  • Besov Estimates for Sub-elliptic Equations in the Heisenberg Group

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2024-02-22

    摘要: 本文研究Heisenberg群上非退化散度型次椭圆方程弱解的正则性。基于系数矩阵更一般的假设,本文针对齐次与非齐次两种情形,建立弱解在Besov空间中的水平Calderon-Zygmund估计。本文的研究将丰富发展Heisenberg群上非线性Calderon-Zygmund正则性理论。

  • A New Approach for Improving Pseudorandomness of Pseudorandom Sequences with Applications

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 分类: 物理学 >> 交叉学科物理及相关领域的科学与技术 提交时间: 2023-07-04

    摘要: 伪随机数发生器(PRNG)广泛应用于许多领域,尤其是在密码应用中。设计欠佳的PRNG生成的序列将导致其密钥较弱从而可能泄漏被隐藏的信息。基于Golomb对理想伪随机序列的假设和FIPS 140-2随机性检验准则,本文首次提出了一种改进伪随机序列伪随机性能的新方法。其次,用广义同步定理、Henon映射、logistic映射和tube射构造了一个新的8维混沌广义同步系统(8DCGSS)。然后使用8DCGSS设计了一个混沌PRNG(CPRNG)。CPRNG的密钥空间大于2^{1117}。用FIPS 140-2随机性测试规范和广义FIPS 140-2随机性测试规范分别检测了CPRNG、Matlab PRNG、RC4算法和m序列分别生成的1000条20 000比特长的密钥流的通过率,应用广义FIPS 140-2随机性测试规范分别评估了改进的密钥流流的通过率(伪随机性)。用FIPS 140-2和广义FIPS 140-2伪随机性测试规范分别评估了4个PRNG产生的1000条100 000比特长的密钥流和1000条1 000 000比特长的密钥流和改进的密钥流的通过率。结果表明,本文的方法能够显著提高四个PRNGs生成的密钥流的伪随机性。m序列伪随机数发生器生成的长度小于100 000比特的密钥流的伪随机性能不佳。

  • On Two Factors Affecting the Efficiency of MILP Models in Automated Cryptanalyses

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2023-02-15

    摘要: In recent years, mixed integer linear programming (MILP, in short) gradually becomes a popular tool of automated cryptanalyses in symmetric ciphers, which can be used to search differential characteristics and linear approximations with high probability/correlation. A key problem in the MILP method is how to build a proper model that can be solved efficiently in the MILP solvers like Gurobi or Cplex. It is known that a MILP problem is NP-hard, and the numbers of variables and inequalities are two important measures of its scale and time complexity. Whilst the solution space and the variables in many MILP models built for symmetric cryptanalyses are fixed without introducing dummy variables, the cardinality, i.e., the number of inequalities, is a main factor that might affect the runtime of MILP models. We notice that the norm of a MILP model, i.e., the maximal absolute value of all coefficients in its inequalities, is also an important factor affecting its runtime. In this work we will illustrate the effects of two parameters cardinality and norm of inequalities on the runtime of Gurobi by a large number of cryptanalysis experiments. Here we choose the popular MILP solver Gurobi and view it a black box, construct a large number of MILP models with different cardinalities or norms by means of differential analyses and impossible differential analyses for some classic block ciphers with SPN structure, and observe their runtimes in Gurobi. As a result, our experiments show that although minimizing the number of inequalities and the norm of coefficients might not always minimize the runtime, it is still a better choice in most situations.

  • Z2n上点集整系数线性不等式完全刻画

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-11-09

    摘要: 近年来,混合整数线性规划(MILP)被广泛用到对称密码的自动化分析中,并逐渐成为一个强有力的工具。在MILP方法中,一个核心的数学问题就是:对给定的Z2n上的高维离散点集S,如何利用尽可能少的不等式刻画它,简称整系数线性不等式完全刻画问题(FLIIIC problem)。该问题是NP-hard的。在这个工作中,我们是首次针对该问题给出了完整的求解理论。我们的方法从Plain集合出发,即由单个线性不等式确定的解集,揭示了其一系列内在属性,包括型、稀疏度、第一类退化、第二类退化,序、极小元、极大元、范数和界。在此基础上我们进一步给出了刻画Plain集合的一个充分必要条件,即集合S是Plain集合的充分必要条件是S集合是good集合。基于上述知识,对任意给定的子集S,我们提出了一个求解S的全部极小闭包和最优线性不等式完全刻画的算法。我们的算法非常高效且实用,可以应用到密码学中各种常见的S盒的刻画。据我们所知,这是首次给出了各种常见S盒的全部极小闭包,且我们得到的所有刻画结果都是目前最好的结果,尤其时在高维S盒刻画方面,我们的结果远优于国内外同行的结果。

