非明星员工及团队整体产生近端涟漪效应,以及如何对团队外同事产生远端涟漪效应,并从人力资源管理实践和明星员工人际特征的角度探究了不同涟漪效应的边界条件。具体而言,我们设计了3个研究模块,涵盖4个理论模型。本文构建的理论框架不仅有助于学者们更全面、深入地理解明星员工如何对组织的价值创造产生积极或消极的社会影响,还将为中国各类组织的明星员工管理实践提供有价值的建议。

  • Urban growth scenario projection using heuristic cellular automata in arid areas considering the drought impact

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Arid areas with low precipitation and sparse vegetation typically yield compact urban pattern, and drought directly impacts urban site selection, growth processes, and future scenarios. Spatial simulation and projection based on cellular automata (CA) models is important to achieve sustainable urban development in arid areas. We developed a new CA model using bat algorithm (BA) named bat algorithm-probability-of-occurrence-cellular automata (BA-POO-CA) model by considering drought constraint to accurately delineate urban growth patterns and project future scenarios of Urumqi City and its surrounding areas, located in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. We calibrated the BA-POO-CA model for the drought-prone study area with 2000 and 2010 data and validated the model with 2010 and 2020 data, and finally projected its urban scenarios in 2030. The results showed that BA-POO-CA model yielded overall accuracy of 97.70% and figure-of-merits (FOMs) of 35.50% in 2010, and 97.70% and 26.70% in 2020, respectively. The inclusion of drought intensity factor improved the performance of BA-POO-CA model in terms of FOMs, with increases of 5.50% in 2010 and 7.90% in 2020 than the model excluding drought intensity factor. This suggested that the urban growth of Urumqi City was affected by drought, and therefore taking drought intensity factor into account would contribute to simulation accuracy. The BA-POO-CA model including drought intensity factor was used to project two possible scenarios (i.e., business-as-usual (BAU) scenario and ecological scenario) in 2030. In the BAU scenario, the urban growth dominated mainly in urban fringe areas, especially in the northern part of Toutunhe District, Xinshi District, and Midong District. Using exceptional and extreme drought areas as a spatial constraint, the urban growth was mainly concentrated in the "main urban areas-Changji-Hutubi" corridor urban pattern in the ecological scenario. The results of this research can help to adjust urban planning and development policies. Our model is readily applicable to simulating urban growth and future scenarios in global arid areas such as Northwest China and Africa.

  • Afforestation with an age-sequence of Mongolian pine plantation promotes soil microbial residue accumulation in the Horqin Sandy Land, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Land use change affects the balance of organic carbon (C) reserves and the global C cycle. Microbial residues are essential constituents of stable soil organic C (SOC). However, it remains unclear how microbial residue changes over time following afforestation. In this study, 16-, 23-, 52-, and 62-year-old Mongolian pine stands and 16-year-old cropland were studied in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. We analyzed changes in SOC, amino sugar content, and microbial parameters to assess how microbial communities influence soil C transformation and preservation. The results showed that SOC storage increased with stand age in the early stage of afforestation but remained unchanged at about 1.27−1.29 kg/m2 after 52 a. Moreover, there were consistent increases in amino sugars and microbial residues with increasing stand age. As stand age increased from 16 to 62 a, soil pH decreased from 6.84 to 5.71, and the concentration of total amino sugars increased from 178.53 to 509.99 mg/kg. A significant negative correlation between soil pH and the concentration of specific and total amino sugars was observed, indicating that the effects of soil acidification promote amino sugar stabilization during afforestation. In contrast to the Mongolian pine plantation of the same age, the cropland accumulated more SOC and microbial residues because of fertilizer application. Across Mongolian pine plantation with different ages, there was no significant change in calculated contribution of bacterial or fungal residues to SOC, suggesting that fungi were consistently the dominant contributors to SOC with increasing time. Our results indicate that afforestation in the Horqin Sandy Land promotes efficient microbial growth and residue accumulation in SOC stocks and has a consistent positive impact on SOC persistence.

