您选择的条件: 2019-03-12
  • Mathematical principle of m×n resistor networks

    分类: 物理学 >> 交叉学科物理及相关领域的科学与技术 分类: 物理学 >> 普通物理:统计和量子力学,量子信息等 提交时间: 2019-03-12

    摘要: The unified processing and research of multiple network models are implemented, and a new theoretical breakthrough is made, which sets up two new theorems on evaluating the exact electrical characteristics (potential and resistance) of the complex m×n resistor networks by the Recursion-Transform method with potential parameters (RT-V), applies to a variety of different types of lattice structure with arbitrary boundaries such as the nonregular m×n rectangular networks and the nonregular m×n cylindrical networks. Our research gives the analytical solutions of electrical characteristics of the complex networks (finite, semi-infinite and infinite), which has not been solved before. As applications of the theorems, a series of analytical solutions of potential and resistance of the complex resistor networks are discovered. In particular, three novel mathematical propositions are discovered when comparing the resistance in two resistor networks, and many interesting trigonometric identities are discovered as well.

  • 汉字形声字识别中义符和声符的家族效应

    分类: 心理学 >> 认知心理学 提交时间: 2019-03-12

    摘要: 采用词汇判断任务和ERP技术,操纵义符和声符的家族大小,考察形声字识别中义符和声符的家族效应。结果发现:(1)当义符为大家族时,大家族声符字比小家族声符字诱发了更小的P200波幅;当义符为小家族时,大家族声符字和小家族声符字诱发的P200波幅差异不显著。(2)大家族声符字比小家族声符字诱发了更大的N400波幅,但当义符为大家族时,大、小家族声符字之间的差异比义符为小家族时更加显著。这说明,义符和声符的家族大小共同影响形声字识别,声符的家族效应受义符的家族大小调节。研究表明,在词汇识别的不同阶段,义符和声符对资源的获取处于变化状态,这取决于两者的呈现率差异。整个研究表明,在形声字识别中,义符与声符的作用存在着博弈,二者作用的此消彼长与加工阶段和家族大小有关。