  • 多因素影响分析的数量理论与方法

    分类: 信息科学与系统科学 >> 系统工程方法论 分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-10-30

    摘要: 多因素影响分析是经济数量分析的重要内容,有多种方法,其中,结构分解分析(SDA)在投入产出技术应用中被广泛使用。本文对SDA的缺陷做了深入说明,全面阐述新提出的多因素多阶影响分析(MMIA)技术。首先,定义了多因素影响分析和多因素多阶影响分析的基本概念,其次,阐明了多因素多阶影响分析与泰勒级数展开的关系,再次,提出了正向分析和逆向分析的概念和技术,最后,对MMIA在投入产出技术框架下的几个应用做了简要说明。

  • 一类线性权互补问题的修正全牛顿步可行内点算法

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-10-19 合作期刊: 《桂林电子科技大学学报》

    摘要: 作为互补问题的推广,权互补问题是一种重要的优化问题,可以建模一大类经济金融中的实际均衡问题。由于非零权向量的存在,权互补问题比互补问题复杂得多,因而目前关于权互补问题的算法并不多见。将线性优化的内点算法推广到权互补问题。基于中心路径的等价变换,提出求解非负象限上一类线性权互补问题的修正全牛顿步可行内点算法。在每次迭代时,算法无需进行线性搜索。在适当假设下,证明了算法的可行性,得到了算法的迭代复杂度。数值实验结果表明了算法的有效性。

  • 多随机函数可逆性问题及其在对称密码分析中的应用

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-10-12

    摘要: 随机函数可逆性问题是密码学中一类重要的问题,例如Hash函数原像恢复,分组密码密钥恢复,离散对称问题求解等等。在这个工作中,我们将随机函数可逆性问题从一维推广到高维,并提出了一个新的广义生日碰撞原理。基于该原理,我们给出了多随机函数可逆性问题的一个求解算法。该算法可以解决1980年Hellman在分组密码TMTO攻击中只能使用一对明密文数据而不能使用多个数据的公开问题,以及Biryukov和Shamir在2000年提出的带BSW采样的TMDTO攻击中只能使用极其少量的明密文数据而不是全部数据的公开问题。

  • 基于不动点理论的二阶微分-积分方程零解的渐近稳定性

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-09-27 合作期刊: 《桂林电子科技大学学报》

    摘要: 在不使用李亚普诺夫直接法的情况下,研究了一个二阶微分-积分方程的渐近稳定性。当微分-积分方程有无界的项或者时滞是无穷大时,利用李亚普诺夫直接法处理方程零解的渐近稳定性遇到了严重的困难。而本文利用不动点定理,得到了一类带有无穷时滞的中立型二阶微分-积分方程零解渐近稳定的充分必要条件。不动点定理解决了二阶微分-积分方程的零解的渐近稳定性问题,其结果不但解除了以往对无穷时滞的严格限制, 而且也明显减少对函数g 的限制。

  • 两参数布朗运动增量的一个泛函对数律

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-09-27 合作期刊: 《桂林电子科技大学学报》

    摘要: 针对两参数布朗运动及增量重对数律的问题,利用两参数布朗运动及其增量重对数律的大偏差作为工具,对布朗运动及其增量重对数律问题的有关结果做了适当改进,并推广到两参数布朗运动的情形,最终得到了两参数布朗运动增量的对数律。两参数布朗运动是由布朗运动推广得到的,具有一系列与布朗运动相对应的概率性质和分析性质,因此借助前人对布朗运动和布朗运动增量的重对数律的研究,加强两参数布朗运动重对数律的限定条件,得到了加强条件后的两参数布朗运动的一个泛函极限结果,即两参数布朗运动增量的对数律,并验证了结果的正确性。