  • Spatiotemporal characteristics of seed rain and soil seed bank of artificial Caragana korshinskii Kom. forest in the Tengger Desert, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Vegetation restoration and reconstruction are effective approaches to desertification control and achieving social and economic sustainability in desert areas. However, the self-succession ability of native plants during the later periods of vegetation restoration remains unclear. Therefore, this study was conducted to bridge the knowledge gap by investigating the regeneration dynamics of artificial forest under natural conditions. The information of seed rain and soil seed bank was collected and quantified from an artificial Caragana korshinskii Kom. forest in the Tengger Desert, China. The germination tests were conducted in a laboratory setting. The analysis of species quantity and diversity in seed rain and soil seed bank was conducted to assess the impact of different durations of sand fixation (60, 40, and 20 a) on the progress of vegetation restoration and ecological conditions in artificial C. korshinskii forest. The results showed that the top three dominant plant species in seed rain were Echinops gmelinii Turcz., Eragrostis minor Host., and Agropyron mongolicum Keng., and the top three dominant plant species in soil seed bank were E. minor, Chloris virgata Sw., and E. gmelinii. As restoration period increased, the density of seed rain and soil seed bank increased first and then decreased. While for species richness, as restoration period increased, it gradually increased in seed rain but decreased in soil seed bank. There was a positive correlation between seed rain density and soil seed bank density among all the three restoration periods. The species similarity between seed rain or soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation decreased with the extension of restoration period. The shape of the seeds, specifically those with external appendages such as spines and crown hair, clearly had an effect on their dispersal, then resulting in lower seed density in soil seed bank. In addition, precipitation was a crucial factor in promoting rapid germination, also resulting in lower seed density in soil seed bank. Our findings provide valuable insights for guiding future interventions during the later periods of artificial C. korshinskii forest, such as sowing and restoration efforts using unmanned aerial vehicles.

  • Effects of wind speed, underlying surface, and seed morphological traits on the secondary seed dispersal in the Tengger Desert, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The maintenance of sand-fixing vegetation is important for the stability of artificial sand-fixing systems in which seed dispersal plays a key role. Based on field wind tunnel experiments using 11 common plant species on the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert, China, we studied the secondary seed dispersal in the fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes as well as in the mobile dunes in order to understand the limitations of vegetation regeneration and the maintenance of its stability. Our results indicated that there were significant variations among the selected 11 plant species in the threshold of wind speed (TWS). The TWS of Caragana korshinskii was the highest among the 11 plant species, whereas that of Echinops gmelinii was the lowest. Seed morphological traits and underlying surface could generally explain the TWS. During the secondary seed dispersal processes, the proportions of seeds that did not disperse (no dispersal) and only dispersed over short distance (short-distance dispersal within the wind tunnel test section) were significantly higher than those of seeds that were buried (including lost seeds) and dispersed over long distance (long-distance dispersal beyond the wind tunnel test section). Compared with other habitats, the mobile dunes were the most difficult places for secondary seed dispersal. Buried seeds were the easiest to be found in the semi-fixed sand dunes, whereas fixed sand dunes were the best sites for seeds that dispersed over long distance. The results of linear mixed models showed that after controlling the dispersal distance, smaller and rounder seeds dispersed farther. Shape index and wind speed were the two significant influencing factors on the burial of seeds. The explanatory power of wind speed, underlying surface, and seed morphological traits on the seeds that did not disperse and dispersed over short distance was far greater than that on the seeds that were buried and dispersed over long distance, implying that the processes and mechanisms of burial and long-distance dispersal are more complex. In summary, most seeds in the study area either did not move, were buried, or dispersed over short distance, promoting local vegetation regeneration.

  • Effect of coir geotextile and geocell on ephemeral gully erosion in the Mollisol region of Northeast China

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 土壤学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The unique geomorphological features and farming methods in the Mollisol region of Northeast China increase water catchment flow and aggravate the erosion of ephemeral gully (EG). Vegetation suffers from rain erosion and damage during the growth stage, which brings serious problems to the restoration of grass in the early stage. Therefore, effects of coir geotextile and geocell on EG erosion under four confluence intensities were researched in this study. Results of the simulated water discharge erosion test showed that when the confluence strength was less than 30 L/min, geocell and coir geotextile had a good effect on controlling EG erosion, and sediment yield of geocell and coir geotextile was reduced by 25.95%–37.82% and 73.73%–88.96%, respectively. However, when confluence intensity increased to 40 L/min, protective effect of coir geotextile decreased, and sediment yield rate increased sharply by 189.03%. When confluence intensity increased to 50 L/min, the protective effect of coir geotextile was lost. On the other hand, geocell showed that the greater the flow rate, the better the protective effect. In addition, with the increase in confluence intensity, erosion pattern of coir geotextile developed from sheet erosion to intermittent fall and then to completion of main rill, and the protective effect was gradually weakened. In contrast, the protective effect of EG under geocell was gradually enhanced from the continuous rill to the intermittent rill and finally to the intermittent fall. This study shows that coir geotextile and geocell can prevent EG erosion, and the effect of geocell is better than that of coir geotextile on the surface of EG.

  • Three-dimensional (3D) parametric measurements of individual gravels in the Gobi region using point cloud technique

    分类: 测绘科学技术 >> 测绘科学技术其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Gobi spans a large area of China, surpassing the combined expanse of mobile dunes and semi-fixed dunes. Its presence significantly influences the movement of sand and dust. However, the complex origins and diverse materials constituting the Gobi result in notable differences in saltation processes across various Gobi surfaces. It is challenging to describe these processes according to a uniform morphology. Therefore, it becomes imperative to articulate surface characteristics through parameters such as the three-dimensional (3D) size and shape of gravel. Collecting morphology information for Gobi gravels is essential for studying its genesis and sand saltation. To enhance the efficiency and information yield of gravel parameter measurements, this study conducted field experiments in the Gobi region across Dunhuang City, Guazhou County, and Yumen City (administrated by Jiuquan City), Gansu Province, China in March 2023. A research framework and methodology for measuring 3D parameters of gravel using point cloud were developed, alongside improved calculation formulas for 3D parameters including gravel grain size, volume, flatness, roundness, sphericity, and equivalent grain size. Leveraging multi-view geometry technology for 3D reconstruction allowed for establishing an optimal data acquisition scheme characterized by high point cloud reconstruction efficiency and clear quality. Additionally, the proposed methodology incorporated point cloud clustering, segmentation, and filtering techniques to isolate individual gravel point clouds. Advanced point cloud algorithms, including the Oriented Bounding Box (OBB), point cloud slicing method, and point cloud triangulation, were then deployed to calculate the 3D parameters of individual gravels. These systematic processes allow precise and detailed characterization of individual gravels. For gravel grain size and volume, the correlation coefficients between point cloud and manual measurements all exceeded 0.9000, confirming the feasibility of the proposed methodology for measuring 3D parameters of individual gravels. The proposed workflow yields accurate calculations of relevant parameters for Gobi gravels, providing essential data support for subsequent studies on Gobi environments.