  • 商品市场的可变波动率弹性模型

    分类: 数学 >> 统计和概率 分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2022-03-30

    摘要: In this paper, we propose and study a novel continuous-time model,based on the well-known constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model,to describe the asset price process.The basic idea is that the volatility elasticity of the CEV model can not be treated as a constantfrom the perspective of stochastic analysis.To address this issue, we deduce the price process of assetsfrom the perspective of volatility elasticity,propose the constant volatility elasticity (CVE) model,and further derive a more general variable volatility elasticity (VVE) model.Moreover, our model can describe the positive correlation between volatility and asset pricesexisting in the commodity markets,while CEV model can only describe the negative correlation.Through the empirical research on the financial market,many assets, especially commodities,often show this positive correlation phenomenon in some time periods,which shows that our model has strong practical application value.Finally, we provide the explicit pricing formula of European optionsbased on our model.This formula has an elegant form convenient to calculate,which is similarly to the renowned Black-Scholes formulaand of great significance to the research of derivatives market.

  • Some properties of a hyperbolic model of complex networks for the small parameter

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2021-12-15

    摘要: We analyze properties of degree and clustering of a hyperbolic geometric model of complex networks in small parameter case $\tau<1, 2\sigma<1$. We find that the probability of k-degree goes to 0 and the global clustering coefficient goes to 0 in probability too as the number of nodes $N\to\infty$ for some specific growth $R(N)$ of the region radius. Here the scale-free degree is failed and the connection between neighbors are very weak. The transition of properties of the model with the parameter $\sigma$ changes seems to show that the mobility is important to keep society full and stable communication, otherwise a silence society. Some analysis technique and method are first applied for such model.

  • Resonance Algorithm: A New Look at the Shortest Path Problem

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 分类: 计算机科学 >> 计算机软件 分类: 信息科学与系统科学 >> 信息与系统科学其他学科 提交时间: 2021-10-11

    摘要: The shortest path problem (SPP) is a classic problem and appears in a wide range of applications. Although a variety of algorithms already exist, new advances are still being made, mainly tuned for particular scenarios to have better performances. As a result, they become more and more technically complex and sophisticated. Here we developed a novel nature-inspired algorithm to compute all possible shortest paths between two nodes in a graph: Resonance Algorithm (RA), which is surprisingly simple and intuitive. Besides its simplicity, RA turns out to be much more time-efficient for large-scale graphs than the extended Dijkstra's algorithm (such that it gives all possible shortest paths). Moreover, RA can handle any undirected, directed, or mixed graphs, irrespective of loops, unweighted or positively-weighted edges, and can be implemented in a fully decentralized manner. These good properties ensure RA a wide range of applications.

  • Dating the First Case of COVID-19 Epidemic from a Probabilistic Perspective

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2021-09-22

    摘要: In the early days of the epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), due to insufficient knowledge of the pandemic, inadequate nucleic acid tests, lack of timely data reporting, etc., the origin time of the onset of COVID-19 is difficult to determine. Therefore, source tracing is crucial for infectious disease prevention and control. The purpose of this paper is to infer the origin time of pandemic of COVID-19 based on a data and model hybrid driven method. We model the testing positive rate to fit its actual trend, and use the least squares estimation to obtain the optimal model parameters. Further, the kernel density estimation is applied to infer the origin time of pandemic given the specific confidence probability. By selecting 12 representative regions in the United States for analysis, the dates of the first infected case with 50% confidence probability are mostly between August and October 2019, which are earlier than the officially announced date of the first confirmed case in the United States on January 20, 2020. The experimental results indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States starts to spread around September 2019 with a high confidence probability. In addition, the existing confirmed cases are also used in Wuhan City and Zhejiang Province in China to infer the origin time of COVID-19 and provide the confidence probability. The results show that the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in China is likely to begin in late December 2019.

  • 金融科技中支持区块链生态系统的一般共识博弈框架

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 分类: 管理学 >> 管理工程 分类: 信息科学与系统科学 >> 信息与系统科学其他学科 提交时间: 2020-03-31

    摘要: 本文的目的是建立区块链生态系统中采矿池博弈共识均衡的一般框架,特别是在区块链生态系统中,通过使用一个新的概念“共识博弈(Consensus Game)”,解释与挖掘差距(Gap Games)博弈行为相关的共识均衡存在的意义上的稳定性,这里,区块链生态系统主要是指应用2008年中本聪(Nakamoto)所提出的“工作证明”(Proof of Work) 这一关键共识,将区块链工作的费用、报酬机制和采矿权三类不同因素考虑在内的经济活动。 为了做到这一点,我们首先概述了采矿池游戏共识均衡的一般存在性是如何表述的,然后通过区块链共识框架下共识均衡的存在性来解释比特币缺口博弈 (Gap博弈) 稳定性,然后利用博弈论中矿工的利润函数作为收益,建立了一般矿业缺口博弈一致均衡的一般存在性结果。作为应用,建立了缺口博弈 (Gap博弈)一致均衡的一般存在性结果,这不仅有助于我们在区块链生态系统的一般框架下断言缺口博弈 (Gap博弈) 的一般稳定性的存在性,但也让我们能够说明在研究采矿池博弈时的一些不同现象,这些现象可能是由于采矿者的(Gap博弈)行为与嵌入比特币经济学的情景造成的。 我们对区块链生态系统挖掘缺口博弈稳定性的解释研究表明,共识均衡的概念可能对共识经济学基础理论的发展起到重要作用

  • 一道工序智能加工系统 RGV 调度模型

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2019-07-16

    摘要: 研究了一道工序智能加工系统轨道式自动引导车(RGV)调度问题. 该问题为2018年全国大学生数学建模竞赛B题的一部分. 系统由一辆轨道式自动引导车和若干台计算机数控机床(CNC)等部件组成, RGV操控多台CNC完成多个物料加工, RGV调度方案决定了系统的效率. 以 RGV的移动路径为决策变量, 以RGV在CNC上的操作结束时刻为时间节点, 以物料加工剩余时间为状态变量, 给出了问题的数学模型, 但模型中的部分参数以决策变量为下标. 通过定义新的变量和约束, 将模型修改为不含变量下标和分段函数的非线性混合整数规划模型. 最后给出了算例, 说明了模型的正确性和可操作性.

  • From limited-aperture to full-aperture

    分类: 数学 >> 计算数学 分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2017-08-22

    摘要: Many numerical methods have been proposed in the last 30 years for inverse problems. While very successful in many cases, progress has lagged in other areas of applications which are forced to rely on {\em limited-aperture} measurements. In this paper, we introduce some techniques to retrieve the other data that can not be measured directly. We consider the inverse acoustic scattering of time harmonic plane waves and take the scattering amplitude to be the measurements. Assume that the scattering amplitude can only be measured with observation directions restricted in $S^{n-1}_0$, which is compactly supported in the unit sphere. Based on the reciprocity relation of the scattering amplitude, we prove a special symmetric structure of the corresponding multi-static response matrix. This will also be verified by numerical examples. Combining this, with the help of the Green's formula for the scattered field, we introduce an iterative scheme to retrieve approximate {\em full-aperture} scattering amplitude. As an application, using a recently proposed direct sampling method [28], we consider the fast and robust sampling methods with {\em limited-aperture} measurements. Some numerical simulations are conducted with noisy data, and the results will further verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed data retrieval method and of the sampling method for inverse acoustic scattering problems.

  • 等边长网络上的动态围堵嫌犯模型

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2017-04-07

    摘要: 研究了动态围堵嫌犯问题, 假设网络边长相等, 交巡警与嫌犯的速度相等. 建立了嫌犯移动信息更新下的交巡警调度问题的0-1线性整数规划模型, 模型利用点截集条件使调度后的警力形成围堵圈, 并对嫌犯的逃跑行为建模, 由此得到了动态围堵嫌犯问题的动态模拟模型. 算例考虑分割非等边长网络的边, 然后将分割后的网络视为等边长网络.

  • 海盗分金问题数学原理的新差分模型初探

    分类: 数学 >> 应用数学 提交时间: 2016-07-07

    摘要: 自博弈论中有趣的海盗分金问题(Pirate Game(PG))提出以来,其在理论分析上,仅摘要:自博弈论中有趣的海盗分金问题(Pirate Game(PG))提出以来,其在理论分析上,仅限于逆向递推法和数列递推法。本文首先借鉴这两种方法建立一阶差分模型;而后,考虑到每个海盗不是绝对理性的,等级高的海盗需要依赖等级低一级的海盗的决策而做出最优决策,建立二阶时滞差分模型,在数学原理上对 PG 做深入分析:当τ= 0 时,与实际情况偏差较大;当时滞量 τ=1 时,模型的解和一阶差分模型的解一致,即在现实生活中也存在着做决策时直接咨询自己的第一副手的社会群体。从而,在现代分析方法的层次上,本文给出一个 PG 的新的合理的数学解释。