  • Spatiotemporal variability of rain-on-snow events in the arid region of Northwest China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 大气科学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Rain-on-snow (ROS) events involve rainfall on snow surfaces, and the occurrence of ROS events can exacerbate water scarcity and ecosystem vulnerability in the arid region of Northwest China (ARNC). In this study, using daily snow depth data and daily meteorological data from 68 meteorological stations provided by the China Meteorological Administration National Meteorological Information Centre, we investigated the spatiotemporal variability of ROS events in the ARNC from 1978 to 2015 and examined the factors affecting these events and possible changes of future ROS events in the ARNC. The results showed that ROS events in the ARNC mainly occurred from October to May of the following year and were largely distributed in the Qilian Mountains, Tianshan Mountains, Ili River Valley, Tacheng Prefecture, and Altay Prefecture, with the Ili River Valley, Tacheng City, and Altay Mountains exhibiting the most occurrences. Based on the intensity of ROS events, the areas with the highest risk of flooding resulting from ROS events in the ARNC were the Tianshan Mountains, Ili River Valley, Tacheng City, and Altay Mountains. The number and intensity of ROS events in the ARNC largely increased from 1978 to 2015, mainly influenced by air temperature and the number of rainfall days. However, due to the snowpack abundance in areas experiencing frequent ROS events in the ARNC, snowpack changes exerted slight impact on ROS events, which is a temporary phenomenon. Furthermore, elevation imposed lesser impact on ROS events in the ARNC than other factors. In the ARNC, the start time of rainfall and the end time of snowpack gradually advanced from the spring of the current year to the winter of the previous year, while the end time of rainfall and the start time of snowpack gradually delayed from autumn to winter. This may lead to more ROS events in winter in the future. These results could provide a sound basis for managing water resources and mitigating related disasters caused by ROS events in the ARNC.

  • Assessment of runoff changes in the sub-basin of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China based on multiple methods

    分类: 地球科学 >> 水文学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Quantitative assessment of the impact of climate variability and human activities on runoff plays a pivotal role in water resource management and maintaining ecosystem integrity. This study considered six sub-basins in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China, to reveal the trend of the runoff evolution and clarify the driving factors of the changes during 1956–2020. Linear regression, Mann-Kendall test, and sliding t-test were used to study the trend of the hydrometeorological elements, while cumulative distance level and ordered clustering methods were applied to identify mutation points. The contributions of climate change and human disturbance to runoff changes were quantitatively assessed using three methods, i.e., the rainfall-runoff relationship method, slope variation method, and variable infiltration capacity (Budyko) hypothesis method. Then, the availability and stability of the three methods were compared. The results showed that the runoff in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin exhibited a decreasing trend from 1956 to 2020, with an abrupt change in 1985. For attribution analysis, the runoff series could be divided into two phases, i.e., 1961–1985 (baseline period) and 1986–2020 (changing period); and it was found that the rainfall-runoff relationship method with precipitation as the representative of climate factors had limited usability compared with the other two methods, while the slope variation and Budyko hypothesis methods had highly consistent results. Different factors showed different effects in the sub-basins of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Moreover, human disturbance was the main factor that contributed to the runoff changes, accounting for 53.0%–82.0%; and the contribution of climate factors to the runoff change was 17.0%–47.0%, making it the secondary factor, in which precipitation was the most representative climate factor. These results provide insights into how climate and anthropogenic changes synergistically influence the runoff of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin.

  • 《老年人潜在不适当处方筛查工具/处方遗漏筛查工具(STOPP/START)标准》解读:第3版

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 预防医学与公共卫生学 提交时间: 2024-04-15 合作期刊: 《中国全科医学》

    摘要: 老年人潜在不适当处方筛查工具(STOPP)/处方遗漏筛查工具(START)由2008年爱尔兰Cork大学附属医院专家组首次发表并予2015年进行第二次更新。自发表以来,该标准在发现老年人潜在不适当用药、加强对老年人滥用药物的监管、减少老年人药品不良事件等方面发挥了积极作用。2023年第3版STOPP/START标准发布,在第2版基础上增加、修订和删减了一些标准,最终形成190条潜在不适当用药标准。新标准根据最新的老年人合理用药研究结果和临床证据,提供了更新、更实用的循证医学依据。本文对STOPP/START标准(第3版)进行了详细的解读,为我国潜在不适当用药标准更新和完善提供参考,并对未来该领域的研究方向提出思考和建议。